in R2cornell4 years ago


Author: @r2cornell


The above flower I believe is from one of my peony plans from last year. It may turn out to be a different flower, but it looks like one of the stages of a peony flower. All I know for sure is the color is fantastic.

La flor de arriba creo que es de uno de mis planes de peonía del año pasado. Puede resultar ser una flor diferente, pero parece una de las etapas de una flor de peonía. Todo lo que sé con seguridad es que el color es fantástico.

I am very much behind schedule on posting, and with that updating everyone on what is going on with me. To be honest I have been working at understanding what I can do on 2 platforms. I have been changing delegations so I am dealing with one platform per person. Thus far it has been a mix of what people will be doing. Myself? I will be working on both platforms. I am hoping by un-delegating some on each platform I will have more voting power. I am only planning new delegations to @dsc-r2cornell so the community gets stronger up-votes.

Estoy muy atrasado en la publicación, y con eso actualizando a todos sobre lo que está pasando conmigo. Para ser honesto, he estado trabajando para entender lo que puedo hacer en dos plataformas. He estado cambiando de delegación, así que estoy tratando con una plataforma por persona para las delegaciones. Hasta ahora ha sido una mezcla de lo que la gente hará. ¿Para mí? Trabajaré en ambas plataformas. Espero que al des-delegar a algunos en cada plataforma tenga más poder de voto. Sólo estoy planeando nuevas delegaciones en @dsc-r2cornell para que la comunidad tenga más votos favorables.

Our curation project continues through our Discord Community. We are curating from both platforms. I have not completed any reports because we are still adjusting to the changes that have took place. Even without a report we continue to curate links to publications. Eventually we will get back to a report once per week highlighting publications.

Nuestro proyecto de curation continúa a través de nuestra Comunidad de la Discordia. Estamos curando desde ambas plataformas. No he completado ningún informe porque todavía nos estamos ajustando a los cambios que han tenido lugar. Incluso sin un informe, continuamos curando los enlaces a las publicaciones. Eventualmente volveremos a un informe una vez por semana destacando las publicaciones.

Many who read this are aware that I take care of disabled adults in my home. I currently care for 2 ladies. I am bringing this up because with this work I have to go through an annual review and that date is coming up in April. I am catching up on paperwork and making sure everything is in order. With the corona virus going on there may be a chance that I will have to scan all my documents and email them to the reviewer. That is going to be a lot of extra work, in spite of the fact that I have computerized much of my paperwork. In addition to that , because of the corona virus they cannot go to there usual community day programs, which leaves additional work for me.

Muchos de los que leen esto saben que me ocupo de los adultos discapacitados en mi casa. Actualmente cuido a dos señoras. Traigo esto a colación porque con este trabajo tengo que pasar por una revisión anual y esa fecha se acerca en abril. Me pongo al día con el papeleo y me aseguro de que todo esté en orden. Con el virus de la corona en marcha puede haber una posibilidad de que tenga que escanear todos mis documentos y enviarlos por correo electrónico al revisor. Eso va a ser un montón de trabajo extra, a pesar de que he computarizado gran parte de mi papeleo. Además de eso, debido al virus de la corona no pueden ir a los programas habituales de día comunitario, lo que deja trabajo adicional para mí.

In addition to all the above I have had to deal with issues related to the corona virus. I typically have a year's worth of food and supplies on hand. The one thing I have been lax on is having enough animal feed available, and fuel for my roto-tiller. It was also time to replenish my supply of paper products and some canned goods. Stores get their shelves stripped quickly. Our neighboring state has a lock-down order to go into effect tomorrow. It has not happened where I live. I restrict my trips away from home. I take Clorox wipes and nitrile gloves with me. I do not want to take chances in bringing the virus into my home. With my wife's frail health I do not believe she could survive the virus.

Además de todo lo anterior, he tenido que lidiar con asuntos relacionados con el virus de la corona. Normalmente tengo un año de comida y suministros a mano. Lo único que no he hecho es tener suficiente alimento para animales y combustible para mi roto-rotocultivador. También era hora de reponer mi suministro de productos de papel y algunas conservas. Las tiendas se despojan rápidamente de sus estantes. Nuestro estado vecino tiene una orden de cierre que entrará en vigor mañana. No ha sucedido donde yo vivo. Restrinjo mis viajes fuera de casa. Llevo toallitas Clorox y guantes de nitrilo conmigo. No quiero correr el riesgo de llevar el virus a mi casa. Con la frágil salud de mi esposa no creo que pueda sobrevivir al virus.

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Enough of what is going on. There is more but I think I have shared enough. I do want to share a couple of more photographs with you, but this publication will be a little smaller than my usual. I still have to do a short post on the other platform.

Basta de lo que está pasando. Hay más, pero creo que ya he compartido suficiente. Quiero compartir un par de fotografías más con ustedes, pero esta publicación será un poco más pequeña de lo habitual. Todavía tengo que hacer un pequeño post en la otra plataforma.

I found this photograph of some Black-Eyed daisies in one of my picture folders.

*Encontré esta fotografía de unas margaritas de ojos negros en una de mis carpetas de fotos.


Today I saved this lovely rose for the middle of my post. With all the reading you deserve to enjoy this beauty. I hope you enjoy it.

Hoy he guardado esta preciosa rosa para el centro de mi puesto. Con toda la lectura que merece para disfrutar de esta belleza. Espero que la disfrutes.


I will close with a photograph of the set of twin deer that lost their mother last fall. They came through winter in really good shape.

Terminaré con una fotografía del conjunto de ciervos gemelos que perdieron a su madre el otoño pasado. Pasaron el invierno en muy buena forma.


I am going to close this publication at this point. I usually share links to mostly curation projects that can use our support. My time is limited and I still have to go back and add the Spanish interpretation. Some of these projects will focus on steemit, some on the other platform, a there are a coupe of undecided. Eventually I will get back to sharing this information.

*Voy a cerrar esta publicación en este momento. Normalmente comparto enlaces a proyectos de curaduría que pueden utilizar nuestro apoyo. Mi tiempo es limitado y todavía tengo que volver y añadir la interpretación en español. Algunos de estos proyectos se centrarán en Steemit, otros en la otra plataforma, y hay un par de indecisos. Eventualmente volveré a compartir esta información.

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hello sir, karona virus has made everyone nervous and scared. In Indonesia, infection is also increasing. there are currently 1155 infected. and 60 people died. but the government did not lockdown. because most Indonesian people have a low economy. hopefully covid19 can be overcome in every country.

I like the photos that you show. it looks amazing.

Yes this corona virus is a scary thing. I do believe that in poor areas it is going to be the hardest. Stay safe!

Hello @R2Cornell!! A couple days ago @Knitrias contacted you to share the news about a project that I'm launching. The first Roadmap and definition are now complete and here I'm presenting to you for yor valuable input and advice. It's deatailed in the post, but I can say in short that the project is about 10 little accounts getting to the minnow level through posting, engaging and good strategies with the vote, they receive 200 sp delegation in the meanwhile. Hope you like and find it worth to share with other users too!!

Best wishes in this special times for you and yours, @R2Cornell, and for every one of us in this Earth!!

KNITRIAS PROJECT | Definition and Roadmap

Sorry about that...I have been swamped and fighting with peakd.com to complete our curation report. I finally gave up because I have so much to do. If I forget again please PM me on discord.

Thanks for your kind response, @R2Cornell!! Don´t worry, the roadmap was finished just hours ago. The first sketch of a project of retribution to the work of people like you, always helping others!!
I'll share the link of the project in your discord server taking also the opportunity to stay in touch!!
Best regards!!

Hello @R2Cornell!! First of all it's really a great news about your plans on staying with your admirable work supporting the authors in both chains. Your presence in this blockchain along with your team is without a doubt a reference in the leading of a support community and the spirit of colaboration.
The Knitrias Project start in a time when communities like yours are needed to surge.
The focus of this project will be the growth and education on the operation of the blockchain for new and little accounts. It will start with 10 accounts receiving a 200 sp delegation by the account @leveuf.
A roadmap is in progress for input and discussion to improve the project. It will be a pleasure to share it with you and count with your advice.

Best regards!

Hermosa publicación llena de energía positiva al máximo, mucho colorido especial y gratificante a la vista. Gracias por compartir, querido señor @r2cornell. ¡Somos Club12!.

Publicación curada manualmente por Club12

¡¡¡Vamos por más!!!

Muchas gracias. Estoy feliz de que hayas disfrutado.


Sorry for the poor translation, this is how the translator translates through Google.

Hi friend. You are right you have never been. I support you and send you.

Your pictures. Go to my post and look. This is happening in Latvia, which is included in es.





I hear that shelves empty fast, especially at a wholesale grocery I belong to. People need to learn to keep extra food and paper products on hand all the time. Maybe the they would not have to strip the shelves.

Stay safe.

Greetings sir @r2cornell. Corona Virus is a big challenge for us. Hope very soon we will get a solution. Stay Home, Stay Safe. Anyway really mind blowing flowers photography. I always enjoy your photographic magic. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.

Thank you with regards to the flower photos.

Late yesterday we got the word that our state has put at the stay at home order for the next 3 weeks. School closures have been extended. All non-essential businesses have been closed.

Waw! So wanderful photography sir,looking so nice,have a good day.

Thank you very much.

The eye of one of your daisies reminds me of the time when I was a student, when I studied the behavior of the universe. It looks like a constellation of stars inside a flower.

Your photos make all that news more digestible, thank you for that.

I hope it keeps your wife and all your people healthy. Take care of yourself.

pd: look at my incorporation and curing project @nucleo-fse

Thank you. I see what you mean about the daisy. I opened your page for your curation project and will take a look at it.

Thank you for your quick response.

We have supported several colleagues with our small project, at this moment we are organizing ideas for all that Hardfork has meant. But we want to continue working more than anything else with the vision of protecting Venezuelan authors who are starting on this path.

Tranquilo, mi hermano. Sabemos de lo ocupado que has estado todo estos días; igual, es increíble la capacidad y el tiempo que tienes para desocuparte en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Una vez que pueda pasar por abril, la vida se asentará y el tiempo libre se centrará en la fotografía, la jardinería y el disfrute de mis flores. Por supuesto que nuestra remodelación está paralizada por el virus, pero después de abril espero estar poniendo las cosas en orden en las partes de la casa que están terminadas.

¡Manténgase a salvo!

Good to see you back

Thank you

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