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RE: Saving or Spending Money - What is the best lifestyle?

Well, if I see pension at all (I am a woman) it will be at the age of 72 and I have to ask for it. It cannot be much. Perhaps one portion of french fries per year.

If you ask me it's more about which contests you join, and which people you know (sc). I noticed how the scs upvote each other.

I never powered down, never spent a dime on me, and this is also not about me but people in Indonesia and not just one. They even feel when they powerdown it affects those they introduced to Steemit.

So I will see if I can find communities where they can post and receive some support without being judged.

If you know some please let me know.

I can assure you rich Europeans will not join Steemit, a few might invest but for sure not write. There's nothing for them to find here.


Italian community. It doesn't condemn you if you power down. It doesn't judge you if you explain your power down reasons (I always did and I always received their support, concern and friendship).
In terms of pension, due to the next changing in the Social Security laws since 2027, my husband should see his at the age of 76, if he'll be still alive and as I'm a woman, probably between 69 and 73 years old, if I'll be still alive (this is the worst scenario, really hoping it won't happen as economists foresee).

You don't need to ask for your pension?

I am sure they hope we died long before :(

For now we have:

Yes, in my country we must ask, preferably through a lawyer, an expert in Social Security lawyer. A lot of times, without a lawyer's job, no pension is guaranteed. Not such a way in my former country. In Italy, receiving a pension it's automatic (if nothing changed since my move).

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