The "revolutionary" doctors of Cuba have arrived in Lombardy to help the sovereign region in the fight against coronavirus

in #coronavirus4 years ago

Last March 15, the Cuban government had given its consent to send its doctors to Italy, to help our country in the fight against contagion from Covid-19.

The mission was organized with the support of the National Association for Italy - Cuba Friendship (ANAIC) and the National Coordinator of Cuban Residents in Italy (CONACI), after the same Lombardy Region Welfare Councilor, Giulio Gallera, had support required a possible contribution from Cuba to the fight against coronavirus, by sending medical personnel and the antiviral interferon Alfa 2B produced by Cuba and used successfully in China.


Cuban doctors in Italy

Since the start of the pandemic, Cuba has sent six medical brigades to other countries, all on the American continent.

The group sent from Cuba to Lombardy, made up of 36 doctors, 15 nurses and a logistics expert, arrived this Sunday, shortly after 6 pm, at Malpensa airport greeted by the applause of dozens of Italians.

Many of them have previous experience in the fight against epidemics, such as 68-year-old Leonardo Fernández, now on his eighth international mission, including one in Liberia during the Ebola epidemic.

This news acquires a "particular flavor" when compared with that given by the GR1 and also taken up by Repubblica which, thanks to what reported by a Czech researcher, Lukas Lev Cervinka, who let us know that the authorities of the Czech Republic, a few days ago , arbitrarily seized a load of masks and respirators that China had sent to Italy with the excuse that it was "material stolen from Czech companies by unscrupulous criminals who wanted to sell it at a higher cost on the international market, challenging the strict limits to the medical export imposed in Czechia as elsewhere by the emergency ".


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