BS Update : Added Function for Transaction Form

in Steem Marketing3 years ago (edited)

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What is BS ?

BS ( Bank STEEM ) is a web-based swap application that I plan to develop in the near future. where later in this application, steemit users from Indonesia can easily buy steem or SBD with rupiah, and vice versa.

What is the Update today ?

Today i have successfully added a function to from transaction. Jasi now you can do transactions in BS. But I can't see the transaction history yet. I will make it in the near future.

Ouh yes, for the DBMS of this application I use firebase from google. every transaction will be stored in firebase and will be displayed again later in history.

Live demo :

how is the transaction process in BS?

you just enter what you want to swap. for example, IDR to rupiah. you just enter the amount of IDR in the form provided. and select the output you want. after the output is selected, the number of outputs will appear, for example, SBD. according to other market prices.

How much is the exchange fee at BS?

we only take 2% fee without any other fees. different from other exchanges, they take a conversion fee plus a widraw fee. we don't take widraw fees anymore.

Can we get the code from this application?

Of course, because this application is an open source application. so anyone can see it. I accidentally uploaded this app on my github. you can see at this link:

here my summary code:


              if(this.state.from==='IDR' ){
                  if(this.state.fromValue!==0 && this.state.toValue!==0 && this.state.username!=='' && this.state.memo!==''){
                    var db=firebase.firestore().collection("/transactions");
                        time:new Date().toLocaleString(),

                      alert('Please fill empty field !!')
                if(this.state.fromValue!==0 && this.state.toValue!==0 && this.state.bankNumber!=='' && this.state.bankName!==''){
                    this.setState({show1:true, memo:this.state.from+"-"+user.uid})
                    alert('Please fill empty field !!')
                alert('Please Login First !!')      


Proof of Work

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important link

Special thank

kind Regards


 3 years ago 

Once this complete things will be so much easier for steemians in indonesia, keep up the good work

 3 years ago 

I hope so too. Hopefully this project can run smoothly and according to our expectations.

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