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RE: Keeping Safe In A Frightened World

in GEMS5 years ago

Howdy redheadpei! Yeah it's already pretty crazy out there and is just the beginning since the virus is just getting started in North America. I think it will take a few months to get through this thing. Are you guys gonna try and stay home most of the time?


Mornin’ Cowboy! It seems unbelievable that it is spreading like the plague. Europe has really felt the effect and now it’s here.

I’m not going too far until the virus has run it’s course. A lot of social activities will be shut down if they find more cases here on the Island.

Very wise to stay put. I was listening to a virologist specialist today and he said it was going to take 3 to 6 months before this thing ran it's course!

Mornin’ Cowboy! No more handshakes just the old fist pump or head nod when greeting someone.

3 to 6 mos ,that’s a long time . Already they are closing schools and other events down here on the Island.

Well it's good to try and get ahead of it. In Dallas today they are closing all bars and restaurants so that's a big hit to the economy.

It is a scary situation for our health and an effect on the stock market and the economy. Many folks are working from home if they can.

Exactly. That's the best scenario, to be able to keep working but just doing it from home. Unfortunately most are just laid off.

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