Contest:13 | Share with us Unforgettable life Horrible Moment

in SteemFamily2 years ago

10% of Rewards Donated to @steemit-family

Greetings friends!

Hope you all are doing great? I wish you all the best today in your weekend activities.

This contest organized by @uzma4882 really brought back memories of the horrible experience I've had in my lifetime and because it's unforgettable one I quickly remembered it when I came across this contest.

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My Unforgettable Life Horrible Moment

This happened back then in 2019 precisely in the month of July can't actually remember the date. During this time, my NYSC orientation camp period, I was traveling to the northern part of Nigeria at Kastina State for the very first time in my entire life. The journey is a very long one, like 2 days journey and the luxurious bus that I boarded at the park left around evening let's say 4pm because we were waiting for passengers to come fill the bus. As soon as the journey started I whispered a word of prayer to God for journey mercies and he answered my prayers. Actually it was a smooth one. But one thing that made it horrible was the fact that I when I looked out through the window in the night I was seeing thick thick forest like we were journeying in a forest. That must have been the time we got into one of the northern States I guessed! But that feeling was so horrible for me and coupled with the security issues going on in the North, I became very terrified and bursted into tears. My tears even drew the attention of an elderly woman that was sitting close to me and she started comforting me to stop crying that we were safe. Infact, she went ahead to make sure that the curtains on the luxurious bus were properly covered so that I wouldn't see anything outside again that very night. She was my Savior☺️


As we continued, We heard a sound on the bus. Our bus had broken down! oh no! That was not suppose to happen at that time of the midnight🥺 Where were we going to get a mechanic that could fix the bus! And again, my eyes were filled with tears. The driver pleaded with all the passengers to get down from the bus so that the fault could be worked on! How would this fault on the bus be fixed? I wondered with tears in my eyes. Finally we all came down from the bus and I noticed that we were in the middle of nowhere. No houses! No shops! Not even a single human being except for the passengers and driver. We were surrounded with bushes and mighty trees. For a second, I reasoned that we could be in Sahara dessert😩 I closed my eyes for few minutes and whispered a prayer for God to come and take charge. And almost immediately I heard some sounds under the bus and lo! and behold! it was a mechanic working on the bus. I smiled and asked a passenger close to me, How did we get a mechanic? And he answered, This transport company is really a nice one, they know that any fault can develop with their vehicle while travelling and coupled with the fact that we were on a night journey they thought it wise to put an experienced mechanic in the vehicle to travel with us in matters like this. I was so happy that at least we were not going to sleep in the bush till the next morning before we could continue our journey. The bus got fixed and we continued our journey. I got to the camp venue the following day in the evening and I thanked God for journey mercies. Since after this horrible unforgettable life experience of the night journey I had, I've not been involved in any night journey again and wish not to cus I do not want to have such horrible experience again.
Thanks for visiting my blog!


I invite @munalice @justin44 @chikelly19 @pato84 and @padosky to participate in this contest

Warm regards❤️

 2 years ago 

First experience is always like that. I can fell what you felt that day. It was a funny experience for you at all. Quite horrible indeed but thanks to Almighty Allah, you landed your destination safely and I hope you enjoyed your little stay in the north. Thanks for sharing and participating in this Contest @niglys8

 2 years ago 

It was really a horrible experience indeed.
Thank you for visiting my blog 🤗

 2 years ago 

You are most Warmly welcome

 2 years ago 

For a second, I reasoned that we could be in Sahara dessert😩 I closed my eyes for few minutes and whispered a prayer for God to come and take charge.

I had thought you would think it to be Sambisa forest. Hahaha.
Indeed the night is full of unpredictable and unimaginable happenings
I must commend you for the courage you garnered in the first place to embark on such a journey. God is always Watching over His own children amidst the horrors of the night. Thanks so much @niglys8 for extending the invitation of participation to me

 2 years ago 

Sambisa forest? Naa! I never imagined that.
Yea! God always comes through for his people.
Thanks for stopping by at my blog🤗

 2 years ago 

What a faithful God he is. Thanks for thanking me

 2 years ago 

You're welcome..

 2 years ago (edited)

forgive me @niglys8 but at a point i started laughing as i read your entry. I served in the north too although they said it middle belt. I served in plateau state so i know the distance you covered while travelling. Am glad you arrived safe even though the bus got bad in the road.

 2 years ago 

Hahaha!! This horrible experience wasn't funny then oo!
But remembering about it now, I laugh about it.
Oh! You can also relate too since you've been in the North before.
The journey is not here oo🙄

 2 years ago 

Yea i truly understand. Thank you for sharing with us

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