My Promo Steem Journey #2 | [5 user join] - inviting My Friend to Join Steemit

in Steem Marketing3 years ago


My friend join steemit - @el-fajri

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Approximately ten days ago Steemit experienced a few disturbances, every phone number listed was invalid, so that the steemit promo process through hard selling that I did was a little hampered. Click here

Two days ago I received news from @naufal that the system was back to normal and my usual hard selling could start running again. Because in my opinion hard selling will be more influential, especially in convincing that steemit is a blog-based social media platform that can appreciate any content or work made.


When @el-fajri sign up steemit

I am not bored, I explain and explain the various kinds that can be done on this platform to my friends. Don't forget to make sure that royalty is not the main thing. But honing skills in written form is the most important thing.

"At least through steemit we can hone our writing skills, by writing we can live up to 1000 years, our names will be remembered by our children and grandchildren. So if not from now on when?

That's what I often tell my friends. Besides that, Steemit doesn't have to be a scientific article that we post. Our daily activities can also be posted in #thediarygame packaging, various cool photos taken can also be shared on WORLD OF EXPILAR, various delicious food menus throughout all over the world can be seen at #steemfood, and many other things can be learned or written on this platform.

The friend who invited this time before he already had a steemit account three years ago. However, because it was a long time ago, he lost his password. Tried to find and tried to remember where to store the password but could not find it because we often change cell phones and notebooks. Finally, he decided to create a new account with the name @el-fajri to be precise on Sunday, May 9, 2021.

Welcome back @el-fajri, hope you can be active and continue to contribute in incising various knowledge on this platform.

So far, since I returned to actively playing steemit, I have succeeded in getting 5 people to write on steemit (@syariai, @maknaliterasi, @katamigo, @tintalama, and @el-fajri). The Sahara Club members follow up to register for steemit after the mini workshop was held some time ago click here. Hopefully it can become Steemit as a place to hone skills, especially in the field of writing.

That would be a little story for me in inviting my friends to join Steemit. The hope is that in the future, the hard selling method that can be implemented can invite more people, especially my friends, to join together at Steemit.

Warm greetings especially,


Kurang lebih sepuluh hari yang lalu steemit mengalami sedikit gangguan, setiap nomor telepon yang dicantumkan tidak valid, sehingga proses promo steemit melalui hard selling yang saya lakukan sedikit terhambat. klik disini

Dua hari yang lalu saya mendapatkan kabar dari @naufal kalau sistemnya sudah kembali normal dan hard selling yang biasa saya lakukan bisa mulai berjalan lagi. Karena menurut saya hard selling akan lebih berpengaruh terutama dalam meyakinkan bahwa steemit adalah salah satu platform media sosial berbasis blog yang bisa mengapresiasi setiap konten atau karya yang dibuat.

Tidak bosan saya menjelaskan dan memaparkan berbagai macam yang bisa dilakukan diplatform ini kepada teman-teman saya. Tidak lupa mayakinkan bahwa royalti bukanlah hal yang utama. Melainkan mengasah kemampuan dalam bentuk tulisan adalah hal yang paling utama.

"setidaknya melalui steemit kita bisa mengasah kemampuan menulis kita, dengan menulis kita bisa hidup hingga 1000 tahun, nama kita akan diingat oleh anak cucu kita. Lantas kalau tidak mulai sekarang kapan lagi?

Itulah yang sering saya sampaikan kepada teman-teman saya. Selain itu di steemit tidak harus tulisan berbau artikel ilmiah yang kita posting. Aktivitas kita sehari-hari bisa juga diposting dalam kemasan #thediarygame, berbagai hasil foto keren yang diambil bisa juga di share di WORLD OF EXPILAR, berbagai menu makanan nikmat diseluruh penjuru dunia bisa dilihat di #steemfood, dan banyak lagi hal lain yang bisa dipelajari atau ditulis di platform ini.



Teman yang ajak kali ini sebelumnya beliau sudah mempunyai akun steemit tiga tahun yang lalu. Namun karena sudah lama fakum beliau kehilangan passwordnya. Sudah berusaha mencari dan mencoba mengingat tempat penyimpanan passwordnya namun tidak berhasil ditemukan karena sudah sering bergonta ganti telepon genggam dan notebook. Terakhir beliau memutuskan untuk membuat akun baru dengan nama @el-fajri tepatnya pada Minggu, 9 Mei 2021.

Selamat datang kembali @el-fajri semoga bisa aktif dan terus berkontribusi dalam menorehkan berbagai ilmu diplatform ini.

Sejauh ini, sejak saya kembali aktif bermain steemit saya sudah berhasil mengajak 5 orang untuk menulis di steemit (@syariai, @maknaliterasi, @katamigo, @tintalama, dan @el-fajri). Sedang berlangsung follow up anggota klub sahara untuk mendaftar steemit setelah diadakannya mini workshop beberapa waktu yang lalu klik disini. Semoga bisa menjadikam steemit sebagai wadah untuk mengasah kemampuan terutama dalam bidang kepenulisan.

Itulah kiranya sedikit cerita saya dalam mengajak teman saya agar bergabung di steemit. Harapannya semoga ke depan, metode hard selling yang lakukan bisa semakin banyak mengajak orang khususnya teman-temab saya untuk bergabung bersama-sama di steemit.

Salam hangat teristimewa,


PromoSteem Team
@arie.steem, @ponpase, @pojan

@julstamban Promoter - Philippines
@jassennessaj Promoter - Philippines
@vipnata Promoter - Italy
@mcsamm Promoter - Ghana
@nattybongo Promoter - Ghana

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Thanks to:
steemcurator01 @stephenkendal @dobartim @kevinwong
@steemchiller @xeldal

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Author @goresanpenaanfal

 3 years ago 

How has been the experience through your steem invitation?

Since returning to active in Steemit (Dormant) and every time I chat and hang out with my friends, I always offer them to join Steemit. I try to promote Steemit to those who I think are interested in the world of writing.

I illustrate that Steemit is a blog-based social media platform that will provide appreciation for the content we create. The appreciation is given in the form of an upvote which can later be exchanged for our country's currency.

At the beginning, I often remind those who are already interested not to have too much hope for money. because it can demoralize the spirit to write. not only my friends, even the writing community was also my target for promotion. like this

I think direct or face-to-face promotions are much more convincing than via media intermediaries. Face to face, I can immediately teach you how to introduce and make posts on Steemit because asking is not enough. We also have to provide education on how to write and post on Steemit.

Yap, i think that is my experience on steem invitation @mcsamm

 3 years ago 

Yang udah gabung, bisa langsung di follow up bang. Bantu arahin sesuai passion mereka masing-masing.

Good luck!

Siap InsyaAllah..
Akan tetap dan terus di follow up..

Thank you @ponpase

Congratulations...!!! You Got Upvote 100%
By: PromoSteem Community

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 3 years ago 

It is amazing what you did bro, it is not easy getting people to trust you and sign up and actually start writing and you managed to sign up 5 people who have also started writing, kudos and i wish you good luck too

Thank you @nattybongo, if there is a chance I will invite my friends to join Steemit

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