ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ - AID

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ2 months ago (edited)

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What happens after aid is given by communities with an aid fund?
Many Steemians go through a rough time. Only a few ask for help. Help that is given to support them. This can be by giving an upvote, transferring Steem, UVF, or... (I delegated SP because if you have to downvote in case of need it's nice to be at least able to give those who support you a small upvote).


It's by now at least three months ago the request for help arrived.
It's good that there are help funds like WOX, worldsmile, and ...
I noticed they join hands and do the best they can to help Steemians in need and so do many others by transferring Steem. The case that is most fresh in my mind is @ameh123 asking for help for his brother. It was the strangest request I saw and till today I wonder if it was as bad as he painted. Was it? And if that's the case how come he never spoke about his brother again?

The situation was that due to kidney failure, the brother lost his job, and house and could no longer work. The entire family paid for the dialyzes and was bankrupt... It's no joke if this happens to you and there's no way to lay your hands on the amounts asked but what I don't understand is why that brother was no longer mentioned after the money was transferred.


At that time I asked for proof and the letter from that doctor didn't sound okay to me, and neither was the lack of proof I had to ask about. Since the brother needed a new kidney (did he?) and the money was most likely not sufficient for the operation I think it's not more than reasonable to wonder how the brother is doing today. There was a lot of talking (assuring) that a kidney was needed and after I kept asking the answer was that a family member would donate that organ. The thing is I never saw any family member nor was one of them mentioned or took the time to write a few lines (at the start I asked to let the brother do so but after kept asking the answer was that the brother was not in the same place... A photo or photo of a few words is easily sent or?).

At this moment the Monkey Business Comment Contest still runs and I hope some of those generous hearts will respond and share their opinion and also those who did not donate and tell why (an upvote is just a click you can miss).


  • How do you think about giving aid to Steemians?

  • Should those who receive help be active members?

  • Is it trustworthy?

  • Can it be expected to hear an update after a month or two or longer, depending on what the Steem is needed for?

  • Is/should there be a list of Steemians who received help? (There are blacklists, whitelists, upvote lists, AI users lists, engagement list...)

  • Should/will someone contact them after some time to ask how they are doing or do we shrug and say I don't care?


I do understand that the aid given is different from aid by worldwide organizations but if we talk seriously about who deserves to be rewarded (upvoted) or not, who is a scarmmer/farmer, is the winner of a contest by saying it all should be done by following the rules I like to hear if this is the case with providing help as well.
@dream.socialclub @weisser-rabe
@worldsmile @heriadi
@shield-it @frafiomatale

cc @solperez @rashid001

#betterlife #steemit #steem #aid #steemexclusive #kittywu #club100


What should I talk about evidence in the context of aid, donations, acts of humanity...? Of course there are scammers who get away with it. Honestly, it's not a problem! Asking for help, disclosing a personal plight is difficult and requires courage. Those who muster it and come to our attention should be helped. I try to do as much clarification work as possible to legitimise the request, so to speak, when it's not just about my own involvement, but also about friends and followers. So far, I don't think I've made any major misjudgements. Sometimes our proteges get in touch at some point with an update on how things are going. Sometimes they don't. That's okay. Incidentally, I have made private donations of the same amount in each of the campaigns that we as a Community have published as supporters. I think I owe that to ‘my’ members...

 2 months ago (edited)

If we look around, every second person is in need during these inflationary times. Someone's child is ill, someone's household is struggling to find food, someone needs heart surgery, and someone is searching for a means to earn a living. Having the passion to help those in need is a sign of love for humanity.

As you mentioned, I completely agree that it should be done in a proper manner. And it's true that most people in need don't publicly express their struggles due to self-respect. Charity is great, but some people misuse it. I've shared a post about my experiences and thoughts on this few day ago, being totally honest and open.

But here's the important thing: building a deep connection with people. When one user connects with another so deeply that they share their happiness and sorrows without hesitation, that's when a friend can become a source of support. And like a chain, we can collect funds little by little to help. Just like my friend @Weisser-Rabe said, when she finds out about someone in need, she tries her best to help. But what happens after their needs are met? We can only get updates on their situation by staying in touch. This is how it's possible.

To my experience the need is higher and health or care or aid is not only about the body, solving problems but also mental care if important. Now I am not talking about psychiatric help but simple things like asking: how are you do but it is like you say we need a bond to do so and for that engagement is important.
Perhaps the start is made. I hope so because it feels although worldwide is on the internet the loneliness and anxiety increases. I keep wondering how that is possible if we are with that many people. Can it be we lost the skill to reach out?

Thanks for answering and let's hope some of us can invest in staying in touch.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

I speak as one of the curators of the Shield-it project, which was created to combat the downvote abuse that the Italian community has experienced in the past. The project has also organized two fundraising campaigns to support users in need.

Our approach is collaborative: one of the members brings a report received to the attention of the others, or highlights a situation they have personally noticed, and we try to assess the case based on the information we can gather on Steemit to determine how reliable the user might be.

If the user is active, respected, and well-regarded, it is obviously easier to trust them compared to someone who appears out of nowhere asking for financial help.

If everyone agrees, meaning if we can be reasonably certain of the truthfulness of what the user in difficulty has reported, we proceed with the fundraising.

We do not require subsequent updates, although usually, when the requests for help are based on real problems, they come spontaneously.

Thank you for answering how the procedure with shield-it is. Although there might be talks behind the screens it sounds like a relaxing way to give aid.

It's also good to hear that if engagement and trust are there updates spontaneously are given

I truly hope that engagement is the reason since when things go downhill, get out of hand, and a listening ear is needed, it is good to know that the person seeking help has somewhere to go, especially since for many their lives revolve around Steemit.

 2 months ago 

Creo que existen muchas personas honradas y otras que no lo son. Recientemente hice un post para apoyar a dos amigas de la plataforma @aplausos y @dulcem05, quienes tienen a sus hijos enfermos. Pruebas de su enfermedad han dado, no solo con informes médicos, sino también en sus diarios.

De ellas puedo decir que son honradas, incapaces de engañar a nadie. De hecho, fui yo quien escribió el post para solicitar ayuda para el hijo de mi amiga @aplausos, porque sentía que ella era incapaz de hacerlo, por un solo motivo: Es una mujer tan autosuficiente, que jamás pensó tener que pedir ayuda para cubrir los tratamientos médicos de su hijo. Pero, ¿está alguien exento de esto?

No. Todos podemos en algún momento de nuestra vida necesitar de los demás.

Yo tuve un sobrino que falleció en Colombia, a causa de la Covid-19. Muchos amigos me ayudaron económicamente para que mi hermana viajara de Venezuela a Colombia a buscar los restos de mi sobrino. Desde allí siento la necesidad de ayudar a los demás, pues sé que ayudar al prójimo es la manera más valiosa de sentirnos bien con nosotros mismos; en cambio, quien ha decidido engañar a los demás inventando enfermedades de familiares y personales, tarde o temprano han de pagar por sus mentiras.

I don't believe those deceiving others will pay, crime pays this makes it atractive.

For many years I sent boxes with food to friends in Bulgaria and Romania. Just like many I no longer give to the big organizatiins bevause whatever we give or how much it is, it's never good enough!
I noticed many in need are greedy and even assault children giving their last bit of pocket money.

I learned that if you not share the same religion it's allowed to lie and also that those who always beg will never learn taking care og themselves.

The first steem I donated I was attacked about and as I set 2 steemians as beneficiaries I was under fire again - later it was said they would be scamners.

It's hard to do good even if it is with the Steem I bought. I gave @yancar for the Steemit event in Venezuela and others for different reasons but I know I will never ask for help. No one would bieve me anyway and what counts fir me counts for many especially those always ready to give.

@el-nailul is a good example. 24/7 busy fkr others but how many read them and know about his hardships or asked: Don't you need support?

In the case you described, friends, I ciunt with the fact they have someone to talk to, butbwhat if not? Should we ask how they are doing?

 2 months ago 

Eso sí, siempre es bueno saber cómo están los enfermos. En el caso de @aplausos sé cómo evoluciona su hijo Víctor Miguel, pues a pesar de que nunca he visto a mi amiga personalmente, nos comunicamos por teléfono. Sé de sus tratamientos, y tengo fe en que pronto sanará. Ese es mi mayor deseo. De igual manera, espero que el hijo de @dulcem05 se mejore. Ambos son jóvenes, y tienen muchas ganas de vivir. Eso es importante para su sanación.

De verdad que hay gente que ha tenido malas experiencias con estafadores. Yo también las he tenido. Pero creo que los buenos somos más.

Sé que eres un ser humano sensible, y como bien has dicho: Trabajas y dejas todo acá. Además has ayudado a mucha gente. Y @el-nailul también hizo un gesto hermoso hacia mi amiga @aplausos. Y tienes razón cuando dices: Que todos, quizás estemos pasando por dificultades. De modo, que sería muy valioso leerlos, escribirles y siempre mostrarles nuestra disposición para apoyarlos.

Espero que este lugar y también el concurso de comentarios sobre "asuntos de monos" ayuden. Seguro que ya sabes que la SEC llegó a su fin y que el nuevo concurso debería hacer que la gente participe. Sería bueno si pudiéramos hacerlo hablando de arte, ¿libros quizás? Veo aquí una oportunidad para tu comunidad. Muestra una obra de arte y hablemos de ella... vemos con otros ojos y sentimos cosas diferentes. Hay muchas opciones.

Creo que la creatividad y el arte, al igual que una actitud positiva, son útiles. No siempre es fácil abrir el corazón, pero podríamos hacerlo de esta manera. ¿Lo intentamos?

 2 months ago 

Seguro que sí, lo intentaremos a ver si nos seleccionan.

Thank you for the encouraging words @solperez, I really appreciate what you have done for them. Have a good day!

 2 months ago 

Te deseo lo mejor del mundo.

Bendecido día, agradecida infinitamente por tu apoyo, Miles de bendiciones 🙏


Hi there, your comment is interesting to read, keep up your engagement, you are awesome!

Curated by : @𝖾𝗅-𝗇𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗎𝗅

Hola apreciada amiga, creo que con la salud de nadie se puede jugar. El tener a mi hijo desde enero de este año en situación de gravedad, en silla de rueda y sin poder recordar momentos de su vida es triste, y más aún al tener que solicitar ayuda económica de otros ya que para todos la situación está difícil. Mi hijo empezó a mostrar mejoría a la segunda semana de radioterapia, exactamente a la sección número 12, el cambio fue increíble, mi preocupación es saber asumido un compromiso el cual me ha costado solventar. Gracias a la ayuda de muchos steemias logré reunir y con unas rifas que he venido realizando he logrado abonar algo al costo del tratamiento. De verdad muy agradecida con su valioso apoyo, dios los colme de bendiciones y les multipliquen su colaboración 🙏🙏🙏

 2 months ago 

Muchas puertas se te van a abrir, en el nombre de Dios, mi amiga. Un abrazo.

Bendecida noche amiga, amén 🙏

Saludos hermana, una vez mas agradecida con tu gesto de solidaridad fraternal con mi familia. Pedir en especial dinero nunca es fácil, he tenido que verme en esa necesidad tres veces en este proceso. Si algo he aprendido en estos últimos años es que jamas estás exento de nada...que la vida en un segundo te cambia. Gracias una vez mas @solperez bendiciones en tu vida por siempre.

 2 months ago 

Así es, hermana, la vida es como un embudo, a veces estamos del lado ancho; y otras del lado angosto. Pero, mientras estemos dispuestos a ayudar al prójimo, nunca estaremos solos.

Kalau berbicara bantuan, secara finansial saya juga butuh bantuan namun dari itu masih banyak lagi saudara-saudara kita di luar sana yang lebih berhak dan layak untuk mendapatkan uluran tangan kita.

Seperti di sekolah saya ini, banyak siswa yatim, yatim piatu yang sekarang ini tidak mendapatkan lagi bantuan beasiswa dari pemerintah bagi siswa yang umurnya di atas 15 tahun atau setara dengan pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Mereka itu sangat berharab akan bantuan itu ada untuk mereka agar bisa membiayai pendidikannya.

Disamping itu sekolah kami juga membutuhkan bantuan Alquran karena kami sebagai seorang Muslim, akan mengadakan pengajian setiap pagi di sekolah.

Untuk sesuatu bantuan itu, kita juga harus melihat kemana bantuan itu akan di gunakan, kepada siapa di salurkan, dan apa manfaatnya bagi penerima.

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