Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 3 / Come and I'll show you how to do it! Photography, by @patjewell.


“But I am not artistic!”

My mom was one of South Africans flower arrangement judges. She also represented our country in various competitions. In my eyes she was the ultimate artists. The clothes she made for as girls were beautiful and different. The kids at school queued by our table to buy our cupcakes when it was entrepreneur’s day as they were decorated to perfection.

Not to mention the effort she put in when she wrapped our birthday and Christmas gifts. Perfection!

One day she asked me to help with decorating the school hall, where she was working, for a function. “But I am not artistic!” I answered her.
She looked at me with her blue eyes and told me, “The way you set the table, the letters you form in you school books and the way you comb your hair is artistic. We all have an artistic side”. I will never forget her words.

Today I have to tell you “how it is done” and I hope that by the end of this post you will agree with me that what I am going to share with you is art and that you and I are indeed artists. Even better, we can be the best of artists!

Is photography an art? My answer, ABSOLUTELY!

There is not one of us who has not taken a photo. It might be with our DSL cameras, it might be with our smart phones or even our smart watches. Photos we will take. If you take a photo you are an artist.

The question you should answer is, “Am I a good photographer?”

I can guarantee your that 99% Of Steemians are not professional photographers therefor I am not going to get stuck on the “rule of thirds” etc.
All I want to do is to share my knowledge and experiences which can make you take those perfect photos for your next posts.

1. Don’t turn your camera or smart phone when you take that photo

One of the most common problems I see with photos is that they are not take “head on”, from the front. Somehow Steemians think that if they turn their device the photo will look better.

When you travel in a car you travel straight forward. When you watch TV you look straight ahead of you. So, why do you want fellow Steemians to turn their heads when they look at your photos?

Tip: Always keep your device straight and if it is with your smart phone take the photo with your arms slightly away from your body.

Keep your photos straight on

2. Don’t ignore your background

I know that so often we take photos quickly as we are scared that we are going to miss the moment. It is more important to check the background before you push the button. After all what does it help that you have the perfect moment but the photo is of no good.

Ignoring the background is a common mistake Steemians make.

My fellow friends, dirty dishes on a table is a sore eye!

📷 If you stage a photo check that the background compliment the photo.

📷If you take a photo in nature check that you don’t include ugly telephone lines.

Tip: Check your background before you take the photo and after you have taken it, check it again.

Completely the wrong background

3. Focus on only one subject

In photography the subject can be either the image, the focus or the topic.

If you don’t have a clear subject your photo will not be interesting. When I refer to a subject it doesn’t mean that it is just one item. A group of sheep can be one subject.

Tip: Take your photo so that the viewer can clearly see what your photo is all about.

Focus on your subject

4. Use negative space

Space is what makes your photo not only good but great! Space is the one thing that can draw attention to your subject.

There is a saying that less is more and it is exactly the same with photography. The more open spaces you have in your photo the better your subject will stand out and that is exactly what you want.

Open spaces can be the clear blue sky, green grass, an empty field, clear water and even a structure.

Tip: Organise your space to fit the subject for example if you take a photo of a car give it some space to move into.

Using negative space - walking into

5. Use angles

If you can make the photos that you use in your posts stand out you already have the attention of the reader and you are half way there.

Yes, you can do it by using spaces but another way is by taking photos from a different angle. Taking a photo from low down upwards will give a feeling that you are playing with the sky. It will also make your subject look “larger than life”.

The best angle to use when you take a photo of a person is a high angle. By raising the camera slightly will give more definition to a face.

Tip: Steemians love selfies! Never take a selfie from low down. You will have the reader looking up into your nostrils.

Using an angle

6. Landscape photos

These photos are by far the most popular photos taken not only by amateurs but also professionals. I myself don’t like taking landscape photos, no, I LOVE taking it.

If you want your landscape photos to catch the eye of the reader you must look for photos which are different and not often taken. For example by laying down on the grass and then taking the photo from “behind” the grass, bush or leaves will change the whole photo and give it a better perspective.

Using lines (trees), colour and frames (buildings) can change your landscape photo dramatically.
Don’t be scared to take a landscape photo from a different view point. You may just have to climb up a tree to get the perfect shot.

Tip: The golden rule for landscape photography is to take your time.

Take from a different viewpoint

7. Portrait

I am of the opinion that Steemians share more portrait photos than landscape photos on Steemit.

There are three important things you have to check when you take portrait photos and that is, subject, the composition and the light.

Subject – who is the person you are going to take the photo of.

Composition – the “arrangement” of the total photo. Professional photographer know too well how important composition is. For us Steemians the perfect composition is when you check that you have everything in the perfect place.

Grandma sitting in her favourite chair with her glasses on her nose, her knitting on her lap and her tea cup and a vase of roses on the table next to her.

Light – The closer the light, the softer your photo will be. The further the light the harder your photo will be.

Avoid direct sunlight as it can cause shadows on a face.

Tip: If you want the perfect portrait photo you have to use emotion.

Subject placement and emotion

Make it interesting

No photo is taken by itself. There is always an operator and it is up to the operator to make the photo interesting.

How can you do this?

  • Get closer is the first thing you can do. You will be amazed how it will change your photo
  • Looking for colour contrast
  • Look for subjects that will catch the eye
  • Use frames like arches and buildings in your photos
  • Use leading lines like trees and roads which will lead the eye deeper into the photo

Tip: Take photos of anything. It is often the simplest of photos which becomes your most favourite photo.

Be different!t

And now my Steemian friends there are no longer a reason for you not to answer; “Yes, I am a good photographer”.

I invite:

10% to @hive-151446

📷 All photos belongs to me and were taken with an SDL camera and my smart phone

 2 years ago 

Beautiful photographs, every tip you give us through your post is key to taking a photograph in the most professional way possible. You are very right, the background is key in a photo, many times wanting to change it destroys the artistic work.

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Thank you for your review! It is appreciated!

As always i am always learning from you.being that i am a photo lover,my photos are going to be amazing from today.thanks for sharing

As it is your photos are great my friend. Those wedding photos were beautiful. I for sure hope there is a tip of two that you can uese.
Thank you for reading and engaging.. I always appreciate your visit.🎕

It blows my mind that you can take such nice photos and that you are not a professional photographer. Well done

Thank you!!!! 🤛
Best of all, if I can do it so can you!

Wonderful tips about photography. You are a genius. I love that part of keeping your photos straight.

Then the part that everyone has that element of being an artist. That is a wonderful lesson from your mom.

The pictures look great. Thanks for the invite

I can remember.. way.. way.. back I told you I have a lot of photos to share. (•ิ‿•ิ)
I am just so glad that Steemit gives me the opportunity to do so.
Thank you my friend for your engagement. 🎕
Ps. I hope we are going to see some accounting tips

Beautiful entry My friend. I believe this will go a long way for incoming photographers like me and perhaps others.

Succes in your entry.

Thanks for the visit my friend!
I'm no professional but I am sure that as a MOD etc. you will agree with me that Steemians need some advice on the photos they take.

If I can get just 1 to take better photos I will be more than happy!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing such useful tips to take excellent photographs.

It can be seen that you are passionate about photography.

It is for me to say thank you for reading and engaging with my post.
I indeed love photography. I am no professional but I just love taking them and these day our smart phones make it so easy. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Wow, great content, we've shared and upvoted on @southernafrica

there are lot of information in this publication, I have learned a lot about photography, I know I am poor at taking pictures, in shot, I am not a fan of taking pictures, I just began to when I joined Steemit, and now with the knowledge gained from this post, I should be able to provide good images

I think men in general are just to lazy to take a good photo. They just want to get the job done. Where on the other hand females makes time for detail. (•ิ‿•ิ)
I'll be watching your posts!
Thank you for reading and engaging! It is appreciated!

Haha, it's all about the pay ma'am , idc if I look good or not🤣, as long as the money is available at every point an it keep flowing, I guess you are right, because I just started taking picture when I started steemit, it was difficult at first because I was shy, and now it is in the blood already but still, I can't take many good pictures but I have learned a lot form your publication.


Amiga @patjewell que buenas fotografías hace usted, se ven muy bonitas y nítidas, sabe encontrar el ángulo perfecto para que queden muy originales, felicidades por tu trabajo, éxitos en el concurso

Awh thank you my friend! I hope you could learn something from this lesson.
Photography is the one thing that will always be with us no matter how technology might change.
Thank you for reading and engaging! 🍫

Amiga @patjewell que buenas fotografías hace usted, se ven muy bonitas y nítidas, sabe encontrar el ángulo perfecto para que queden muy originales, felicidades por tu trabajo, éxitos en el concurso

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