Commenting - waste of time

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕlast month (edited)

weekend chit chat(1).jpg


Yes, I did it again, and even more than before. I thought, what the h... I will bring a bit of life to a community and comment on 12 posts. It took me at least 4 hours and I wasn't just a short note. I wrote, thought, studied, and typed and did my stinking best. The result? ....

Since this is the second week of being a member of Team True Colours we are hunting for comments. I tell you that is a very hard task unless I upvote me. I thought about it just to make a statement because if you like it or not if it comes to comments I am one of those few who always does (@pousinha, @rashid001, @stef1, and @jiya99 do too, there are a few more but I can't mention them since if you tag more than one person those notifications never arrive).
So if it comes to comments all roads don't lead to Rome but to a few Steemians only (who have ever thought that right).
Where to find the good comments? Mainly where good commenters (are they entertainers?) are people who don't stop writing, answering, and triggering the imagination, and of course, you have something in common if not love, hate works too.

STOP commenting

That is what I told myself yesterday after hours of typing and my hands hurt. For sure they are changing into the claws my foresaid will happen if hold your phone for many hours a day (not to mention the pain issues in your hand and wrist - anyone on Steemit ever thought about this?).
The result is not an inbox full of great replies. If it comes to that it's awkward silent, comments I only receive from a few who do read me, and a part of them I speak elsewhere (no, not Discord or WhatsApp it's way too time-consuming and I already sleep only 3 hours per night).

In short, the time I invested in reading and writing comments is a huge waste of time! By the way, I also upvoted because that's what I do and it's also a help if I scroll through a list of posts to see what I already read.
How to continue? By limiting my comments. I no longer see it as a way to engage because 95% will never answer an exception is if I am SC because that's way more interesting (except a few which I for sure stay in touch with).


AI lies, this guy received comments from the same lady only. Watch his face if he opens the one she says she doesn't like him.

Would you like to receive a comment?

I have some tips for you and one of them is to go abroad and use a translator to try to communicate. For sure that will go wrong and before you know you insulted someone without being aware of it. With some luck, the insulted one says why and you can start a conversation (or you let it be since anger, envy, and so on walk hand in hand through the land of big egos. I can tell it's a great place to be. How to get there? Take Steemit's backdoor and go to comments or replies. This is the place where you should be and you discover that commenting is overrated. A few words do the trick as well, or a cute photo of a sportscar, a cat, or a song. A video of dancing lessons is an option as well but if you share that the one who asked for it will never leave you an answer. My tip: make someone angry (also a great test if it comes to friendship).

also valuable information if you are not coding

Commenting is together with the act of kindness not rewarding.

except for that small circle of cool people you already know. Invest in those you know and don't waste time in people who don't appreciate your comment. How to figure that out? Check the author's comments. If you always see the "okay, thank you" or the same "supportive" words you know there's no need to invest in such a person after everyone is here for the money, like an acquaintance lately said and with these words, I end this episode of commenting.

I also thought that if mainly comments were upvoted Steemians would change their habit a bit. Perhaps they will if the upvotes always go to the same people. This is worth a test since just dropping a post is not what makes one committed to Steemit.



Header/Photogrid: Canva

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
If you wrote something good you can tag me, original (no AI-written) stories/tales only. You do not need to join a club to be read and upvoted and you can post wherever you like. I suggest the freewriters or @hive-107855 the Dream

Steem. Use the tag # story
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

#steemit #chat #comment #forum #kittywu #steemexclusive


Obviously it's necessary to pick your battles, but you shouldn't pour the baby out with the bathwater. I'll spare you additional platitudes, but for me writing comments is more than just fishing for replies. It's an extension of my creative self-expression and overall good exercise. Not only in terms of the technical aspects of writing, but in terms of the way I think.

Could be dropping pebbles into a bottemless pit and listening for a bang, unsure, but I figure you shouldn't preoccupy yourself with high expectations. Don't get me wrong, recognition is nice (and I'm grateful for it), nevertheless I'm trying to be stoic about it. Anything but that is driving me insane and so I just stay true to myself, rather than trying to please everybody. I'm not indifferent, just... time managing the battles in my own head. I guess.

Wasting time is a legitimate concern, but then I'd say mini-maxing your output has its own issues. Like posting a million cat images (I like them actually), about as much as dropping unsolicited essays everywhere. The latter being my personal malfunction :-).

Thanks Kitty!

 last month 

you are welcome and I love your comment, only 250 more replies to check.
no comment I should try for a week.
A great weekend, I stop by again, and keep writing, Know you make me laugh and I enjoy reading you.

At least somebody does :-)

 last month 

yes, here I am again.. how is your weekend?

Oh, pretty decent actually. Ate some spaghetti, did some yardwork, took a shower. Exciting stuff. Fall seems to be kicking in, but summer had a last hurrah with a little bit of sunshine. So I won't complain.

 last month 

The weather isn't that great here. Rain, rain and rain and I had to search for winter clothes. So far the warming up of Earth the Summer has been extremely short, perhaps it's time to emigrate to
Did you harvest all the tomatoes? I only have walnuts, the wolves already started eating them.

See you soon.. still trying to work myself through the notifications. Too busy tomorrow perhaps I should click that button and let it be.

Me hizo mucha gracia cuando dijiste que enojar también es un buen estimulo para desencadenar comentarios... y es que en Steemit se desencadenan grandes discusiones a partir de un malentendido, un enojo, o de personas exigiendo "sus derechos". Te confieso que antes me preocupaba este tipo de reacciones pero luego de mucho tiempo ya lo veo como algo natural, algunas personas les cuesta salir del enojo para ver lo diferente, lo fresco, para comprender al otro, incluso para entender la realidad. Y es que el mundo no gira alrededor de nosotros, el mundo tiene su propia forma de girar.

Y digo todo esto a propósito de tu bien intencionado comentario de ayer tratando de explicar la forma de mirar, usando el ejemplo de un pequeño de 3 años... Yo no vi allí nada malo, me pareció que esa fue la forma más sencilla de explicarle a las personas la forma de mirar, y no había allí más intención que eso.

Si fuéramos capaces de mirar más allá lo que se quiere decir, y no solo interpretar lo que creemos que nos afecta, sin dudas ampliaríamos nuestra mente.

Es gracioso, repito, porque el ejercicio de mirar de forma simple esta relacionado mucho con eso: con ver, escuchar, percibir, lo que es, al menos antes de intentar teñirlo con nuestros prejuicios...

Así que si un detonante es el malestar, esta bien, si eso hace que la gente se salga de su lugar cómodo a expresarse de forma autentica, natural.

En fin... quería comentarte algo de lo que he visto estos días...

Es genial comentar, y lo que hago para no sentir que es una perdida de tiempo es hacerlo en los sitios y con las personas que me llamen la atención... Es como todo en la vida, hay que hacerlo por gusto, por curiosidad, por una necesidad de expresarse...🙂 Y como todo, cuando no queremos, pues no lo hacemos, y también esta bien.

Al final nos quedaremos donde nos sentimos bien.

 last month 

look @stef1 this is another long comment and it's a good one don't you agree?

Of course we can say people are tired of long comments but it's the same as saying that no one likes to read and we have to change whatever we write into a photo with one word to attract followers.

Social media, a good platform should have the mix of everything we like and are in real life. If this is not the case we will only have one type of people, we can not expand our horizons and learn or see something new.

Just like commenting it's good to take a step back and look though the eyes of a 3 or 2-year-old at the world. For sure by doing this, and we all should try this more often, a completely different world is shown with new insights and joys.

For sure I will keep commenting but it was good to try it out and see how people respond. I already discovered years ago how to write comments where people would not respond at which quiteiet easy and saves time although it most likely would not work for me because I am the one replying on an "okay" only. LOL

You are right, I should be pickier about who to answer and who not.. for a longer period I only commented 3 people and answered them.. and 3 again.. (in short time I have 100).

@mikitaly @ronnie10 @grebmot @dartnava

I will add to what @wakeupkitty said my personal opinion..

Regarding "people prefer a summarized version of what you want to say":
I sort of agree, as people feel safer staying with their own opinion. It is their comfort zone. Writing a long comment have a bigger chance in showing differences with your supporting evidence. On top of that, people would have an easier task of disagreeing with you, if you put no proof. So, it is much safer to read short responses. In addition, we can clearly see the change of behavior when the Social Media was introduced. People are now used to 20 seconds video summarizing all books of a certain author.

Regarding the fact that, getting a higher chance of response. It depends. I will not consider those who don't open their comments for the sake of this argument. For those of us who do, I think it is safe to say that putting a personal touch with sincere words would more likely be responded to it. Whether the comment was good or bad. For instance, if you comment with "Well said" doesn't sound like picking one thing that you like adding to, or asking for more clarification on.

@mikitaly @stef1 @grebmot @dartnava

 last month 

For sure a personal touch will make the difference if read and if time. To be honest I find it hard to believe to see within 20 seconds all books of the writer. I doubt it's interesting for someone who loves to read (I still visit a bookshop and like to see myself before I buy and with us a good bookshop has places to sit and read and you can take your time.)

The answer to the question most likely is a mix between "no comment" and do what feels good for you since it's not said you will be read.

@el-nailul @eveetim

 last month 

That's right. We can't let anyone thought as we. We select people things that are approachable and that suits us. We say we like them and want to have them.

Some like engaging with others and some post and disappear we can't say they were not perhaps they were busy in something else. We can't force anyone to do things that we want. But the thing is that

Efforts shows sincerety love affection. Not everything surrounds with money. We all know how rich people are depressed they wanted to have someone to engaged with.
They need conversation. But some don't because they had no time.

Everyone loves the things because they have their own mindset just like Introverts didn't like to make friendship with extrovert and viceversa.

Everyone has their own demands.
But we should be available and do efforts for those who needs us not for those who dont like and don't care for us.

Stay blessed🍀❤️

 last month 

Hi @inspiracion agree with you good comment are always coming from heart, sincere and have a message. In order to be able to do so people need to have a will to take time and think what they want to put into words. Often it is easy to say rather than to put in words and we need to be couscous that the person do not misinterprets that. I think in general even good comment can be short if it has all necessary points to share and even long comments sometimes could be rubbish, like you probably can recall from previous engagement challenges when people tried to write more and long in order to win the challenge.
It is not easy to be a good commenter but with taking time and effort we all can learn and get better. It was nice to hear your opinion to this topic, see you around :)

 last month 

It is very good question commenting is it wasting time or something effective, helpful, funny?

The most comments usually come back to the critical questions, to the "hot topics" the reason why, is because this is an area where we all have different opinion and would like to share it, would like to explain and sometimes to convince people. It is not easy job but you might also have noticed that the matter is not of expressing our thoughts and stand but how we do it.

Actually, there are people who are very good in responding in such situation, they are real diplomats because they express their opinion but the same time they stay neutral, probably Politician should have such tutorial :)

I think it is important to read and understand what is in post reflected, to accept it because we all have different points. To stay fair, respectful because we all deserve that and express our opinion, which even after our explanation could be not accepted.

What I actually also noticed, that in any critical posts many stay away because they do who want to show up themselves, often they do not want to fall as a victim between two parties, like there are often situation when I was criticising the Steemit Team those posts did not have many comments which was funny, people did not want to be "bad guy" but I do not care, it is life and it is good to know what people think from a person directly.

I believe if the post neutral about events, diary, anything a person did then I do not think in such situation comments should be lengthy except there is really something that you wanted to tell and comment automatically became long. I believe the person who did post and received a long comment where not much to answer also will be confused and it is you know yourself weird situation to respond short to a long comment.

It seems to be that becoming a good commenter is also a kind of experience that we learn while we are doing that. That is why it is easy just to count on our fingers those ones who are very good commenters and we now see more of comments of those people are supported. I hope you also noticed that. Well, wishing you nice day and as always great to chat with you.

 last month 

Commenting on Steemit is meant to engage, that's how I see it. If this isn't the case and we only have to say : well done, we can add a thumbs up or thumbs down or we sacrificed with the idea of an upvote. I say idea because I noticed many upvotes given are 0 even if it's given by someone with a big wallet. This trick I also see done by newbies to get a higher CSI - 3% of nothing... but nowhere proof they read or ever commented.

Long, short if it comes to comments (and engagement) I agree it can be learned but also that if you never talk and only cite what is written a real engagement does not exist. If this is not what we want I prefer to drop my personal comment where I have read or like to use my own bot to answer.
If you know anyone who can help me out/explain, please. Seem for investing Steem bot o whatever. I think my community deserves that and should not only pay and upvote others.

I meet plenty of people who love to receive a comment and want to engage and ask for a friend.

Thanks for stopping by so fast again and typing your fingers off. Teaching commenting is planned.

Yes, I noticed commenting is more rewarded. We mainly upvote comments. Many of mone are unrewarded by the way.


UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

 last month 

Yes, it is life, I believe from the old rewarding scheme we got used to upvote comments w. SCXX with small % although often they have better content and worth of support, like I remember one person said I would love to re-steem your comment but it is not possible.

I hope from now on with your introduction of voting comments with the same strength as a post may encourage other curators to do so. But I am afraid that there will be again some who will give high upvote to comment that might not be as good as supposed to be, we are all human and all do that mistake.

In my opinion your every comment deserves upvote, you are a real gain for Steemit platform!

 last month (edited)

That I wish I could do too resteeming a comment. Pity that option isn't given.

If it comes to voting comments the long ones we upvote higher than a post. Why because I notice that if I upvote comments I have to do that with a higher percentage than if I upvote with the same amount on a post!

There are many great, super long, and informative comments and one leads to the next. I go from comment to replies, see a new name, and read again the comments and replies and you read completely different content. Photos, videos, great reports, interaction, engagement everything you don't see if you only see a post. Not many will read the comment section which is kind of a pity but also understandable because that load button isn't easy and if you read one comment and want to go back to the comment section you have to scroll the entire list again. Can be this is only with phones but it's not easy and at times my eyes hurt if I scroll down fast to see the second page of the comment section.

 last month 

The best to get a laptop, you will be able to write more and it will be more enjoyable :)

 last month 

I want to change the world, but I'm afraid I might lost myself in the process... :-)

I want everyone to walk on the straight path and think about each other, but in their pursuit, I might forget myself. Honestly, I didn't used to pay attention to comments earlier. I would just post and disappear.

But then I started noticing your comments reading your posts, and you made me realize the importance of engaging with others. Initially, your tone seemed harsh to me, but I understood that you were right. That's when my mindset started to change, and I realized that what I was doing earlier was wrong.

Like you, I'm also stuck to my mobile screen for 18 hours a day, and my eyes get tired. My wife thinks I'm addicted to my mobile, but I tell her that we have to lose something to gain something. If I sacrifice my comfort for the happiness of my children, maybe I'll get some reward.

But you know that no one can force anyone here; everyone is their own king.

 last month (edited)

18 hours is a lot, too much and it sounds to me like your wife is right. Perhaps you will be rewarded one day although you never engaged with those at home. Is it worth the price you way and the aching hand or arm?
Are we our own king or unnoticed forced to do things we can not afford? There are many doing way better and they have time for a life next to Steemit.

By the way I don't complain about an extra task like curator or the teaching team. What I described already existed 5-6 years ago. We can pretend commenting is the key and I promoted that actively and still do as sc04 so I can reward a comment, but I didn't make friends by commenting and it didn't bring me anything. So the key of connecting lies somewhere else because if it comes to it: commenting generates more comments, comments again and another flood arrives, there's no time to answer everyone let alone engage. Leaving a message behind in the comment line is not the same as engagement. Engagement only works if we keep the conversation open.

What did you paint lately?

P.s Can be I am harsh or typical Dutch and say it without "poespas" (interesting word combination poes = cat / puss but female not like" puss in boots"

Enjoy our evening and take care your hand doesn't change in a claw-like mine!


 last month 

What you're doing and your goal is perfectly fine, but I've noticed that people get bored with lengthy comments here. Because there's no chance of reward.

Some people prefer to post four times a day, thinking that maybe they'll get a vote on one of them and their work will be done. In such a situation, there's no possibility of keeping the comments open.

The most common thing here is ignorance. Or maybe people don't want to read or involve in lengthy discussions because they think it will hurt their image.

Today, I taught my son to paint, and he made a lovely painting. which I am thinking to share in engagement challenge. 😊

 last month 

I always upvote comments and I upvote many a day. The main issue is also the Steemian who doesn't upvote himself but expects others will upvote him. Once or twice I go to my replies and upvote everyone I read/replied. It's not too much asked and it went rather fast.
By now I no longer care about CSI and upvoting different people just to make my CSI look good. Why should I? A good comment deserves a vote. It would be good if everyone would join and understand a comment is not written within 2 minutes and someone took the time to write back.

I don't find it an excuse to say: I have no time or I can't write, it's about priorities and everyone has time to write 3 comments per day. But why do that if you can post and earn and it only took you 5 minutes to do so? And this is indeed ignorance or the "why should I invest" attitude.

I am looking forward to seeing what your son painted. Tag me and I hope I find you between all the notifications.

A great day to you

 last month 

No one can remain good with someone for long if the other person is not paying attention. The only solution is to treat others the way they treat us. I've said before that we can't correct anyone because they are correct in their own selves.

So, don't think too deeply ( Dont take it seriously)and do what you think is right. You are free to act as you want. I posted 'Painting Like A Child' just a few minutes ago. But I didn't mention you in it because I read your comment late (just now).

 last month 

TReat the other like they treat you.. the world will be in war soon.

Super I have a look.

 last month 

the world will be in war soon.

Isn't it a war, but it's a different that only the brain is involved in it. But perhaps that time is not far off...

No comment.. lol I think time has a lot to do with it. Not just going somewhere else for entertainment. But actually having a life style that allows some time to be thoughtful, analytical, and interactive. It takes a little peace and quiet to think and consider, reflect. Not just sitting in front of the screen. But during the day and there are so many distractions. But as the taste develops we can become more drawn to commenting. As always thankyou for your superhuman efforts.

 last month 

No comment is a good one. I didn't use if for a long time. I could do so now since there are 289 notifications again! How are the elections? A great Friday 13th I heard the USA and UK declared World War 3 and are fine we take the bombs. If you don't hear from me you know the reason.

A great day to you!

Dear friend, AI translators are basically awful: they fairly ignore syntax, context lexicon and argot/idioms😂😂😂😂. I understand you wanted to greet and the author of the post reads an insult. So such AIs really should substitute human translators?😂😂😂😂
About comments, I noticed in the Italy community are valued and the best comments even receive a Digitaly reward. I understand it's impossible to comment here and there or you'll even won't sleep 3 hours per night (you'd never sleep at all and it's not that big deal), that's a very few hours and could jeopardize your health...

 last month 

Well, I wrote 12 longer comments in Italy and I can't say they were valued by those I wrote to but we will see what happens next week.

The problem with commenting is that if you leave a comment you can expect one back but if more people read it and respond you receive more, next you are polite so you answer each one of them.. well you know how it works. It's an endless writing without an end. I have 285 notifications to check and went to bed at 5 am.

285...too's a very big task. My congrats you are able to answer at so many comments! Endless writing I can't now: my new sport activity is organizing events and today I returned home later than I had imagined and I'm so tired I want to sleep in the keyboard. But I can't stop this sport, if I don't want to become disabled first than 50 years old...

 last month 

Just do what is good for you. I skipped a lot it's no longer possible to answer everything By now it's nearly 5 am so I go to bed and come back later. Let's say #wewrite is a success.

Yes, dear friend, of course🤗. And I tried to participate (taking the opportunity the bureaucratic system of the driver's licence renewal is off, so I hadn't to move to the governmental unit), but I made a lot of confusion between the original contest rules (the ones of the Venezuelan community before wewrite) and the news😂. Well, it was too much work, considering my capoeira sport course begins to hinder my online activities (but I knew, I knew it would happen😂). In any way, I don't bother at all. I'm not worried. I must follow with this sport (including various events: yesterday I participated to the first where there were pseudo-fightings😂) for the sake of my spine. But I returned home so dead tired I was at the point to sleep in the keyboard😂😂😂😂. My best wishes for you and your colleague inspiracion for the wewrite job🤗

 29 days ago 

What I like to know is if you like Capoeira? I wonder what the pseudo fights look like.

If you have time or like to join later you can also do without taking part with the groep and deadlines. You can tag me.

The writing class is bigger than any other and not everyone is happy maiy because they expect they have to write long epistles and miss what is asked (something simple).

Interesting is that a hige improvement is aeen just using the right hashtags is problematic. The burnsteem25 team doesn't exist since months and that hashtag is still used because???

The Teaching Team will start from Monday on with 7 people because this week we will focus on commenting (you already know how to do that).
Task 1 is about 3 communites where 4 comments should be left per community by following certain steps. Tssk 2 is writing about these exoerirnce and afdding the links and tssk 3 is taking part of creating an image in Italy. All things you already do so you can do your fights, sleep on the keyboard or better in bed. Take yiur time and relax dear friend.

I'll see what to do for the next week, dear friend, as I'll be busy with 2 students and I'll have another capoeira event😂. Well, the pseudo-fights look like the western martial sports fighting, but we rarely hit the opponent. Capoeira is mostly to learn how correctly fight, but without leaving the gym full of bruises😂😂😂😂. OK, sometimes it happens unintentionally😂

 28 days ago 

That is with most "fighting" sports the essence is to knkw the movements anf focussed on defence and with that also the overall way we behave changes and confidence is shown.

Good to read you have 2 more students! Bye busy bee a great week to you!

When I read, commenting is a waste of time. I wanted to jump up and respond to that. But, I agree with the way you explained it.

I tell you what? If we were able to sort out people who write because, they have something that they want to say. From those who are here purely for the money, then you will find responsive authors.

People do things that they don't want to do just to earn a buck. It gets worse, some choose to be bots and do things repetitively for the same reason.

I don't want to make this a thread, which I guess I already have. But, there are some out there which are better be ignored. Because, they aren't interested in any word if it doesn't involve adding something to their wallet.

Just try asking some of them for a reblog in exchange for an upvote. You'll find that some will reblog everything you posted without reading a single title.

Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

 last month 

I'm the last to reply but comments are a hot button and I can't help but have my say!

They are a fundamental part of the platform, but no one understands this, in fact they are often perceived as a burden.

I see many users who receive comments under their posts but then don't reply!

Besides being disrespectful, it means that the purpose of those users is only to publish their post without caring about others!

But without comments any blogging platform dies!

I understand that it's discouraging to comment on many posts and then receive a small percentage of replies.
But I continue to leave my comments in the hope that even the lazy ones will sooner or later start replying.

Surely rewarding comments is a great incentive, what's happening with the curation of steemcurators.

It would be nice, however, also to rediscover the value of comments without any purpose. Just because it's nice to interact with others we come into contact with.
Then of course, rewards are welcome.

 last month 

Thanks for leaving your opinion and I hope you will not be the last one who will reply.

For sure without comments a platform dies but just dropping a comment is not enough. It is also not real engagement. I read many comments which only cite what the author said and I wonder what the value of such a comment is. I read the same in moderating reports. It might look great to see a long epistel from a moderator but if it's only a rehearsal of what the author said it's better just to give result of whatever is moderated and give the reason why it's a 7 and not a 10.

Should a comment be short or long or does it matter? Should we take into consideration that no one likes to read and everyone is tired of long comments? I wonder if that's the case who this "everyone" is since most people never receive a comment.

I check many accounts for hours per day and night but if the comment section doesn't show zero then it's filled with auto-replies of witnesses or communities.
There's hardly an exchanging of words except if it comes to a small group always willing to comment or to "chat".

The value of comments only counts if you like to meet someone, have time to chat or like to connect. I don't think most Steemians are willing to do so. They rather have fun or invest hours in other social media. I wonder if the reason can be that to many Steemit is a place to earn, a job so if we want to have fun we go elsewhere. The pressure can be very high here.

Thanks for commenting, know it is appreciated.

@jiva34 @vwrites @ sahar78 why is it you comment or not?

 last month 

Unfortunately, it's the sad reality.
Steemit isn't perceived as the place to chat and exchange ideas with other members/friends.
Perhaps, as you say, it's perceived as a place to make money and have fun elsewhere.
Of course, it's also true that comments take a lot of time and we don't always have any available.
Who knows if we will ever find a solution?
Steemit is in danger of becoming a platform where we post our work and then go elsewhere to chat.. that would be a pity.

 last month 

a try we will start from Monday on with the #wewrite group. I left a comment behind and like to know if you can help if we enter Italy.

Perhaps we can change something and start a snowball effect?

 last month 

You know that our community is open to everyone and to any experiment...
I'll be happy to be of help.😉

 last month (edited)

Great to have you on board, thank you.

I sent Franco (Telegram) a draft of Lesson 2.
First, the participants will comment on 3 different communities, one in Italy
Task 2 is to write about their experiences and they can post where they like - links to posts they commented should be in their post as well.

Task 3 is they participate in the contest: Create a Picture and write, following the rules. The deadline for task 3 is Friday. We will see who will check these posts most likely we are with 3, perhaps 4 but I am not sure yet.

I added you to the Italy comment check group jiya99 and me to check all comments left in Italy (4 per person x 50 (?) people that's going to be fun.

A template is made with 10 points to check thumbs up or simply remove it. That's all we have to do. The deadline for the comments is Wednesday. Let me know how I can send you the template (via Franco or e-mail?

Tomorrow morning I leave early but will be back in the evening.

@stef1 @rashid001 do you have time to newcomers community and CCS to comment a bit extra?

 28 days ago 

Kitty I didn't understand, do you need my help with curation?
I can do it, just give me some more info on the criteria for curation so I don't mess up.
I'll leave you my telegram - it's not very original, it's the usual mikitaly1. 🤪

 28 days ago (edited)

we have a template, I left you a a message and added you to the group in Telegram. You can also find an example in Lesson 1 - the 10 thumbs up.

What can I say about telegram @Wakeupkitty - isn't it creative?

The way you say things can confuse a lot of people.
Commenting is a way to express gratitude for the support provided. That one or two people with a lot of power do not respond does not mean that everyone is the same, but I respect their opinion and it is true that when one assumes a responsibility one can only sleep three hours, but there is no point in complaining because it was our decision.

Success and more success.
Many blessings..🙏🏻

 last month 

It is good to hear you and thank you for your comment. It is exactly as you say it is a free choice to comment or let it be and let it be is what many do. You only have to check the comment line of accounts. Sorry, but an "okay" or "thank you" after I commented with over 100 words is not a reply but for sure you never wrote comment like that and it is not as you state that one or two with a lot of power do not respond.

A great day to you.

 last month 

But if many don't reply that person then it will be alright? Not everyone is supportive. Not everyone deserves to be supported. How many liars plagiarized people are here.

If you send a long supportive message to someone and it took you 10 minutes to think what should the kind words and you wrote. The answer didn't came from that person.Will you feel pleasure. Not at all.

@wakeupkitty is not talking about all but the most ones.

You said right not all are same. I agreed. Some need supportive messages to buildup their enthusiasm. I am also one of them.

But we should know about letting go to those who don't appreciate our hard work and sincerety for them when they don't care at all.


Hello hello.
He's right, but as long as we do the right thing we should feel happy.
I don't know how many liars and plagiarists there are here? I don't know who supports null or is in the club, that will remain on their consciences, but I think that perseverance and quality work will sooner or later bear fruit.

 last month 

Yup you are right dear. Hard work don't go waste. We all work hard in order to get paid for.

We worked hard for ourselves not for others. It is right too

Do good and have good. But sometimes we have to take evil step in order to vanish evil everlasting. If we do good with evil people then they will continue wrongdoings.


It was a pleasure to know a little about your thoughts.

Many blessings..🙏🏻

 last month 

Same here dear😊

 last month 

Does it matter if it confuses people what I say? Should we all share the same opinion even though the experiences differ and the time we can and want to invest in commenting?

Although it is difficult to speak the same language and have different thoughts on other things, we must work with a single objective, so now I am understanding it.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @mikitaly

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