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RE: Is there absolute friendship between genders?

in Boylikegirl Club3 months ago

First I want to ask "Do you want to be my friend?"

In general, I see that friendship is not limited to gender, we decide with whom and whatever ethnicity, because friendship is comfort, An emotional relationship built on sincerity without interests.

In fact, I see that friendship only through words will be destroyed instantly, will not survive because of interests that are not accommodated.

I have a little friend who I have lost contact with until now, but I only remember him in prayer and looking at our childhood pictures.

I'm not even sure if we passed each other we would know each other. We were separated for almost 33 years because of our parents' migration.


I don't know you, we never talked much but my first response and answer is yes.

With you I see that friendships are destroyed by words and too frequently by outsiders (same for each relationship). It breaks the 'thrust' but friendships can survive and are on different levels. No friendship is the same and there's no need to be 24/7 together.
I just met a friend which I saw one year ago, before that it took 3 or 4 years because of the lockdown. As soon we meet the click is there and we chat lile before (14 years ago). It's the same with another friend. We never (video)call, exchange photos but know where to find each other.

A Dutch expression: Zoals de waard is vertrouwt hij zijn gasten.
(the trust a landlord puts in his guests is measured by his own character/attitude).

Can be you will not recognize your old friend but it's not said. The way someone laughs, walks, can ring a bell and he might remember you.
You could see if you can find him. Plenty of people do.

Thanks for stopping by.
Do you want to be my friend?


hehehe... Nice to read your reply. I am even one of the most unique humans who likes friendship the most, even strangely I like something that I think is unusual.

I like having friends with different language and cultural backgrounds, for example European, I want to learn many things from them, even though the possibility of meeting them is very small, but I see that it is not impossible.

It's nice to know you even though I don't know your physical characteristics. 😊😊

I'll always reply even if it's late (at times even I have a life).
Great you are unique since so am I 😁 besides I am the best and most loyal friend there is. Lucky you.

What kind of unusual things you like?
Are you creative or?

I guess speaking Dutch and English isn't different to you.
By the way my mother is Dutch and my father was born in "Indonesia" my grandfather was in the army. After they survived the Japanese camps they went to the Netherlands. The family is mixed. Suriname, China, French and who knows what more but no one really cares.

I love cheese but am not too fond of potatoes so Dutch? I don't think so but if it comes to it no one is.

Today is May 5th, liberation Day but nothing to celebrate. I was in a plane one that left too late and my son became sick so I sat like a pathetic person on an airport. Good there was internet and power.
I already had visions of me being 85+ dumped on a foreign airport by my kids 🥴. (I once saw how the elderly in Romania were left behind on the highway with a small bottle of water in the hot sun to sell some shitty items (no one needs) to those crosding the border. I better dump my children before they dump me or I stay in bed for the rest of my life.

My physical characteristics? I hope you are not asking for some sizes. 🤣

If it comes to European we have totally nothing with each other in common except for stolen elections, throw away votes, corrupt governments, the fact we are scolded if we say our nationality and the war. The army senfs invitations. My friend's daughter already received one. Let's see if they recruit my daughter too (no way my children are going to fight somrone else's war).

I need to clean the small fish tank, just finished my Jasmin tea. It's 1 a.m. Let's see if I can be in bed within one hour.

A great day to you my friend.👋🍀❤️


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