All The SOCIAL Media Types COMPARED !! | Blockchain vs Centralised vs Free Platforms | Who wins ? | Who's BETTER ?

in GEMS4 years ago
Today in this modern world we all are faced with a number of kind of social media. It is one of the door ways of hours to the entire world without moving out or been at that place and we are Virtually present at all of the places and all of the times the thing is that we now having a ton of options to choose from between those with always we are not having a lot of options

What are the different types of social media _.png
Where each one of those comes with their own benefits and their own negatives as well. People do tend to choose one which is most suitable to them.
In all the social media as we do see that there are a lot of creators in them which help the platform flourish and as well as they themselves are flourishing in growing at the same time by creating content over the platform and one of the most important things in any social media is that the recognition and some of the financial returns from that platform as well for the creator which is what keeps them creating and give them the reason to keep creating content.
If we sort out we will see three major type of social media these days in terms of financial Returns.

The first one is of the platforms which provide no financial Returns for the users who are not using those platforms in the way they can get some financial Returns.

For example these things are the Social medias are one of the worst once because as there are no financial returns the regulatory team is not so good as well as you need not give in a lot of effort over here because no one is gonna be checking on oven is done with checking of quality whatever it is because of which a lot of things go missing and which is why a lot of rumours and a lot of fake news and all of these negative things are given birth through this kind of social media as well.

People do tend to miss use them as they can be used at a white scale in order to spread something which cannot be spread but they want to be spread.

Moving on the second one is one of the rose media as one of the social medias which provide user financial Returns.

Well these are those social medias which are quite very well regulated and one of the things which is very good about them is the regulatory measures and the way they give their platform developed with updates with all the rules stated as well as everything to be precise.
But with so much of popularity what comes with it is a huge competition as you know today on YouTube there is a really very big competition a new youtuber which starts today is gonna be facing a really hard journey in order to get up the ranks which is why these platforms have friend and their financial target that created need to meet in order to get some financial Returns.

And lastly we come up with those social medias which are built upon blockchains.

Well adipose place these social medias are really very well regulated as well as they are requiring a lot of knowledge from your side and it is what the places where you are not gonna be censored or not gonna be suppressed for any reason and this is one of the major plus point on the positive about the social media.

But the thing that most of the people find hard is that you are requiring a lot of knowledge about a lot of topics all at the same time we need to know what is cryptocurrency you need to know how to trade between them you need to know how the price is very and all of these things should be known to you in order to be working successfully upon here upon the social media Dapps on the blockchain.

Well currently a very less fraction of the entire world population is on blockchain and is using cryptocurrency or even are aware about it which is making this as one of the best sources or one of the best fields where people can Hop on as there is very low competition but a huge potential which is can be seen in the coming years for sure.

So which one do you find the best one

Do let me know below

Thanks for stopping by


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