Memories of my school days

in GEMS4 years ago

I remember it like it was yesterday

I didn't become a drifter as an adult, I was always a drifter, and it started way back when I was drifting from place to place and school to school.

I remember it like it was yesterday, I was the new kid on the block. The one that didn't know anybody and from a far away place.

You see, my family liked to move around a lot when I was young so I was often the new kid.

Having to learn new to make new friends and adapt to new cultures, just to try and fit in.

Luckily for me, this place would be better than the rest.

This place was full of nice and friendly people.

Unfortunately for me, I wouldn't really realize that until it was too late.

You see, I mostly kept to myself.

I never went out of my way to make new friends or meet new people.

I was involved in athletics so that forced me to make a few friends that way, but that was usually it for me.

I made a few friends and I was content.

Choosing to spend most of my free time alone or working on my athletics.

Having a few friends mostly just came in hand when we had to work on group projects or for having someone to sit with at lunch.

That way the rest of the world didn't know I was alone.

It wasn't until the very end of my one and only year at this place did I start to realize how open and friendly much of these people really were.

I had wasted an entire year not going to parties and not hanging out with these people.

But alas, now it was too late, it was time to move again.

If I could go back in time I would change the way I spent that year at that wonderful place.

I would choose to make more memories of school days instead of letting them be one big blur mostly filled with what could have been.

That's the funny thing about time though, it only moves in one direction.

Off to the next place.



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