Absent reflections of the past

in GEMS4 years ago

That day I decided to go out to the field. After several months working at home, it was time to find new airs.

On the way, I was impressed by how clear the road was, I could barely see a few cars. It was undoubtedly something very strange considering that it was weekend and in general it is not possible to find where to park the car on the shores of the lake. With some caution I decided not to go that far from home, after all I just needed to get some air, vary the space.

Back then it was 10am when I decided to leave my car a few kilometers from the lake. This time he had parked it on an alternate road, one of much less frequency and almost hidden from the crowd.

I remember the day Dad brought us to this place the first time, it was his family cabin. Everything looked calm and relaxed, it was an unforgettable week, all with the family. That was probably the last family reunion.

With a lot of desire to review the current state of the cabin that Papa had left us, to relive all those wonderful memories, I got out of the car and very eagerly ran to the door that I could barely see.

My great surprise as I got closer was to observe how everything around was so clear, many trees had dried up and the characteristic sound of the river no longer existed. Something had happened. Finally he reached the door, when he opened it and took the first step in the air, he observed that the entire floor inside it had disappeared. He only managed to spot a great void in which it seemed that all light in the distance is extinguished. This left me with great bewilderment, as much as I tried I could not find any explanation for such a shocking sight.

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This story made me feel things like emotions. I think the protagonist is trying to find his soul. But where?

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