Memories of my School Days

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone.


The photo above is a photo with my homies Paul and Mag while our school was under student takeover. I still remember that day! We skated the school's hallways all freaking day! I can not remember why we did this takeover though! It's been 12 years already wow.
Time Flies.

Anyway, let's talk about today's topic, "Memories of my School Days".

As far as I can remember I was not the best student nor the most social guy to hang out with.
Back in elementary school I was only hanging out with a couple of guys from my school cause we were "different" than most kids our age. Most of them wanted to play basketball or football and the only thing we wanted was to skate.

The elementary school I was attending to had a common yard with 2 other schools and more than 700 kids were playing during breaks. We always rode our skateboard to school and we were skating in between classes. There were a lot of skateboarding haters back in 2006. Most people in my city were actually looking at skateboarding as a crime lol. The principal always had a problem with us skating but never had a problem with other kids smoking, fighting and so did all the people at every spot we used to skate back in the day.

I still remember this day like it was yesterday. Me and my skate pals had just finished school and we went skating at a street spot near the school. Little we knew, the principal's house was just across the road. It was around 3 p.n when the police arrived and busted us. Later this day when our parents came to the police department to "free" us we were told that our school's principal was the one who called the police cause he wanted to rest after a hard day at work...

Kickflip (2008)

I was dating a girl back then and we were really into each other. We were together for a year but she moved to Sweden and that really affected my teen life. I was constantly angry and I was overreacting to all minor things I didn't like. I later understood that something was wrong with me so I decided to put all this energy I was wasting in negative things into skateboarding. I filmed a "Sponsor Me" video and sent it to a Greek skateboarding company called Propaganda and to Vans shoes.

This is the video

A few days later a received a phone call from Propaganda team manager informing me that they wanted to sponsor me.

My whole life changed

It was a dream came true and since this day I really started chasing my dreams.
I was living the so called "Skatelife". Free boards and shoes, some money in the bank and skate tours all around Greece.

This is my very first skate tour with Propaganda and it was SO GOOD

My part starts at 4:12

Propaganda Rollin Co. is still supporting me with boards, clothes and money. It's been 10 years already wow!

This is my latest skateboarding part in collaboration with Propaganda Rollin Co

Here is a photo of me with some fresh Propaganda stuff


And here is one more. Sweet board logos right?


Anyway, my whole teen/school life was just skateboarding, just like it is today!
As a full time Steemian/Hiver who chases his dream and tries to make a living out of his skate vlogs/posts I got one advice for you

Be yourself and always chase your dreams.

Thank you all for your support my friends, means a lot!
If you want to check out more of my work you can visit my blog. I've got plenty of skate videos and other stuff to keep you guys entertained.

Much love to everyone and stay safe

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I never had the coordination and balance for skateboarding, but you have a new follower here and on Hive!

It's all a matter of practice bro! But no pain, no gain! Hahahah!
Thanks for the follow, just followed back!
Cheers man!

Well, it's a lot easier to practice if you live somewhere paved. I lived on gravel roads in the country with rare visits to town.

Oh, I see.
It's never too late though ;)

It is very much too late now. Back injuries are a bitch and a half.

Oh man, I know it's hard to recover from back injuries so get better soon my friend.
You can always check out our skateboarding community on Hive called @skatehive if you wanna watch some action and feel free to comment at every skate post! We are giving 0.04-0.07 upvotes to all thoughtful comments on every #skatehive post!

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