Freudstein meets Vegan Dracula at his Castle

in GEMS4 years ago

How would you interpret the following story when you'll hear that there was once a Vegan Dracula and one day he met a magician, a healer through liqueurs made from herbs? :-)

His name was Freudstein ...

But, let's begin like every story starts ... with the beginning :-)

Once upon a Time, there was a scary character, whose name no one even thought of mentioning ...

He lived at his old castle for more than 3022 years ... and his name was Dracula ...


He was everyday in a search of the perfect potion to obtain the eternal life, and, even if everyone have heard rumors like he was drinking blood ... this was not true, it was just a way to keep people away from his lovely castle ...

He was actually a totally vegan :-))

Even if he made sometimes potions to heal animals and humans in need, using bone clue as well ...


He was a good friend with every animal, he could speak the language of snakes, of rats and even the magical laguage named, squashian' ...

Everyday he was drinking his magical water from his grail which was made from a pure crystal ...


He had the whole Time in the Universe to take his secret experiments to the highest levels possible ...

He had an entire world arround him, who helped him to understand the benefits of the Vegan Life and the secrets of the Eternal Life, without the need ofdrinking blood ...


One Night, he came with an idea ...

He made a sacred incantation and invited his old master, Freudstein, to come and to assist and help him to invent one of the most powerful liqueurs for healing some of his friends from the villages around his castle ...

This liqueur was mainly to repare broken bones, while, lots of the villagers had some problems, while they were working hard in the mountains where they've sometimes had some major injuries ... Even if they were miners, or simple sheperds ... to travel through the woods from the mountains in that period in time could be a hard life ...

So, he started his incantation and right after 33 seconds, a Portal of Light opened and master Freudstein appeared through ...


They were very happy to see each other again ... after just few years ...

Master Freudstein knew already what was the reason why his apprentice called him ...

He stepped forward to the table where everything was prepared ... beside the magic crystal that he was requested to bring ...


That magic crystal was the green aventurine, which, he brought and placed it inside the green bottle with the sacred water inside of it ...

As i've mentioned the purpose of this sacred liqueur, there was a need for bones as well, and, he started to boil one sacred liteel bone that was taken from a dungeon where some ancient dragons were living ...

He started the incantations and boiled that dragon bone, combined with the green water made from the aventurine crystal and the magic happened ... after 33 minutes, they've made the most powerful liqueur to heal the humans when they've had problems with their low calcium levels ... This liqueur could strength their bodies and provide a higher percentage of minerals and calcium ...


This was the story of our Vegan Dracula and his master Freudstein, who were good souls that could live for thouands of years and help the humans arround this World ...

Hope nowadays we will be able to become like the master and apprentice that will always have the purpose of helping the Kingdom of this World ...

Regards people from this awesome lego planet.


Hope you've enjoyed my story ...

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