China's economy in pictures.

in GEMS4 years ago

Work every day from nine to nine, six days a week. Something that in other countries may sound familiar; Criticism of harsh working conditions has even reached Silicon Valley.

But in the second world power, the unusual protest of workers in technology companies that emerged in recent weeks has, like almost everything in this country, special “Chinese characteristics”.

Chinese law provides for 40-hour work hours per week. If they are exceeded, the employee must receive compensation, and in any case the number of overtime hours must not exceed 36 per month.

Employees of technology companies protest against days of nine to nine, six days a week.

The official media, reflecting the Chinese government's opinion, have also participated in the debate, now focused on the appropriateness - or not - of the work-life balance offered by Chinese companies.

The People's Daily, the Communist Party newspaper, assured the conciliator in an editorial last Sunday that “the workers who criticize 9-6-6 cannot be accused of being lazy or faint-hearted. You have to take into account their true needs. "

Images sources: Images of the World


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