ᔕᑕᗷ Friends and Co

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕlast month



Hello my dear Steemians,


I am having a long trip today in train and that is a reason why I have so much time for thinking and consideration, 6 hours need to be spend somehow effectively and what we can do is to share what we think. The best place for that I thought to choose a new community of chats and how we can call it our chatter box. Just to through some topic and see what other people will think about that.

Also I did not want to share any pictures because I did not want people to be distracted by the beauty of images.


Friends: childhood


The topic I choose is "Friends", unfortunately this word is nowadays used so easily and toward many people even though they are not your friend at all. Therefore, let's start from our childhood to find when we become what we are.

As children, you remember we were choosing friends by for examples common likes, games and often, when our parents were asking us to invite this or that child from the nursery or school we disagree saying but he/she is not my friend and we just in the same group of class. We were very bond to our friends and we supported them in any situation. We were helping with doing something and I remember helping to wash the clothes of a baby of my school friend when baby vomited all the food that was given, so we quickly cleaned and all evidence of that were gone. We had a lot of fun and to tell the truth some of those friends are still there and if we need each other we know that they will be there without any hesitation.

maybe that is why people say real friends we do find in our childhood


Friends: adolescence


Slowly we grown up, were very excited about adult life and all the opportunity that we could have, but that is the first time when we learn what means when you are open and naive.

Have you ever experience the moment when you enter the room where many of your colleagues are and once you are there, they stop chatting? That is very uncomfortable situation. In the past when I was young and "green" I pretend that I di not notice that and just started to speak about anything else and the group just followed up.

I remember how my first boss who was female and we had a female colleagues, once after few months of my work called me to her and said that I need to be more communicable with others if I want to achieve more. People like chatty and happy people and no matter if you like them or not. That was my first acquaintance with society: no matter if you like people or not try to be like others and you will be fine

This is also a time when I decided for me that no matter how nice and supportive people be and I will be to them, the only person you can trust was yourself and your close family and relatives, because only them who can tell you truth and give a honest advise, even if it is bitter.

when I hear that som people have many friends and even thousands of followers they do not have that one reliable friend who we might need when we are in need.

There is a popular old song with such lyrics:

If of sudden the friend has turned
Not a friend, nor a foe, just - so,
If at once, you don’t understand,
Is he good, or is he bad,

Drag the guy to the peaks-take a risk!
Do not leave him alone on slope,
Let him be tied to rope on cliffs -
There you’ll know, who he is.


Friends or so


Since I started our journey on Steemit, we also use so easily these words like "friends" although we do not really know people around.

I hate when comments have such referral to author like "bro"for "brother" or "sis" for "sister" and this is used for people who we never met or spoken to. Especially short version of such comment like:

great post bro

There I do not know if the person read post or not there is nothing reflection and if the person thinks after calling someone brother that they are now friends?

It is a shame that this good and strong word has lost its meaning. We call many friends, but are we behaving ourselves as friend:

  • do we respect our friends
  • are you ready to be there for your friends

Social media wiped off our faces and real names, let's at least to keep our honest character and respect to each other.

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




when I hear that som people have many friends and even thousands of followers they do not have that one reliable friend who we might need when we are in need.

This particular part of your post really got to me.. i had to sit down and thinks if I’ve that one friend that can go that extra mile for me!!

I was really happy I’ve that one friend that gone through a lot to bail me out of some crazy challenges and I’m glad about it.

Great post sis….😊😊😊😊

I hope we’re now friends, after calling you sis!!?😊😊

 last month 

I was quite happy yo se your reply but reading through I think you did not understand what I was talking about otherwise you would never used this:

Great post sis….😊😊😊😊
I hope we’re now friends, after calling you sis!!?😊😊

But if you did understand and made it just for fun then I can tell you it is not funny, if I were @wakeupkitty I would not give you that support, because I do not think that the content of your comment is worth of this reward

How about me? How easily you make friends. I envy you. Or are you expanding your family?

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

 last month 

There was a time when relationships were genuine, and there were no expectations. If a student didn't have a pencil, another student would offer one from their pouch. That's where friendships began - helping each other in difficult times. But all of this has disappeared over time. Years pass, and we don't even know if our friends are alive or dead. My point is that we meet new people at every stage of life, and the time we spend with them should be genuine, not based on expectations or self-interest.

In today's era, everyone is consumed by self-interest. The value of relationships is diminishing. Even in a household with four brothers, four walls are built. We showcase charity on social media but can't even bother to ask about the well-being of the elderly neighbor. We prioritize pretence over reality.

In my opinion, the only solution is for us to reflect on ourselves every night and ask: "Did I hurt anyone today? Did I lie to someone or exploit them?" If the answer is yes, then we need to work on self-improvement.

And when we can pass through all these questions positively things, it means our conscience is alive, and now we can nurture relationships. Now we can be friends with someone without any ulterior motive. We can built strong relation we can share somone's sorrow.

 last month 

Yes, you are right maybe it is our modern times makes it like that, the availability of Internet where we find people who we think are best friends, we are fond of our smartphones, that are with us 24 hours and need to check what is happening there by forgetting what is happening with our neighbour.

Often even neighbours sometimes can have a big "fight" because of nonsense and this way conflicts can raise.

I fully agree it is important to ask ourselves if we did anything wrong by the end of each day and if possible to accept that and ask forgiveness. This is another topic to ask forgiveness which is one of the hardest step, to overcome yourself and do it, we do not do it often. We do often say sorry for anything but do we mean sorry? Slowly we forget the meaning of this word, it is like an umbrella that is protecting us.

I also agree with you we go through many stages of our life and meet many people, I hope that every stage of our life will have such good friends who will be there for us.

Thank you for your comment that made me re-think some of my thoughts, as always pleasure to hear your opinion.

 last month 

This is your kindness that you understand my words in a positive way and respond to them in a good manner. And you agree with my thoughts.

If I share my thoughts on a particular topic, I write what I have learned from my 40 years of life experience. May be There are some people who have not yet reached this age or have not gone through tuff circumstances, so my words may not be understood by them. But somehow, my words always contain a hint of guidance or benefit for people.

Thanks a Ton for the respect you give to my words (thoughts).


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @mikitaly

 last month 

Thank you Dear @mikitaly for considering my comment worth support.

It's very good you can count on friends from childhood. In my former country (at least, in the city where I was living), unfortunately, childhood friendships vanish like snow under the sun. When your schoolmate or childhood companion met another friend, he/she forgot you exist...basically, true friends only start at the university times.

 last month 

It is true some of us get friends on different stages of our life and I do not want to tell for future who know we still find that only friend. I just have a feeling that with time that feeling of a good friend who we dear is paling off and we become less fond of us, a bit superficial, we smile in faces and ask: how are you? The reply is always: Good! Often it may not be a case, but if we say that we are feeling rubbish and tell our story I do not think this person will ask you again how are you :)

That is why in some Scandinavian country they do not do that but it is different in US and UK

People just different and different attitude. It is just recently I was a bit upset with very few people on Steemit who show up such character, or better to say that I discovered such character, that is why I think why not to show up our character directly, nobody knows us and even them some pretend to be a nice person although we find next moment that it is not a case.

People who we met, spent time before and learnt from good and bad times maybe those ones we can friends only, thank you for your thoughts and view.

I suppose sometimes it's difficult to distinguish while we meet people only behind a screen how happens on steemit and cousins. In any way, I'm happy I have met various close friends while working online🤗

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

But if you did understand and made it just for fun then I can tell you it is not funny

I understood the post clearly… I was only messing around when I made the second part of the comment. That was why I put the “smiley” face..

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