A Celebration of the Beautiful Flowers in Our Garden!

in R2cornell3 years ago

I always wanted to have a cutting garden and a meadow filled with beautiful wildflowers.

By dedicating a small area by the apple trees in our garden to flowers, we have managed to create that, in a small way!


As summer draws closer and the days keep getting warmer, more and more color and beauty is revealed every day.


Just sharing some of the flowers currently in bloom, partially as a small "record" of what's going on in the garden.


The Red Clover is among my favorites, and it can also be used for both teas and tinctures.


The Calendulas are not only colorful and pretty, but they are also excellent for tinctures and soaps.


Finishing off with a rose on our yellow rose bush, which is making a "brave comeback" after having been thoroughly chewed on by our neighborhood flock of deer. That made me so angry!

Thanks for stopping by and looking!

(All images are my own)


es hermoso , las flores son vida para nuestra mirada nos complace observar durante un rato alguna de ellas ,y es que la forma en como han sido creadas nos maravillan cada día ,ahora con la tecnologia podemos verlas en fotografias macro y es realmente espectacular me eencanta ala natraleza y siempre que puedo me deleito en las distintas flores que encuentro por muy pequeñita que sea, aun tengo la esperanza de tener un jardín aunque sea ´pequeño en mi casita felicidades que ya estas logrando el tuyo.


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