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RE: What did Jesus meant by "If you love me , FEED my Flocks "???

There is no account of Jesus in the Bible during the time he was 13 to 29. Documentary evidence (which the Church suppresses with all kinds of crooked arguments) reveals that Jesus spent this time in the Orient. He travelled to India, Ladakh, Tibet and Nepal both as a student learning from the Hindu and Buddhist masters and later as a teacher. (See The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus' 17-Year Journey to the East)

Even today in the Himalayan caves there are hundreds or thousands of masters who can perform miracles just like Jesus or even better. It is a common thing and common knowledge in India and if Jesus had continued to stay in India, he would have been just another master who lived in India.

In Hinduism it is common for people to greet each other with the utterance "Namaste." It simply translates to, "I bow to you." But in the context of Hinduism where everyone believes that the divinity indwells in everyone, the term "Namaste" is interpreted to mean "the Divinity in me bows to the divinity in you. " (See Meaning of Namaste)

Jesus, being a master himself with deep roots in the Orient, understood this deeply. He not only recognized the divinity indwelling in him but LIVED IT. He also recognized the divinity indwelling in everyone else.

Hence, he said, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." It is that deep understanding of an indwelling divinity within all us which made him say, "If you love me, feed the flocks."

I said earlier that Jesus not only recognized the divinity indwelling in him but LIVED IT. That is what gave him the power to do miracles. That is why Jesus also said to those astonished by his miracles that they too can do those miracles or more. What he really meant by that is if they "LIVED the indwelling divinity" they too can do those miracles. If you truly believe in Jesus and has faith in him, you would automatically live the indwelling divinity within you and you would also effortlessly do miracles as a duck takes to water.

Most of the other sayings of Jesus can also be linked back to "living the indwelling divinity within you."


Hi @juderita

By Birth , Jesus was a Jew . His Parents way of worshipping God ( Yahweh ) was Judaism , not according to any known or unknown oriental religion ! The Biblical account of Jesus Christ , whom Christians believe is the God who created all substantial and spiritual phenomena was as narrated , by Inspiration of God by fellow Jews . Their account should be given preference to any other as told by strangers !

If you are a Jew, will you believe a narration about your cousin by a complete stranger instead same by another cousin??

Miracles are supernatural interventions , not limited to Christians and Christianity . But the Bible made it clear that other miracles are definitely not powered by the Kingdom of God, but from its alternates !
Jesus ,the Christ represents the Kingdom of God !

Finally ,may we take note that the post didn't compare Jesus deityship with another's . It was strictly about why some of His disciples disobey His preference for SPIRITUALITY to their chosen carnality in material things!

The subject under discuss Wouldn't be understood by many non Christians , hence their attempt to discuss it will definitely miss the bull's eye .

Your contributions are however noted and appreciated as it is an excursion into another dimension of Jesus life !

Miracles are supernatural interventions , not limited to Christians and Christianity . But the Bible made it clear that other miracles are definitely not powered by the Kingdom of God, but from its alternates !

You are absolutely sure about yourself! You THINK you know. This is the problem with a large section of humanity. Listen to this video from start to finish or at least from 16.30m to 18.00m. It may help if you are open and able. You may be open but may not be able. Try it anyway.

Conversation With Matthew McConaughey reaction

I am able and always open minded , never stereotypical. This is why I do ask questions often !

But I am averse to the culture of REBELION to truth because it is fashion !

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