Steem Communities Are Oases of Success Due To The Strong Support of The Steemit Team and Their Leadership

in Steem Schools3 years ago
In the almost four years I’ve been on Steemit, I’ve never seen this much users support, this is really amazing. First I want to thank the Steem Schools community for being supported in a remarkable way by @steemurator01, booming, and other Steem Curators. Without your support the Steem Schools community and the number of users would not grow, you are doing an amazing job, and I dedicate this post to your dedicated and successful work. I want to thank all the community leaders, all users who are active and who write creative and great posts, and especially those who are most supportive of community growth and Steem values. Thanks to the support of the Steemit Team, the main people for Steemit development today we have a beautiful image and harmony, we have many users who have become successful, many have been helped to have money for basic necessities of life, our main mission is to beat world poverty. I write a lot of posts about business because I'm sorry that a project like this doesn't grow continuously, I'm sorry that the value of Steem is falling, I'm sure there is a way to satisfy all users and that Steem value is growing, so I gave some suggestions in a previous post. My question is how to raise Steem value and at the same time help all users, to have a massive influx of new users every day, to make our posts really high quality and to brand Steem blockchain. Each user has the opportunity to witness how many benefits we have received, how many people have huge support, how many lives the Steemit Team together with @steemcurator01 and other curators have saved! All the beneficiaries who have received support, all the community leaders, we need to be responsible and continue as leaders with this wonderful mission, we need to support others users and most of all those who make the greatest contribution. We do not compete with each other, we need to support each other in the best possible way, the synergy of diversity is the most powerful creator of ideas and projects, a good team always wins. I have to say that the Steemit team and Steemcurators for their job that is responsible, hard, should get the highest earnings, they deserve it. I also like to see the most deserving users when they get the most support, it’s a great way to stimulate real leaders.

Steem United.png

I also want to say that it is important that everything that Steemit Team and Steem Curators do should have our support and responsibility, and that is to progress and raise Steem value because without that all the work that has been invested can fail. That is why we need to educate every user, to support those who write quality posts, who raise Steem Power, who do not withdraw every SBD from the account, those who bring investors, those users who support other users. If we start working that way, then everyone will follow our example, that way we will add Steem value. We need to make a promotion for local companies to accept Steem instead of money (if possible), to explain to them that they can beholders, that there is potential to make money as investors, in any case, it is a great option for Steem value. We can connect with chambers of commerce, we can support the economy in this way because many companies lack money, this is another option (if they give a discount when we buy with Steem) to be useful for both companies and us. This is a better way than selling Steem on coin exchanges because Steem will stay in the system, the price will not fall. It’s a great solution for those users who have to take money out of the account for their living needs, I’m sure we can make good results if we all work together on it.

Steem communities are decentralized, they have huge support for quality work, it is time to go a step further and raise Steem value. We do this for us, our children, and the children of our children, we have the responsibility, the duty and the obligation to achieve great Steem success. We don't have to wait for others to make Steem worth $ 10, we can do it if we really want to, if we do it right, and if we work together. I have opened a special room on the discord channel for all community leaders, it would be good to have weekly meetings, to share ideas, to exchange strategies and to organize common goals in the interest of all users and Steem values. We all represent Steemit together, certainly, the witnesses are welcome at each of our meetings as well as the Steemit team, it can be a real synergy of knowledge and enthusiasm that will help us climb to the top of the blockchain world. This is my initiative, certainly, meetings do not have to be held on my discord server, it is even better that each community that has a discord channel opens one room for community leaders, and that we have a meeting every week on a different discord channel, in this way we show solidarity and collaboration with all Steemit users.

Steem On - Power Up


Only those who are persistent reach the goal.

It’s time for us all to become a powerful Steem team together, that’s what I believe in, that’s what we all need now.

Your future begins now, with your decision that Steem is a part of your life.

We Win Together
One Mission
One Goal
See you at the top


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I read your new post without getting bored. It's a good post. It has been an article that excites those who seek support and share to improve themselves. Thank you. I hope the support you receive will increase. I need time for Steemit and I want to speed up time. :)

We win togehter. Thank you very much

Thank you @dobartim

You are welcome

Totally true friend @dobartim, if I did not have to get money from steemit to cover the basic needs of my family, which until now had been on the ground, I would delegate everything to steem power.
However, in three days I have made my steem power go up a bit and I will continue to do so.
I know I will make it.

See you at the top

Awesome dear @nelita66

you are extraordinary.
Your hard work from the past is not in vain.
Congratulations on your win now Mr. @dobartim.

My victory is successful when we all win.

Team work is very necessary for us to move far.
When you want to move fast walk alone but when you want to move far then walk with people, that is team spirit. Team spirit propels and accelarates progress let's steem up together and we will get to the top.

See you at the top

I agree with you, curators work very well. The support system is exceptional, never seen on Steemit before. Our curator deserves attention and words of gratitude.



Friend, this time you wrote a great story, as a real team leader, as you always do.
That's how people who are motivated, who want to do more, work.
Helping others is also helping yourself in every way.
I’m making a life story, it’s not easy for me but I won’t give up because I’m a fighter. I want to show myself that I can and want to enjoy my work, that what I do fulfills me, and that I am a smiling face every day, every moment of my life. If I am truly smiling, filled with joy, my family as well as my friends around me or with whom I work remotely such as people around the world on Steemit or some other people I have contact with will receive my positive energy and they will be like that. Many people do not understand the universe.
I know you understand what I mean.
I greet you and, see you at the top. :)

Prijatelju, ovog puta si baš odličnu priču napisao, kao pravi vođa tima, kao i uvek što radiš.
TAko rade ljudi koji su motivisani, koji žele napraviti više.
Pomagati drugima je i pomoć sebi u svakom pogledu.
Pravim životnu priču, nije mi lako ali neću odustati jer sam ja borac. Želim pokazati sebi da ja to mogu i želim uživati u svom radu, da ono što radim da me ispunjava i da budem nasmejanog lica svaki dan, svaki tren mog života. Ako sam ja istinski nasmejan, ispunjen radošću, moja porodica kao i moji prijatelji koji su oko mene ili sa kojima sarađujem na daljinu kao što su ljudi širom sveta na Steemitu ili neki drugi ljudi sa kojima imam kontakt, primaće moju pozitivnu energiju pa će i oni biti takvi. Mnogi ljudi nerazumeju univerzum.
Znam da me ti razumeš šta želim reći.
Pozdravljam te i, vidimo se na vrhu. :)

I like your posts and your community. Please help me in your community about . Y posts because I m a new user.

All the beneficiaries who have received support, all the community leaders, we need to be responsible and continue as leaders with this wonderful mission, we need to support the other users and especially those who make the greatest contribution.

Friend I do not stop learning with each word spoken by you, a question could I be on that discord channel? I am not a community leader but eager to learn.

We definitely need to be responsible for the use of what is being delivered to us, give back and raise the steem, let's do it !!!

Steem On - Power Up

We win togrther

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