📷 Marketfriday at the masters fair

in GEMS4 years ago

Have a nice day! Today I will show you my photos that I took last year. I couldn't even think that we would all be quarantined because of this monstrous coronavirus.

There are no fairs in Kuban for the third month. The masters are very worried, they have to trade only through the Internet, I don't even know what they live on now. After all, all their income was only from sales of their products.

But let's take a moment away from the current problems and consider their crafts and Souvenirs... I have often photographed a variety of decorations. Do you like handmade jewelry?



They seem to be simple, and probably made artistically, but with their own hands. Sometimes even from ordinary copper wire and some metal or alloy with the use of small various parts.

But the original author's work, isn't it?


And these earrings on birch bark also have a cat's eye-a stone of kindness and warmth, which protects its owner from troubles and misfortunes, the evil eye and damage :-) Although I am not superstitious, but so say some masters.

Yes, and this stone looks even interesting in birch bark. There are also decorations in the steampunk style with the use of various nuts and screws, screws and rivets. It turns out very interesting products.

  • Have a wonderful Friday everyone and if you have some interesting market-related photos, go ahead and submit them in the #MarketFriday tag and link to your article in the Express post by @dswigle.

I really liked these balls-Souvenirs of dried herbs and flowers.


They directly emit light and heat, especially those with daisies. There were many beautiful pendants and pendants made of epoxy resin. What only now the masters do not come up with...



But such jewelry is not cheap. Although it may be possible to pay for them 30-35 dollars and not such a huge amount. After all, just to dry the plants, some have to wait for 2-3 months. We have very hot weather in summer and autumn and for some reason the plants slowly dry out in the dark.

But in ready-made Souvenirs, all these plants look very beautiful.


There are many other products at fairs, and you can always find something unusual and interesting here. Once I found such toy dragons :-)


And a watch with roses from foamiran. Do you like this performance?


And at the end, as always, there will be flowers.




Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes,


Oh, I was so worried about the Kuban artisans, Svetlana! I know that this is how they make their living and to be shut out for three months will set many of them back, if not bankrupt them.

I am so sorry for all. I really am. I hope their internet sales are at least helping them in some small way. You always capture the best shots of their work. I have become such an admirer of their work, I especially love the jewelry in the beginning and the dried flowers. My favorites.

And of course, you leave me with the prettiest flowers ever. Thank you so much!

#MarketFriday loves you!

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Thank you dear for your attention and support.
I hope that soon we will all be able to cope with this tragedy that has befallen our world.

And everything will go back to normal.
Take care of yourself!


Wow!!!! Always so beautiful!! Thank you!

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