Let's See What I Got/lost from My Contribution for Getting Yodin Zaku.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


I hope you're having a great day!

Welcome to my another Splinterlands Post.
In this post; I'm going to show what I got/lost from my contribution for getting Yodin Zaku.

To know about my my contribution for getting yodin zaku you may check out this post.


So... I spent 23.90 USD in Dec to buy 10 Untamed Booster Pack and some potion.

Then we (my wife was beside me) started opening every pack one by one.
This post is about showing what I got from those packs.

I'll try to describe a little to uphold post quality.

So... let's see what I got [Check out the whole post to see me analyzing my openings too].

Pack 01

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.30 USD.


They grow right before your eyes, and they smell horrible. They consume every one of their hosts, beginning of course with the outer flesh but making fast work of organ liquification. One they have consumed a host, they quickly find another. It is almost impossible to shake off this Parasite during battle, but luckily there are several magical remedies available - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 1 speed and 2 health with "Opportunity" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


It is a wonder that these huge destructive beasts of the Burning Lands don't bring their own cave walls crashing down upon themselves each day. They don't use weapons; the Trolls' fists are stronger than any club. Trolls never emerge from the caves, they are allergic to sunlight, gradually turning to stone when exposed for extended periods of time. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 3 health with "Reach" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

ICE PIXIE RARE Water Monster

The temperature of Azmaré’s Frozen Hell has been gradually but steadily increasing for the last ten years, since the salt sickness has taken hold there. The Ice Shelf itself is not in any imminent danger of melting, nor is the Palace of the Frost Giant, but new, mischievous creatures of the ice have been emerging from the melted cracks. These Ice Pixies have apparently been frozen for many lifetimes, simply awaiting a warmer season to make their escape. Once free, Ice Pixies play like warp speed children throughout the Splinterlands, making a real mess of the natural world. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 magic attack, 3 speed and 1 health with "Fying" ability.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The exclusive academy in the Western Wood known as Summoner’s Green cuts ninety percent of its students each year, so there are lots of failed Summoners. Since many of them have nowhere to go, they choose to stay in the Forest, forming into crude groups and families. Many of them are savage and violent. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 4 health with "Magic Reflect" ability.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The Silver Shield of legend is locked securely away on Khymian holy ground, but expert Khymian Armorsmiths have made many replicas of the great Shield throughout the years. The Khymian soldiers who are called to carry these shields are known as Shieldbearers. Ironically, the Shieldbearers are trained to sacrifice their own bodies before their shields. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed, 4 shield and 9 health with "Taunt" ability.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 02

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.21 USD.


Albatross have recently migrated from the other side of the world. They have a mejestic beauty that stuns onlookers who see them fly by. In battle, they use their long beaks as sabres and their razor-sharp wing feathers to slice at their enemies. The Pirates of Azmaré hold strong superstition that anyone who kills an Albatross will be doomed to a lifetime of bad luck, but still sometimes a fight must be made, for the Pirates’ own defense. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 speed and 1 health with "Flying" ability.
It requires 1 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The Elves of Anumün are masters of weaponcraft and armor construction. A simple Elf can be fortified into a tank that can withstand the attacks of the fiercest Burning Lands warriors, but this requires some impressive Elfcraft. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed, 3 shield and 8 health.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The most mysterious of Khymian priests, Truthspeakers are warriors of prayer. Communication is their main field of study, and through their prayers they are given the ability to speak in every language. Most strange is their ability to speak in tongues, which communicates directly with the Angel Realm. When used in battle, this skill calls down a smiting light from heaven. Though quite uncontrollable, the Angel’s Light is extremely destructive. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 1 health with "Protect" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The rivers of Life and Power make it easy to survive in the Forests of Anumün. Runaway Human and Goblin children have always found their ways into the enchanted Forests where they can live without parental rule. These children are as dangerous as they are resourceful, having taught themselves to survive in a world of natural chaos and social alienation. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 ranged attack, 5 speed and 2 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Like most races in the Burning Lands, Kobolds enjoy competitive sports. In special caves called wrestlehuts, Kobold Wrestlers meet regularly to spar with one another and practice their techniques. For these Kobolds, size doesn't matter; they are happy to wrestle with monsters five or six times bigger than them if the challenge arises, and they are likely to win. Although they enjoy the sport, Kobolds never gamble. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed and 3 health.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 03

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.20 USD.


While a regular Narwhal can sink a ship with a single thrust from its giant horn, a Sniping Narwhal can actually release the horn, launching it up to a mile underwater with precision. The cartilage material of the horn reforms in about 24 hours and is ready to be loosed again. Sniping Narwahls are also considerably larger and more territorial than the kelp garden variety Narwhal with which we are all familiar. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed and 4 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


These jungle vines look harmless enough at a distance, but with a closer look you will notice tiny toothed mouths all over the surface of the plant. If you dozed off, the vines would quickly wrap around your entire body and sink the teeth in. Over the next ten minutes, they would drain every ounce of liquid from you, desiccating you alive. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 1 speed and 2 health with "Opportunity" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The Lyverian army has found that troops are best trained by an Orc. Their ugliness scares recruits into line, and they are always shouting and snarling, even when calm. Orcs and their families are well rewarded in seed coins for their service to the Kingdom of Lyveria. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 6 health with "Reach" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


In southern Khymeria, near the Crystalline Harbor, there is a dank place known as Baluthar's Deep. There are stories of ancient treasures buried there in the darkness, but the most that treasure hunters typically find is a slew of hideous cave monstrosities. One of the most well-known is the Cave Slug, which hides in plain sight and devours victims quite quickly. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 1 speed and 4 health with "Opportunity" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The most mysterious of Khymian priests, Truthspeakers are warriors of prayer. Communication is their main field of study, and through their prayers they are given the ability to speak in every language. Most strange is their ability to speak in tongues, which communicates directly with the Angel Realm. When used in battle, this skill calls down a smiting light from heaven. Though quite uncontrollable, the Angel’s Light is extremely destructive. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 1 health with "Protect" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 04

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.16 USD.

MANTOID COMMON Neutral Monster

A Mantoid is a skinny insect, resembling a praying mantis, about the size of a Goblin’s head. As it approaches its prey, the Mantoid may tilt its head inquisitively from side to side and rub its front legs together. The head tilting is actually an esophageal stretch as the Mantoid prepares to eat something wider than its throat. What looks like leg rubbing is actually the systematic sharpening of a thousand tiny razors, preparing them to cut through flesh like butter. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed and 5 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 6 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


It's sticky, stinky and revolting. If any of this stuff gets on you, you'll be scrubbing for ages to no avail. The Slimeball flies throughout the Splinterlands seeking fresh linens to soil, stomachs to upset, and parties to putrify. Much to the dismay of the Mount Mox audiences, the Cursed Slimeball can be easily summoned to tournament battle. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 1 speed and 1 health.
It requires 1 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The Silver Shield of legend is locked securely away on Khymian holy ground, but expert Khymian Armorsmiths have made many replicas of the great Shield throughout the years. The Khymian soldiers who are called to carry these shields are known as Shieldbearers. Ironically, the Shieldbearers are trained to sacrifice their own bodies before their shields. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed, 4 shield and 9 health with "Taunt" ability.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Near the eastern edge of the Rayso Range in Mortis, the creepies and crawlies grow to be quite massive. In this survival of the fittest giant insect situation, the scorpions have truly thrived, bullying every other species into submission. The Lord of Darkness believes the huge insects are a result of the strange purple gasses that seep out through the cracks of Bren-Ha, and he has plans to throw larger monsters into the mountain as an experiment. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed, 1 health and 4 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


During the historic Obliteration of Light, a family of wild cats was napping deep in one of the caves of the Crystal Forest. They were spared by the wave of destruction, and over time, with no competition for food, the cats grew incredibly large. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed, 1 shield and 5 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 05

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.81 USD.


Covering the dirtiest work in the land, the Boatmen are an extremely important piece of the Khymian societal machine. They manage the fishing and seafood industry, but also maintain the boats and control all InterSplinter trade. Boatmen are the only Khymians to live consistently outside the mountain walls. Sadly, when Khymeria is attacked by outside forces, the Boatmen are the first to know. They are however, a physical force to be reckoned with. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed, 1 shield and 3 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The exclusive academy in the Western Wood known as Summoner’s Green cuts ninety percent of its students each year, so there are lots of failed Summoners. Since many of them have nowhere to go, they choose to stay in the Forest, forming into crude groups and families. Many of them are savage and violent. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 4 health with "Magic Reflect" ability.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Khymian Herbalists make use of every known plant that grows in their Splinter, as well as many exotic species from the Jungles of Azmaré. They carry a vast assortment with them wherever they go. While their collections typically focus on healing plants, Herbalist bags also contain a wide variety of deadly poisons. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 ranged attack, 1 speed and 2 health.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Albatross have recently migrated from the other side of the world. They have a mejestic beauty that stuns onlookers who see them fly by. In battle, they use their long beaks as sabres and their razor-sharp wing feathers to slice at their enemies. The Pirates of Azmaré hold strong superstition that anyone who kills an Albatross will be doomed to a lifetime of bad luck, but still sometimes a fight must be made, for the Pirates’ own defense. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 1 health with "Flying" ability.
It requires 1 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Death is one of the elemental forces of nature, which can be summoned in its raw form by a skilled Dark Eternal summoner. The dark and whispy energetic form is a terrifying force in battle. The Lord of Darkness refuses to call Death Elementals by their rightful name, insisting that theirs is not a magic of death, but life. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 magic attack, 3 speed and 2 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 06

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.24 USD.


The Elves of Anumün are masters of weaponcraft and armor construction. A simple Elf can be fortified into a tank that can withstand the attacks of the fiercest Burning Lands warriors, but this requires some impressive Elfcraft. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed, 3 shield and 8 health.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


It is a wonder that these huge destructive beasts of the Burning Lands don't bring their own cave walls crashing down upon themselves each day. They don't use weapons; the Trolls' fists are stronger than any club. Trolls never emerge from the caves, they are allergic to sunlight, gradually turning to stone when exposed for extended periods of time. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 4 health with "Reach" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


While a regular Narwhal can sink a ship with a single thrust from its giant horn, a Sniping Narwhal can actually release the horn, launching it up to a mile underwater with precision. The cartilage material of the horn reforms in about 24 hours and is ready to be loosed again. Sniping Narwahls are also considerably larger and more territorial than the kelp garden variety Narwhal with which we are all familiar. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed and 4 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Although the Ceratops is a herbivore, anything living would be foolish to be caught in its teeth, which can gnash and crush with all the power of a Gobson crankpress. When a Ceratops is threatened or afraid, it always charges, utilizing its most effective natural weapon, the armored plate atop its skull. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 1 speed, 1 shield and 4 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Once, on the other side of the world, a great Empire thrived known as Khmer. After generations of great losses from a horrific and indescribable enemy, the Khmer were forced to abandon their home and relinquish their Empire. The small numbers that remain of the Khmer have traveled the Outer Ocean on tecnologically advanced ships, the first in the Splinterlands to make use of combustion engines. The magic of the Khmer is also powered by fire, which explains why they have chosen the Burning Lands to make their new home. They are ruled by Princess Sipha; not only is she the only among her seven sisters that survived the wars, but she is the fiercest Khmer warrior. She has very little to prove, but she will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her Khmer people. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 magic attack, 1 speed and 2 health.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 07

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.28 USD.


Once, on the other side of the world, a great Empire thrived known as Khmer. After generations of great losses from a horrific and indescribable enemy, the Khmer were forced to abandon their home and relinquish their Empire. The small numbers that remain of the Khmer have traveled the Outer Ocean on tecnologically advanced ships, the first in the Splinterlands to make use of combustion engines. The magic of the Khmer is also powered by fire, which explains why they have chosen the Burning Lands to make their new home. They are ruled by Princess Sipha; not only is she the only among her seven sisters that survived the wars, but she is the fiercest Khmer warrior. She has very little to prove, but she will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her Khmer people. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 magic attack, 1 speed and 2 health.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Near the eastern edge of the Rayso Range in Mortis, the creepies and crawlies grow to be quite massive. In this survival of the fittest giant insect situation, the scorpions have truly thrived, bullying every other species into submission. The Lord of Darkness believes the huge insects are a result of the strange purple gasses that seep out through the cracks of Bren-Ha, and he has plans to throw larger monsters into the mountain as an experiment. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed, 1 health and 4 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


The exclusive academy in the Western Wood known as Summoner’s Green cuts ninety percent of its students each year, so there are lots of failed Summoners. Since many of them have nowhere to go, they choose to stay in the Forest, forming into crude groups and families. Many of them are savage and violent. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 speed and 4 health with "Magic Reflect" ability.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Khymian Herbalists make use of every known plant that grows in their Splinter, as well as many exotic species from the Jungles of Azmaré. They carry a vast assortment with them wherever they go. While their collections typically focus on healing plants, Herbalist bags also contain a wide variety of deadly poisons. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 ranged attack, 1 speed and 2 health.
It requires 2 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


While a regular Narwhal can sink a ship with a single thrust from its giant horn, a Sniping Narwhal can actually release the horn, launching it up to a mile underwater with precision. The cartilage material of the horn reforms in about 24 hours and is ready to be loosed again. Sniping Narwahls are also considerably larger and more territorial than the kelp garden variety Narwhal with which we are all familiar. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed and 4 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 08

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.71 USD.


Tortisians are one of the newest civilized race to find their way into the Splinterlands from the other side of the world. They are naturally a seafaring people, and while they cannot breathe underwater, Tortisians can hold their breath for several minutes at a time. Their shells act as powerful floatation devices, never allowing one to be dragged under or to tire from swimming. In battle, the Tortisian Fighters make use of ancient martial arts forms handed down by their people. They carry spears, but seldom need to use them. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 1 speed, 1 shield and 3 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


In southern Khymeria, near the Crystalline Harbor, there is a dank place known as Baluthar's Deep. There are stories of ancient treasures buried there in the darkness, but the most that treasure hunters typically find is a slew of hideous cave monstrosities. One of the most well-known is the Cave Slug, which hides in plain sight and devours victims quite quickly. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 1 speed and 4 health with "Opportunity" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Maggots can typically grow out of old food, a result of the laid eggs of flies. In the death Splinter of Mortis, however, maggots simply wriggle out of the ground. It’s as if the entire surface of Mortis is one huge piece of rotting meat. This phenomenon has yet to be studied by the scientists of Khymeria, Lyveria or Azmaré, but what interest have the living in the dead lands? - Source.

In level 3:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 2 health with "Opportunity" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


While many Gobson inventions are far from perfected, the Goblins there have truly mastered the wheel and the gear. Chariots are an easy way for a single Goblin to pull at least six others into battle. They can also be pulled by goats and other beasts, but Goblins have always preferred using Goblin Power when they can. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 3 speed and 3 health.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Bones are plentiful in the land of the dead. The creation of Bone Golems is one of the few ways that Dark Eternal Sorcerers can express their individuality. Zintar Motalis, for example, is known for crafting Golems from sharpened and jagged bones, while the Cryptmancer creates behemoths of polished and rounded bones, designed to smash and batter. No matter how it was built, a Bone Golem is a destructive and unnatural beast of the dark. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 3 melee attack, 1 speed, 2 shield and 6 health with "Void" ability.
It requires 7 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 09

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.14 USD.


The Elves of Anumün are masters of weaponcraft and armor construction. A simple Elf can be fortified into a tank that can withstand the attacks of the fiercest Burning Lands warriors, but this requires some impressive Elfcraft. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed, 3 shield and 8 health.
It requires 8 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


It is a wonder that these huge destructive beasts of the Burning Lands don't bring their own cave walls crashing down upon themselves each day. They don't use weapons; the Trolls' fists are stronger than any club. Trolls never emerge from the caves, they are allergic to sunlight, gradually turning to stone when exposed for extended periods of time. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 4 health with "Reach" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Death is one of the elemental forces of nature, which can be summoned in its raw form by a skilled Dark Eternal summoner. The dark and whispy energetic form is a terrifying force in battle. The Lord of Darkness refuses to call Death Elementals by their rightful name, insisting that theirs is not a magic of death, but life. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 magic attack, 3 speed and 2 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


During the historic Obliteration of Light, a family of wild cats was napping deep in one of the caves of the Crystal Forest. They were spared by the wave of destruction, and over time, with no competition for food, the cats grew incredibly large. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed, 1 shield and 5 health.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Covering the dirtiest work in the land, the Boatmen are an extremely important piece of the Khymian societal machine. They manage the fishing and seafood industry, but also maintain the boats and control all InterSplinter trade. Boatmen are the only Khymians to live consistently outside the mountain walls. Sadly, when Khymeria is attacked by outside forces, the Boatmen are the first to know. They are however, a physical force to be reckoned with. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed, 1 shield and 3 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Pack 10

Five cards.
Market Value: 0.61 USD.


Covering the dirtiest work in the land, the Boatmen are an extremely important piece of the Khymian societal machine. They manage the fishing and seafood industry, but also maintain the boats and control all InterSplinter trade. Boatmen are the only Khymians to live consistently outside the mountain walls. Sadly, when Khymeria is attacked by outside forces, the Boatmen are the first to know. They are however, a physical force to be reckoned with. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 2 speed, 1 shield and 3 health with "Snipe" ability.
It requires 5 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


It is a wonder that these huge destructive beasts of the Burning Lands don't bring their own cave walls crashing down upon themselves each day. They don't use weapons; the Trolls' fists are stronger than any club. Trolls never emerge from the caves, they are allergic to sunlight, gradually turning to stone when exposed for extended periods of time. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 1 melee attack, 2 speed and 4 health with "Reach" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


It's sticky, stinky and revolting. If any of this stuff gets on you, you'll be scrubbing for ages to no avail. The Slimeball flies throughout the Splinterlands seeking fresh linens to soil, stomachs to upset, and parties to putrify. Much to the dismay of the Mount Mox audiences, the Cursed Slimeball can be easily summoned to tournament battle. - Source.

In level 3:
It has 1 melee attack, 1 speed and 2 health.
It requires 1 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


Like most races in the Burning Lands, Kobolds enjoy competitive sports. In special caves called wrestlehuts, Kobold Wrestlers meet regularly to spar with one another and practice their techniques. For these Kobolds, size doesn't matter; they are happy to wrestle with monsters five or six times bigger than them if the challenge arises, and they are likely to win. Although they enjoy the sport, Kobolds never gamble. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 melee attack, 2 speed and 3 health.
It requires 3 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


In the Burning Lands, the force of electricity is barely understood; it is considered a form of fire. These small but powerful living sparks bring fire through the natural electricity they carry. They are extremely fast, and as a group, they can burn a village in mere minutes. - Source.

In level 1:
It has 2 ranged attack, 5 speed and 1 health with "Flying" ability.
It requires 4 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Got these 50 card from 10 untamed booster packs

Let's analyze my pack openings from mostermarket.io (I'm too bad in understanding these analyzes) then I'll know how much money I lost.


Total Cost

  • 10 Untamed Booster Packs : 20$ in 20K Dec
  • 50 Gold Potion: 1.66$ in 2500 DEC
  • 50 Legendary Potion : 1.328$ in 2000 Dec

Total : (20+1.66+1.328) = 22.988$ in 24500 Dec


50 cards in total with 34 common non-gold and 3 common gold, 13 rare.
No epic, no legendary.

As I did the math seeing values from preakmonsters.com...
Total worth of those 50 cards should be around 3.65 $.

and I spent around 23$.
It's a huge loss bro.

But still I'm happy to see all those new cards in my collection beside I didn't spend the money from my pocket.
And it's a nice experiment.

So... this is all about this post.
I'll share what I got in those 10 untamed booster packs in another post with a video in it.

Till then... Stay Home, Stay Safe, Be a Contributor in Saving the Planet & Be Happy.

Photos are taken from Splinterlands and peakmonsters
** The End **

If you're interested in playing steemmonsters game then you should start it.
Here is the link of official websites which is also my affiliate link.

That's all for now. I'll come with an interesting post again.

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"About Me"

I'm a Writer (I write poems+short stories), Traveler (I travel whenever I get free times and resources as it's a part of my life actually), Photographer (I love it too much) and Designer (Currently I'm the lead designer of a private company).

In steem/hive blockchain...
I'm a curator of @tipu, @innerblocks, @minnowsupport, @diyhub and support member of @steemitbd.

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"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"


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