My quarantine challenges-making myself a skilled person.steemCreated with Sketch.

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello everyone i hope you all are fine and safe from the coronavirus and are enjoying your quarantine period of life and think before this coronavirus no one even imagine that one time will come we all people have to stay in our homes and we will not allowed to go home. But unfortunately time have come when no people in the world is allowed to go out of our homes. We are in the quarantine sine many weeks now firstly we consider that this coronavirus will end soon but now it looks it will take lot of time . Yesterday one of the scientist from the most developed and powerful country said that i think world will never come in the track of normalcy once again but we believe that we will fight with the coronavirus and we will got the victory soon just like china who have defected the coronavirus and today i read in the news that schools and colleges have been opned once again my heart gets full of joy when i read this beautiful news. So we have spend lot of time in quarantine but some people are wasting time time. But i think this period is important for us we have a lot of time to do things which we have to learn but before this we have no time. So we should use the quarantine time more effectively and learn news things and make yourselves a skilled person. Also we now coronavirus have reached in the every part of the world and lot of people have been infected to this deadly virus about 1.5 billion people got this virus and the number of deaths are vary close to the one lakh mark. So sometimes i get afraid that when coronavirus ends and how this deadly will get out of this universe, day and night i watch news but still i didn't gets and good news about that, i always prays to my god to kill this deadly virus. I hope this virus will end soon.


Now once again i am thankful to community members for giving me a chance of writing in this community and make this nice contests every time . This step of making contests is vary good in these quarantine days so that everyone enjoy the quarantine nicely. I see this contest post before two days which was resteemed by my friend and this post was given by the anomadsoul . But i was vary busy in the studies so i have no time to give this post. I also have lot of work in my garden which also pushes me back for writing this post today i find this time and i start writing about my challenges in the quarantine. As i already tell that i am making this time profitable for me i put lot of challenges for me which i have to cover during this quarantine these challenges are given below


First think that is challenge for me in these quarantine days is study, i have to complete my study because i have to prepare myself for exam which i have to write after the coronavirus outbreak. As i am the student of mechanical engineering and i am still in the third semester due to the unrest in my area before this coronavirus outbreak now coronavirus have also wasting my lot of time and i was not able to give one exam in the past one year now i have to prepare for two consecutive exams which is vary tough for any student. I daily read 5 to 6 hours in the day time to complete my study. I have also attende the online classes daily, we daily have two classes online for 40 minutes each. Which also takes my two previous hours of quarantine. Also i have to study my two small cousins which are in the third class. I put lot of focus on studies that is why i give study a first preference.


2)learning about the agriculture from my father

I am living in the village which is vary far from city and you know that the people from villages fouces more to the agriculture fields. Also my father is a farmer who always doing work in my garden we have apple trees in our garden we have only one source of income that is from agriculture. Before this coronavirus my dad tell me after me you have to do these things and you have to take care of this garden even you are a employee but always tell him that i have no time but in these days my dad tell me now you have time and i also start learning about the agriculture. I every day goes into my garden with my father and he learns me what to do and how to do we spend one hour daily in my garden. Today we learn how to spray the apple trees and you can see from the pic also i have given the video of that in my blog.


3)preparing different types of dishes

I am always spending my time outside home as i am studying far from my village. I have to do everything my self, i have to make food for myself but unfortunately i was not able to make most of the good recipes or dishes. I always prepare the two or more recipes when i was outside my home , every time i plan for learning about dishes now i didn't find much enough
time, now during this quarantine i know i have a lot of time , i tell my sister that please teach me who to make different recipes and he start teaching me how to make different dishes. We every day at evening make one dish so that i can learn all the dishes today we have paratha filled with onions they have a good taste but not of that kind when my sister makes these parathas but soon i will prepare just like him.


learning new language

As i already tell you i live in a small village we have our own language which is Kashmiri language till the tenth standard i also learn urdu language from my school and also English language but i was not able to speak English language clearly then i start reading the books especially stories from that i learn lot of things now in these quarantine days i also read many books to understand this language clearly i also start learning the new language that is Arabic my cousin is teacher who teaches Arabic in the highly secondary school as we both are free in this quarantine i tell him please teach me about the Arabia language and he starts me about that till now i learn small things of this language. I every morning go to his house and he teaches me about the arabic language. I hope soon i will learn this language. Why i choose this language first because i want to do job in the united Arab Emirates after my degree.

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Care of myself

As we all are in the quarantine in these days and we eat too much which can lead us fatty as i didn't like a fatty man so i have to do some exercise in my own room i run on the running machine for half an hour every day i also take lot of drink which will also lead me fit. As we know coronavirus is spreading all over the world so we have to take care ourselves to make ourselves safe from this deadly virus i every hour wash my hand and face with the sanitizers. I also maintain social distancing from the other fields. I think this challenge is too tough for us but we have to concentrate about that .

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Focusing on blockchain hive
I also have to focus on hive community every day i see the posts of other people and get some information from these posts i also try to give one posts daily but due to above challenges i put few time for this blockchain but from now i will concentrate me on the hive so that i can put some nice posts which community members like.

Thanks for reading.

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