If You don't learn the Lesson, than the Lesson will Strike You...

in Steem Schools5 years ago (edited)

You didn't Learn the Lesson,

The Lesson will strike You Back,
You didn't Learn the Lesson,
The Life will strike You Back...

Karma means: As You Saw,

You will Reap,
You wiill be At Final Grip,
And there will be no Positive Life's Trip...


You didn't Learn the Lesson,

The Lesson will strike You Back,
You didn't Learn the Lesson,
The Life will strike You Back...

If You don't Read the Signs,

Nobody will Help You Find,
The §olution and Exit,
And You will be, new Brexit..

You didn't Learn the Lesson,

The Lesson will strike You Back,
You didn't Learn the Lesson,
The Life will strike You Back...

Original photo by Pixabay


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