"Let's talk!" №18 - "The Internet in children's lives" // "Давайте поговорим" №18 - Интернет в жизни детей

in SteemFamily2 years ago

Hi all, the commentary competition is back with you! Today we invite you to talk about the internet and its impact on children.

Should you limit children's exposure to the internet? Or is it better to give them a certain freedom in terms of time and choices? Should we make any recommendations about what to watch or should we give them the freedom? If full freedom, at what age? Is it necessary to control the content that the child consumes?

Please comment on what you think about this. This is a very topical issue and needs to be discussed!

The results will be announced 21 July after 18:00 UTC. The authors of the top three comments will each receive 1 Steem!

Good luck!


Всем привет! Конкурс комментариев снова с вами! Сегодня мы предлагаем вам поговорить об Интернете и его влиянии на детей.

Надо ли ограничивать нахождение детей в Интернете? Или же лучше предоставлять определенную свободу по времени и возможностях выбора? Стоит ли давать какие-либо рекомендации по просмотру или же предоставлять свободу? Если давать полную свободу, то с какого возраста? Нужен ли контроль за контентом, который потребляет ребенок?

Пожалуйста, напишите, что думаете по этому поводу в комментариях. Вопрос крайне актуальный и требует обсуждения!

Итоги подведем 21 июля после 18:00 UTC. Авторы трех лучших комментариев получат по 1 Steem!



We live in a technological era and the only thing left for us is to take care of what our children see and supervise them, that does not mean that you manipulate them, we only take care of what they see

 2 years ago 

We live in a global area.Where the Internet has become a part of our daily lives.We cannot deny its importance.Everyone, young and old, is learning something from the internet or spending their spare time in it by doing something productive or just for entertainment.
For children, where there are advantages, there are disadvantages, because intensity of everything is harmful.
If we allow children to use the Internet, we need to be careful about what kind of links they go to and what kind of information they receive. Because what they get to learn, they get to see, they see it and it becomes a part of their personality.
Therefore, Being parents, we need to set a time so that you can manage it in such a set time and use it properly so that internet can be useful in their lives style positively.

I know we live in the technology age it's not like before, kids this days are smart with things, i won't say it's bad to allow them to have access to internet, you should allow them but put parental controls on it to allow them not to go extra miles, like there is a video that went viral it's about a 10 ages old girl with TikTok account that she post her sexy dance video that got many shock. It's better for you to expose them to some certain things, one thing you should know is that if you restrict your child too much at home when she goes out other kids will expose them to those things and it might be in the wrong ways. Internet have really corrupt so many kids, they was another video that a lady was crying because of her kid sister, she didn't know that her sister was busy watching s$x video, because the child is always deleting it after watching, the lady wake up one morning and decided to check her delete files on iphone she was shock to see what her sister was watching. One thing you should know is that the internet can make people or break people, it's just the two way round, give them that freedom but not too free. It doesn't matter the age because age it's just a number, there are.

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 2 years ago 

Опять озвучу свой опыт. Моим детям 13, у них есть планшет и телефоны. Но на гаджетах стоит родительский контроль. Его я снимаю только на каникулах. Все началось с первого класса, когда из оборота ушел телевизор, когда я поняла, что из фонового прибора он превратился в похитителя времени. Потом у нас были кнопочные телефоны. Ну и, когда стало необходимым пользование смартфоном, оказалось что он тоже крадет время. Так появились пароли и родительский контроль . И вот сейчас у нас заблокированы два телефона, потому что я разозлилась и в ярости поменяла очередной пароль(не делайте так))). В общем , я считаю, что пока детям нет 14/16или 18 лет , каждый родитель выбирает сам, и мы можем контролировать их действия в том числе в сети. Это выбор и право каждого родителя, я лично жду некоего осознанного момента у детей, когда они смогут сами контролировать количество времени проведённого в сети, а пока этот момент контролирую я, не всегда , иногда, а также то, что они смотрят . Это мой выбор.

Use of everything to the extreme is always bad. Just like every other thing internet also has advantages as well as disadvantages in our lives. Children life is a phase of learning. They learn everything they see or listen. So keeping them away from ourselves and close to internet or away for social media and close to ourselves is bad. If we don't keep a check on their internet usage and timings, then it may be harmful. Children nowadays knows more than adults. They know how to hide or delete their usage on internet. So, they mustn't be given their own personal internet devices. In my opinion internet is both useful and harmful. Children usually prefer videos on audios and articles and in internet they may get access to every kind of videos they want. We must have to keep an eye on them and make them able to differentiate between useful and harmful websites.

The internet has a huge impact on children. It can be a positive or negative one. It is important for parents to have a conversation with their children about the things they see online and how it relates to their lives. This can be done through having conversations about what their favorite websites are, what they like and dislike about them, and what they would like to see more of. Additionally, it is important for parents to teach their children about the dangers of the internet. This can be done by teaching them about scams, predators, and other dangers that exist online.

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