Splinterlands - Weekly Share Your Battle Contest with Giant Squid Monster

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello battlers,



Here comes another Splinterlands related blog from me with details of a battle I had with Giant Squid monster from Water splinter.
Giant Squid, a Rare water monster belonging to Untamed category and team Splinterlands has promoted this monster by urging the battlers to use it in their battles and share a blog on the experience of using this monster.


I think it's one of the lesser used monsters because of better alternatives in the Water splinter, but this will be handy when leveled up, as it comes with 2 wonderful abilities in Blind and Weaken and we will see about these abilities a little later.


I still stand by my words of one of the lesser used monsters and the stats of this monster justifies that.

Ranged Attack:

As it is displayed above, this monster can have a max ranged attack of 3 which is lesser than the Azmare Harpoonist at begginning level, but the abilities it has can compensate for this.


It's also not that great with speed of 1 to 3 in different levels of this 8 leveled monster.

It starts and holds a speed of 1 in first 2 levels, which increases to 2 in levels 3 to 5 and shoots to 3 among remaining 3 levels.


Armors are just a bit of relief for this monster and it comes with an armor upto level 4 and from levels 5 to 8, it has 2 armors.


This on a bit of encouraging side with level 1 having 4 health and remaining 7 levels have health of 5.

Like I mentioned above, it has Blind and Weaken abilities which, are the greatest asset of this monster.

Blind ability makes all the monsters of opponent to have an increased chance of missing to hit this monster as Blind makes them blindfolded.

Mind you that, this ability is available from level 4 onwards.

Weaken reduces the health of opposition monster by one and this isn't available until one reaches level 8 of this monster.

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I was curious about Ginat Squid and lined up monsters as below:


This battle had the new battle type i.e. Equalizer, which means all the monsters will have same health and the health will be set as the health of monster with highest health.
Besides Equalizer it also had Lost Legendaries enabled, which means no Legendary monster can be used in this battle.
It's one of the low mana cost battles with just 17 Mana cap.

1. Spineback Turtle:

In most of the low Mana battles, I use this and here also I used the same because of it's armors and health for a 4 Mana cost monster besides it's 2 melee attack.

Additionally, it can throw Thorns which is so crucial in low mana battles.

2. Ice Pixie

Used this first among second line monsters, because it will have same health as Spineback turtle and quickly release that magic attack because of it's speed of 3 and gives those 2 valuable magic attack.

3. Giant Squid:

The monster which has featured in this week's challenge and surely is not a starter in all the battles.

Used this just to complete this weekly challenge and not among my favorites, but it may become popular when it goes upto level 4 where it gives that Blind ability.

4. Crustacean King:

A Healer and also gives a ranged attack of 1.

Placed it at Fourth position and is of less threat to melee and ranged attacks because of an armor it got.

Furious Chicken:

Lastly, I placed this for sneak attack and since all the monsters starts with same health, this becomes a formidable one to hold the backend attack.

Before I proceed to give the details of battle, it's customary to provide the details of opponent's monsters.

I had to face a Death Splinter with monsters Undead Rexx and Soulstorm, yes, just 2 monsters.

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Round 1:

We may think that this battle will not lost longer because of the lineups especially from the opposite person with just 2 monsters.

But, it was a different story as Soulstorm, being a Flying ability monster, kept on evading the attack from Giant Squid, Crustacean King and Spineback Turtle.

Round 1 had 10 iterations and Undead Rexx survived in round 1 although got it's health reduced to 3.


Round 2:

Round 2 saw end of *Undead Rexx and battle was over theoretically because Soulstorm being ranged attack monster, can't battle as a front monster.

Although, it couldn't attack, Soulstorm evaded all the attacks except for the magic attack of Ice Pixie


Round 3:

Couple of hits and couple of misses due to evading because of Flying ability means, Soulstorm survives although it's health reduced to 6.


Round 4:

Evading continued and only Ice Pixie's magic attack and Spineback Turtles 1 melee attack were successful.


Round 5:

Never expected Soulstorm without attacking can take this battle to 5 rounds, but that happened and it was too much for the monster in this round and it eventually got removed.


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

I feel yes, there was also a bit of help from opponent by lining up a ranged monster among the 2 and Undead Rexx couldn't do much here.

Do you use the GIANT SQUID often? Why or why not?

Not much, because of it's low ranged attack and there are other water monsters which gives better options. It will be a go to monster once we have atleast a level 4 one with Blind ability.

That is all from me for now!!! It was a short battle, but lot's of evasions.

Thanks guys and I hope you enjoyed reading this.

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