in Steem Marketing2 years ago (edited)


It's your friend @mondraye and today we will be talking about how to grow on Steemit.

Yes, there are some things to do and others to avoid if one wants to grow on Steemit.

Steemians sometimes act in ways on Steemit that stop them from developing, and they wonder why they are not getting support for it.

I'll be outlining the dos and don'ts on Steemit in this post, and trust me, if you do, you'll progress with Steem.

We will start by talking about the necessary things users ought to do in other to grow on the Steemit platform.



One of the quickest ways to grow on Steemit is to consistently power up.

This will increase your Steem power and put you in a better position to help newcomers.

Additionally, by consistently powering up, you help keep the steem economy stable by removing a certain number of steems from circulation.

I know for a fact that a steemian will receive more support from the curators if they regularly power up.

Power boost increases your likelihood of joining a club.

On Steemit, there are 3 clubs: Club5050, Club75, and Club100.

You must have powered up 50% of your liquid profits within 30 days in order to be a member of club5050 ( 1month)

You must have powered up 75% of your liquid profits over a period of 60 days in order to qualify for club75 status ( 2months)

And to qualify for club100 status, you must power up all of your earnings for a 90-day period ( 3months).

  • My power up

To continue playing my little part on the growth of Steem economy, I have made a power up of 11.169 Steem.


How to check clubstatus

You can check your club status using two tools which include Steemcryptic and Steemworld

Start by logging in to steemcryptic. After which you input your username on the provided space and click on fetch steem power up ratio.

SteemcrypticInputted information
  • Result


Being consistent in power ups, I have been able to attain the #club100 status which I hope to keep maintaining through my consistent power ups.

Start by logging into Steemworld. After which you click on transfer search input your details in the provided spot.

Transfer searchSpace to input your details

After inputting your details correctly, click on search.
The details to input includes;

  • Changing the transfer from normal to vesting

  • Inputting your username on the avaliable space

  • Selecting the correct timeframe;
    #club5050 = 1 month
    #club75 = 2 months
    #club100 = 3 months

Inputting details accordinglyResult

From the above screenshot, we will see that I have been engaging in power ups from the 27th of May 2022 to 27th of August 2022 thus making it 3 months of active power ups.


Making frequent, insightful comments on steemit is another tried-and-true method for growing quickly.

By making consistent and insightful comments, patjewell and chiabertrand, for instance, were able to gain popularity on Steemit.

When we talk about pertinent comments, we don't necessarily mean comments like;

  • wonderful post.
  • I love your publication.
  • wow! Keep up the good work.

This type of commenting doesn't get you noticed because practically everyone does it; instead, you need to stand out, interact with the author, ask questions, make contributions, and, if feasible, share your experience.

See what steemcurator01 stated regarding leaving relevant comments.



Since steemit is a blogging platform, there are thousands of content creators here.

As we browsed Steemit, we came across a variety of posts written by various users who were talented writers. In order to stand out, your post must be of a high caliber.

Your post must have an audience, be instructive, and be at least 300 words long in order to be judged high quality.

Count the number of words in your content using word counter

In addition, your content should have an interesting tittle which will help draw the attention of other authors to it.

Tittles such as "How I spent my day" ain't catching and will bore authors on sight.

But spicing up titles to become more cstchy it what will help increase the engagement on your contents.


Some users do think that what matters most is the community you post in and forgetting to pay more attention to tags.

Tags are often more important than the community you post in because it allows your post to been by most users and curators on the platform who often follow tags in searching for contents.

I once came across a comment made by SC01 where he was laying emphasis on the use of tags as what they follow in searching for contents and not communities so making use of appropriate tags is very vital.

In as much as using tags is important, it is also important to avoid making use of tags that you ain't qualified for that is referred to as tag abuse and sometimes it comes with a penalty.

Some users who ain't qualified to use the clubdolphin tag do abuse it in hopes of getting votes from SC01 but that is often penalized than rewarded.

Also, some users who ain't qualified for certain clubs do make use of the club tag in other to get higher support and such behavior is often frowned at and should be avoided.



One lesson I've taken away from my experience on Steemit is that consistency is key to success because it makes it much harder to stand apart.

As many people believe, Steemit is not a platform for getting rich rapidly; instead, it rewards consistency.

Recall I already stated that one of the rules of Steemit is to create excellent posts, thus I wouldn't advise someone to create four articles every day as they will be of low quality.

As a result, you can decide to post at least one or two times per day.

Personally, I do make efforts to create at least one post daily but due to my tight schedule offline, I often doesn't meet up but the long and short of the whole thing still remains that consistency is a major key to success.


Newcomers might not understand the significance of this, but as steemians familiar with steemit, we are aware that it is important to follow steemitblog and visit them frequently for updates.

The Steemit team hosts a lot of initiatives on Steemit.

Some of the initiatives include the community curation team, the engagement challenge, and others. Consequently, you must frequently check Steemitblog in order to stay informed.

For instance, the #learnwithsteem tag was recently discontinued by the steemit team and replaced with team lucky dip. This new change can only be obtained by regularly visiting the steemitblog for updates.



Participating in competitions on Steemit is another thing people should do.

As steemians, taking part in contests broadens our perspective on Steemit. We can learn from and participate in contests related to cryptocurrency and steem growth.

Since there is never a contest on Steemit without a reward, entering contests can also help us win lovely prizes. We should make an effort to enter contests.

You can follow @disconnect, who frequently posts updates on daily contests, to be able to witness live contests.


Upvoting other articles is another crucial task that should be accomplished on Steemit.

No matter how little steem power we have, we should take it upon ourselves to reward quality content with our upvotes as Steemit is a platform that does so.

The process of curation should be completed collaboratively by all users, not just by steemcurators.

By consistently upvoting excellent posts, you raise your voting csi, which qualifies you for unique Steemit service benefits.

For instance, you must consistently upvote other Steemians in order to be chosen as a country representative.

  • My voting CSI

I have been able to make a total of 100 upvotes on 63 accounts in the last 7 days.



Knowing the dos on Steemit is crucial since it will enable you to contribute to the platform's growth.

If you adhere to the above methods, I can guarantee that you will love your time on Steemit.


Never underestimate the importance of having fun! We’ve re-shared this post! 💃🏽😎💚


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07


Curated By - @mato445
Curation Team - Cosmopolitan

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