"What are your best ways to relieve stress? "

in Boylikegirl Club4 months ago

Hello friends, is there anyone who is not stressed before? Or face some challenges that make him go through emotional stress? The world now is generally stressed and as a living being working on daily basis, facing family responsibility, we are likely to be stress.

Stress is a very common thing among humans since it as to do with our emotions, thinking, minds. As it is common, it can be very harmful to our health.


Dealing with this stress is what am going to share my opinion as this will be a good benefits for us and help in improving our health physically and mentally.

Rest: A good rest is one of the effective way to relieve stress. The rest could be on your sofa, on a beach, outside your comfort zone where you can get a glow view of the nature. This will help your mind to relax, think well, and get deep in meditation.

Exercise: Many people don't have time to perform exercise. Exercising has a very vital role to play in the body, as such, it reduces stress, improve mood. Taking a walk, clapping, cycling, running, dancing etc are also the best exercise to do on daily basis.

Music: Do you know that listening to a good music has the power to reduce stress? Yes, music has a very unique link to our emotions, so it can extremely be an effective stress tool management. Some type of music, have beneficial effect on slowing the pulse, lower of blood pressure, physiological functions and decreasing the level of stress hormones.

Spending time with loved ones:
Having fun, chatting with love ones, family and friends helps to reduce stress.

Sleep: I hope you know that sleeping at least 7-8 hours before day break help in relieving stress. In other to get rid of stress, make sure you have a enough sleep.


Sex: Sex is another effective way to relieve stress. It is known that several health issues that some people face, such as heart disease, are as a result of stress. While some, see sex as a great way to be stressed free.

Healthy Diet: Eating food that are healthy such as fruits, vegetables, egg, fish can be best in reducing stress.

Seek Medical advice if need be: Something it is very difficult for a stress person to cope alone with stress. Seeking help or advice from a psychologist can be very useful.

Here ends my best ways to relieve stress.

I'm inviting @seanscyril, , @hudamalik20 and @sariana23


It doesn't matter when you sleep no nedd before daybreak. What counts is you feel rested which many are not even after 10 hours.

Hola bela me gustaron tus consejos, cada quien lidia con el estrés a su manera, a veces inclusive ni saben como hacerlo o a veces no identifican que lo están haciendo, lo cierto es que todos los consejos son acertados y cada quien tome lo que le acomode. Para mi dormir es el mejor, al levantarme tengo la mente clara, pienso con mas asertividad y me vienen las ideas con mucha facilidad, lo cual me permite cambiar la perspectiva con la que veía el asunto que me estresaba. Éxitos

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