Weekly Promoters Report - Member Indonesia (01/09/2021 - 07/09/2021)
The activity on the promosteem community page is growing day by day. New rules have been set for PromoSteem community members. This regulation aims to maintain the stability of the Steem Blockchain ecosystem and create investment value for the community.
We invite all loyal community members to learn about our new rules through the post How To Become PromoSteem MEMBER - ( Delegation & Power Up ). Basically, this new rule relates to the activity of delegation and power up of PromoSteem community members. So, we're really going to focus more on supporting those who do both actions.
Community members who have made delegations and power ups will be given a label or as a sign of their identity on the PromoSteem community page. This effort is to encourage more people to power up and have the awareness to support and raise a community that will bring value to every activity in the PromoSteem community. The provisions for labeling members of the PromoSteem community are as follows:
Member / PU level 1
- Minimum 50sp Delegation to @promosteem.com
- Minimum power 100sp
Member / PU level 2
- Minimum Delegation 100sp to @promosteem.com
- Minimum power 500sp
Member / PU level 3
- Minimum delegation 250sp to @promosteem.com
- Minimum power up 2500sp
Members who have met the requirements for the label will certainly receive various benefits, especially getting vote support from the @promosteem.com account. In Indonesia, we have more than 100 active members who have contributed to the PromoSteem community page. We will continue to provide guidance and upgrades to help them grow and develop on Steemit.
It should be noted that this is our weekly report posting about the activities carried out by members of the PromoSteem community from Indonesia. This report on the activities of PromoSteem community members from Indonesia was reviewed from Juli 04, 2021 to Juli 10, 2021. Here we attach the activities of our community members.
Member-Indonesia | Amount Post | Amount Power Up this week | Before Power up | After Power up | User Rating | PU Level |
@ponpase | 1 | 72.917 | 5,169.29 | 5,241.11 | 8 | 3 |
@sofian88 | 0 | 10.379 | 2,909.98 | 2,919.98 | 2 | - |
@bangmimi | 1 | 22.038 | 465.856 | 487.856 | 3 | 1 |
@muhajir169 | 0 | 53.215 | 742.134 | 795.531 | 4 | 2 |
@agus-kamil | 0 | 120.307 | 5.101 | 125.406 | 2 | - |
@fajrulakmal99 | 0 | 50 | 190.522 | 240.522 | 2 | - |
@sisol | 0 | 13.155 | 1,247.64 | 1,260.64 | 2 | - |
@gourdon | 0 | 3.885 | 1,332.00 | 1,335.00 | 4 | 2 |
@tucsond | 0 | 3,206.13 | 1,918.19 | 5,124.88 | 3 | - |
@ferifelanai | 1 | 33.268 | 346.123 | 379.313 | 3 | 1 |
@saifuddin73 | 0 | 71.9 | 541.23 | 612.339 | 3 | 1 |
@muhammadzikri | 0 | 60.848 | 1,333.23 | 1,393.64 | 2 | - |
@aiful | 0 | 5.764 | 395.162 | 400.162 | 3 | 1 |
@akbar2468 | 5 | 6.793 | 1,193.05 | 1,199.05 | 7 | 2 |
@nasrud | 3 | 86.551 | 204.723 | 290.723 | 2 | - |
@f2i5 | 3 | 97.853 | 527.761 | 624.103 | 3 | 1 |
@ikwal | 0 | 26.123 | 98.759 | 124.882 | 2 | - |
@bunda-monteski | 2 | 28.052 | 1.525 | 29.577 | 2 | - |
This week there are about 18 active members who do Power Up. The total value of the Steem Power powerup from the 18 accounts is 3,969.173. This week more than 1000 Steem have been temporarily frozen and have an impact on investment value for the advancement of the Steem Blockchain ecosystem.
The accounts that do the most powerups are @tucsond, @agus-kamil, and @f2i5. We hope that other community members will also do the same to bring investment value on Steemit. Thank you very much to all our loyal members who have supported the progress of the PromoSteem community.
Member Active
No | Account Name |
1 | @fahmibad, |
2 | @satriotomo, |
3 | @sofian88, |
4 | @atim1234, |
5 | @goresanpenaanfal, |
6 | @nadilchairi, |
7 | @teukumuhas, |
8 | @guski, |
9 | @ipolatjeh1988, |
10 | @cutagam, |
11 | @ridwant, |
12 | @abelanar11, |
13 | @bangmimi, |
14 | @abufarras, |
15 | @fajar.perangin79, |
16 | @agus80, |
17 | @adimantong, |
18 | @lapulga, |
19 | @aril.hatake, |
20 | @muhajir169, |
21 | @pieasant, |
22 | @agus-kamil, |
23 | @sogata, |
24 | @fajrulakmal99, |
25 | @fahmibad, |
26 | @irwandi, |
27 | @saiful87, |
28 | @sisol, |
29 | @gourdon, |
30 | @munawar0, |
31 | @naufal, |
32 | @podanrj, |
33 | @daiky69, |
34 | @tucsond, |
35 | @lingkar-photo, |
36 | @ziaulsteem, |
37 | @deksyech, |
38 | @muklis90, |
39 | @poenbit, |
40 | @maknaliterasi, |
41 | @ferifelanai, |
42 | @maepoong, |
43 | @buyahanan, |
44 | @saifuddin73, |
45 | @adipa, |
46 | @sazaliza, |
47 | @midun, |
48 | @khairil98, |
49 | @hattaarshavin, |
50 | @muhammadzikri, |
51 | @rzkmlnrhmn, |
52 | @aiful, |
53 | @munawir91 |
54 | @akbar2468 |
55 | @nasrud |
56 | @f2i5 |
57 | @bgnop |
58 | @ibnusakdan |
59 | @assidiq |
60 | @irwan83 |
61 | @akmal1 |
62 | @ikwal |
63 | @muhammadbakrie |
64 | @fikar22 |
65 | @mrys |
66 | @bunda-monteski |
67 | @zulhelmi20 |
68 | @teukuipul87 |
69 | @fwinanda |
This report aims to continue to provide guidance and motivate more users to take part in this action.
Bahasa Indonesia
Aktivitas pada halaman komunitas promosteem semakin hari semakin berkembang. Aturan baru telah ditetapkan untuk anggota komunitas PromoSteem. Aturan ini bertujuan untuk menjada stabilitas ekosistem Steem Blockchain dan menciptakan nilai investasi bagi komunitas.
Kami mengundang seluruh anggota komunitas setia untuk mempelajari aturan baru kami melalui postingan How To Become PromoSteem MEMBER - ( Delegation & Power Up ). Pada dasarnya aturan baru ini berhubungan dengan aktivitas delegasi dan power up anggota komunitas PromoSteem. Jadi, kita akan benar-benar lebih fokus untuk mendukung mereka yang melakukan kedua tindakan tersebut.
Anggota komunitas yang telah melakukan delagasi dan power up akan diberikan lebel ataupun sebagai tanda identitas mereka dihalaman komunitas PromoSteem. Upaya ini untuk mendorong lebih banyak orang melakukan powerup dan memiliki kesadaran untuk mendukung serta membesarkan komunitas yang akan membawa nilai untuk setiap aktivitas di komunitas PromoSteem. Adapun ketentuan untuk pemberian lebel bagi anggota komunitas PromoSteem adalah sebagai berikut :
Anggota / PU tingkat 1
- Minimal Delegasi 50sp ke @promosteem.com
- Daya minimal 100sp
Anggota / PU tingkat 2
- Minimal Delegasi 100sp ke @promosteem.com
- Daya minimal 500sp
Anggota / PU tingkat 3
- Minimal Delegasi 250sp ke @promosteem.com
- Daya Minimum naik 2500sp
Anggota yang telah memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan lebel tentu akan menerima berbagai manfaat terutama mendapatkan dukungan vote dari akun @promosteem.com. Di indonesia, kami memiliki lebih dari 100 anggota aktif yang telah berkontribusi di halaman komunitas PromoSteem. Kami akan terus melakukan panduan serta upgrading untuk membantu mereka agar semakin tumbuh dan berkembang di Steemit.
Perlu untuk dicatat bahwa ini merupakan postingan laporan mingguan kami tentang aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh anggota komunitas PromoSteem dari Indonesia. Laporan aktivitas anggota komunitas PromoSteem dari Indonesia ini ditinjau dari tanggal 04 Juli 2021 hingga 10 Juli 2021. Berikut ini kami lampirkan aktivitas anggota komunitas kami.
Member-Indonesia | Amount Post | Amount Power Up this week | Before Power up | After Power up | User Rating | PU Level |
@ponpase | 1 | 72.917 | 5,169.29 | 5,241.11 | 8 | 3 |
@sofian88 | 0 | 10.379 | 2,909.98 | 2,919.98 | 2 | - |
@bangmimi | 1 | 22.038 | 465.856 | 487.856 | 3 | 1 |
@muhajir169 | 0 | 53.215 | 742.134 | 795.531 | 4 | 2 |
@agus-kamil | 0 | 120.307 | 5.101 | 125.406 | 2 | - |
@fajrulakmal99 | 0 | 50 | 190.522 | 240.522 | 2 | - |
@sisol | 0 | 13.155 | 1,247.64 | 1,260.64 | 2 | - |
@gourdon | 0 | 3.885 | 1,332.00 | 1,335.00 | 4 | 2 |
@tucsond | 0 | 3,206.13 | 1,918.19 | 5,124.88 | 3 | - |
@ferifelanai | 1 | 33.268 | 346.123 | 379.313 | 3 | 1 |
@saifuddin73 | 0 | 71.9 | 541.23 | 612.339 | 3 | 1 |
@muhammadzikri | 0 | 60.848 | 1,333.23 | 1,393.64 | 2 | - |
@aiful | 0 | 5.764 | 395.162 | 400.162 | 3 | 1 |
@akbar2468 | 5 | 6.793 | 1,193.05 | 1,199.05 | 7 | 2 |
@nasrud | 3 | 86.551 | 204.723 | 290.723 | 2 | - |
@f2i5 | 3 | 97.853 | 527.761 | 624.103 | 3 | 1 |
@ikwal | 0 | 26.123 | 98.759 | 124.882 | 2 | - |
@bunda-monteski | 2 | 28.052 | 1.525 | 29.577 | 2 | - |
Pada minggu ini ada sekitar 18 anggota aktif yang melakukan Power Up. Total nilai powerup Steem Power dari 18 akun tersebut adalah sebesar 3,969.173. Minggu ini lebih dari 1000 Steem yang telah dibekukan sementara dan membawa dampak nilai investasi untuk kemajuan ekosistem Steem Blockchain.
Adapun akun yang paling banyak melakukan powerup adalah @tucsond, @agus-kamil, and @f2i5. Kami berharap anggota komunitas yang lainnya juga akan melakukan hal serupa untuk membawa nilai investasi di Steemit. Terima kasih banyak kepada seluruh anggota setia kami yang telah mendukung kemajuan komunitas PromoSteem.
Member Active
No | Account Name |
1 | @fahmibad, |
2 | @satriotomo, |
3 | @sofian88, |
4 | @atim1234, |
5 | @goresanpenaanfal, |
6 | @nadilchairi, |
7 | @teukumuhas, |
8 | @guski, |
9 | @ipolatjeh1988, |
10 | @cutagam, |
11 | @ridwant, |
12 | @abelanar11, |
13 | @bangmimi, |
14 | @abufarras, |
15 | @fajar.perangin79, |
16 | @agus80, |
17 | @adimantong, |
18 | @lapulga, |
19 | @aril.hatake, |
20 | @muhajir169, |
21 | @pieasant, |
22 | @agus-kamil, |
23 | @sogata, |
24 | @fajrulakmal99, |
25 | @fahmibad, |
26 | @irwandi, |
27 | @saiful87, |
28 | @sisol, |
29 | @gourdon, |
30 | @munawar0, |
31 | @naufal, |
32 | @podanrj, |
33 | @daiky69, |
34 | @tucsond, |
35 | @lingkar-photo, |
36 | @ziaulsteem, |
37 | @deksyech, |
38 | @muklis90, |
39 | @poenbit, |
40 | @maknaliterasi, |
41 | @ferifelanai, |
42 | @maepoong, |
43 | @buyahanan, |
44 | @saifuddin73, |
45 | @adipa, |
46 | @sazaliza, |
47 | @midun, |
48 | @khairil98, |
49 | @hattaarshavin, |
50 | @muhammadzikri, |
51 | @rzkmlnrhmn, |
52 | @aiful, |
53 | @munawir91 |
54 | @akbar2468 |
55 | @nasrud |
56 | @f2i5 |
57 | @bgnop |
58 | @ibnusakdan |
59 | @assidiq |
60 | @irwan83 |
61 | @akmal1 |
62 | @ikwal |
63 | @muhammadbakrie |
64 | @fikar22 |
65 | @mrys |
66 | @bunda-monteski |
67 | @zulhelmi20 |
68 | @teukuipul87 |
69 | @fwinanda |
Laporan ini bertujuan untuk terus memberikan panduan dan memotivasi lebih banyak pengguna untuk mengambil bagian dalam tindakan ini.
Come on Join the PromoSteem Community
If you have a # promo-steem activity, we are happy to invite you to contribute to the PromoSteem panel, this is the right place.
PromoSteem is open to everyone who wants to play a significant role in bringing more people to Steemit.
New Account | Purpose |
@promosteem.com | Become an account to curate great promoters on the hashtag #promo-steem |
PromoSteem Team
@arie.steem, @ponpase, @pojan
Promoters Team
Author : @pojan
cc: @steemcurator01, @stephenkendal,
@kevinwong, @steemchiller
Thanks for the report
Mantap bang
Thanks for the update.