RRico QUESILLO recipe without Egg without Oven or Bain-marie And few Ingredients my SteemiFoods community my first post here I present you with that beautiful dessert

in SteemFoods4 years ago (edited)

Receta de RRico Quesillo sin Huevo sin Horno ni Baño María Y pocos Ingredientes mi comunidad de SteemiFoods mi primer post aqui me les presento con ese bello postre

DIOS BENDIGA nueva formula y mas barato con un aspecto brillante y rriquisimo quesillo al cuajulo en refrijeracion despues de un buen preparado a continuacion :

GOD BLESS new and cheaper formula with a brilliant appearance and delicious quesillo curd in refrigeration after a good preparation below



  • 800 (ml) mililitros de leche liquida la que le plasca pueden interartuar
  • 1 rama de canela en palo
  • 400 (grs) gramos crema ácida
  • 200 (grs) gramos de azúcar
  • 350 (ml) mililitros agua
  • 3 cucharadas de grenetina sin sabor OSEA es la gelatina virgen
  • 3 cucharadas de maizina fécula de maíz
  • Caramelo líquido o caramelo natural
  • 1 cucharadas vainilla con sabor, color y aroma (o) * 2 cucharadas de vainilla oscura y colorante amarillo
  • Poner a Calentar la leche con la Canela y la crema ácida, agregar el azúcar.
  • Hidratar la grenetina con 80 (ml) mililitros de agua y reservar
  • Mezclar la fécula con el agua y cuando----------->> rompa hervor? agregar la leche,
  • Añadir vainilla y retirar canela.
  • Añadir la esponja de grenetina y disolver.
  • Vaciar caramelo al molde y Vaciar la mezcla.
  • Cuajar en refrigerador de 4 a 5 horas.


  • 800 (ml) milliliters of liquid milk which plasters can interact
  • 1 stick of cinnamon
  • 400 (grs) grams sour cream
  • 200 (grs) grams of sugar
  • 350 (ml) milliliters water
  • 3 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin OSEA is virgin gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch cornstarch
  • Liquid caramel or natural caramel
  • 1 tablespoons vanilla with flavor, color and aroma (or) * 2 tablespoons of dark vanilla and yellow food coloring
  • Heat the milk with the cinnamon and sour cream, add the sugar.
  • Hydrate the gelatin with 80 (ml) milliliters of water and reserve
  • Mix the starch with the water and when ----------- >> does it boil? add the milk,
  • Add vanilla and remove cinnamon.
  • Add the gelatin sponge and dissolve.
  • Pour caramel into the mold and empty the mixture.
  • Set in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 hours

a continuacion la preparacion . then the preparation.

MAIZCINA para los que no la conocen el resto de los ingredientes ya mencionados son muy común y corriente que día a dia hacemos preparados con ellos por eso no les presente foto del mismo de cada ingrediente ....

CORN for those who do not know it, the rest of the ingredients already mentioned are very common and common that we make preparations with them every day, so I do not present a photo of each ingredient ...

como ya observan mi gente tenemos listo el molde ya con el caramelo totalmente regado en todo el molde
As you can see my people, we have the mold ready with the caramel fully spread throughout the mold


molde redondo ya cubierto de caramelo.
round mold already covered with caramel


colocando el preparado liquido en el molde con el caramelo ya cubierto
placing the liquid preparation in the mold with the caramel already covered


terminando de vaciar totalmente el preparado en el molde de hay llevar a 4 horas en el refrigerador 1 hora a ambiente luego
After completely emptying the preparation in the mold, take 4 hours in the refrigerator 1 hour at room then


colocarle una plantilla como ya lo notan de color azul encima voltear con cuidado dándole suavemente y pidiendo para que no se pegue en el molde y salga completo luego .
place a template as you already notice it in blue on top, turn carefully, giving it gently and asking so that it does not stick in the mold and comes out completely later


con la gran suerte y el favor de dios y una muy buena manipulación de nuestro preparado excelente gualaaaa nos salga completísimo nuestro quesillo
with the great luck and the favor of God and a very good handling of our excellent preparation gualaaaa, our quesillo


aquí retiramos el molde con el caramelo ya derretido colocando al rededor del mismo resto del caramelo dentro del molde quedando así.
Here we remove the mold with the melted caramel, placing the rest of the caramel around the same inside the mold, thus remaining


espectacular cierto apoyen muchísimo si les gusto
spectacular true support a lot if you like me


ahora haciendo el corte de una pequeña rebanada para probar nuestra preparación
now making the cut of a small slice to test our preparation


colocando nuestra rebana dita de quesillo y textura excelente
placing our little slice of quesillo and excellent texture


miren la textura muy buena
look at the very good texture


observen mas de cerca
take a closer look


content was written by @belloskr

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tuve algo de inconveniente en volver a publicar ya que no tenia recursos para hacer mis recetas espero de su gran aporte y ayuda incondicional hasta la próxima todo depende de como me valla aquí para comprar y hacer mas recetas para publicarlas contenido 100% original fotos con mi cámara hasta la Próxima.....

Follow me on the chat https://discord.gg/
I had some inconvenience in republishing since I had no resources to make my recipes I hope for your great contribution and unconditional help until next time it all depends on how I go here to buy and make more recipes to publish them 100% original content photos with me camera until the next .....


you did not use ovan, and you also wirtten in tittle that without Egg without Oven or Bain-marie , i do not like eggs , so when i saw this tittle so i got attention to this recipe,it is very much nice dessert recipe that is very much easy to cook with low budget and yeah many people feel very much difficult to prepare recipe that cook in ovan, so i think it is best recipe dessert , i liked mold shape ,i think we do not need to keep it in reffergrator, it is ok in room temperature also, for 2 hours, i think we can add in this dry fruit also, like badam, akrot etc, that will will be nice, inside the mold filling time, thank you very much, you explained every step in picture very nicely and i liked it thank

Thank you very much for your apollo I hope to progress more...

HOLA GRACIAS , hola gracias una pregunta que es ovalan? no te entendí mi amigo..,
hi thanks a question which is ovalan? I did not understand my friend.

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