Adjusting Financially from City Living to Countryside Living (with the help of little business and hardwork)

in Steem Schools6 months ago

Hello Everyone!

In my last blog, I discussed how my family eased our finances. In this blog, I will share how my family is adjusting financially from city Living to countryside living. You can check the blog How We Ease Up Our Finance which is also based on my experience with my family.

Being thrifty

First of all, when we moved here to the countryside I realized that we have to be thrifty. Being thrifty is not easy until we learn how to properly manage our finances. Life here in the countryside is not financially demanding, you just need to have rice to eat some vegetables in your garden then you will have the ability to save some money. Compared to the city living here in the countryside is a lot cheaper.


The prices of commodities here in the countryside are a lot more cheap than in the city. Here in the countryside, we do not pay for apartments. The only monthly payments that we have are internet, water, and electricity which are all cheap. Here we learn to be more mindful of our finances since both I and husband have to regular source of income. My husband is doing his best in planting vegetables and with his blog.


My husband is doing all he can to plant vegetables and together with his blogging I can see that he is very persistent in bringing food to the table. The reason why we ended up here is because of the agreement that my husband and my sister-in-law agreed upon which is she asked my husband to quit his job in exchange for him to manage their rice farm. But it didn't go well and end up in oblivion. Now that our savings can only last for more than a month I do not know what the future would bring us. My husband actually has some Calamondin he is taking care of but it is way far from harvesting (maybe six months).

Little business

With my husband's little business of "electronic loading" which I think does not have an impact because of the very small profit, we learned to adjust our finances. It is a good thing that most of the time we are eating vegetables frequently and not not meat. At this moment in time, I am praying that miracle will happen until my husband's calamondin starts fruiting.

undefined_image (1).png

Note: The image of a lady above was generated from SeaArt

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