Steemit Engagement challenge (SEC)|S12W5-“My Skill Takes Me Up”steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago

Hello everyone, accept special greetings from this end of globe Cameroon.Welcome to my blog as I share my thoughts for this exciting week5 engagement challenge.A special thanks to all the admins in this gorgeous community. for putting their knowledge together by bringing up this topic “My skills takes me up”for us to discuss.



Many people nowadays are more skillful by doing multi tasks.This is because the nature of their country will make them to acquire skill to better lives .Due to the lack of job opportunities that satisfied the population.Nothwithstanding some people will desire to increase their skills at their various jobsite inoder to increase work out output by improving theirselves.Focused on the questions given, I will be sharing my own experiences below 👇.

What is your opnion what do you think is skill.

According me skill can be defined as the ability learn or gain experience in something .Making sure you put in more time, effort, experience and knowledge.This it’s aimed at improving yourself with the skill learned.Either at your jobsite or newly acquired .Its always the joy of everyone to acquire more skills in other fields .It can be in Teaching field,Baking,working in a banker, a musicians , an actor, a business person etc



Therefore skills can’t only be acquired at your permanent jobsite but it can be acquired at all levels.Depending how creative you are and hardworking all these is aimed at bringing more output at the end of the day day .In what so ever sector you are well skillful.How ever, these skills are acquired through practice,experience , Training and work forced put in.

In your country is skill or skills needed for daily survival or is not needed ?

In my Cameroon Cameroon the rate of job opportunities and employment is very scarce .Couple with the numerous population that are un employed and roaming around steers with certificates. You see only few people are employed to government sectors and with the corrupt nature many are denied of right to employment.Given to people that don’t merits it .Even with the private sector you still find it difficult for many people to employ due to limited resources and finance .



Those that are opportune to employed still cry thesame like those that don’t have jobs.Due to low wages of salaries paid at the various Job sectors.The only way to solved the problem is for people to be creative by acquiring other skills that will provide them with their need or daily breads .That why is hard to cope in my country if you don’t acquire others skills.You find even those working doing multi task skills acquired for survival in my country.

Tell us skills in your country that are so resourceful

We have teaching ,being as a teacher is very resourceful if you have the acquired skills specially when you are directly employed by the government.Eventhought the salary is not that way encouraging,It’s considered from statistics teachers are the most paid civil servant in my country.



Also, we have well planned business with acquired skills and knowledge .Ends a lot because they well to manage their business .for example we have like article stores ,wholesale business men and food and dressed shops these are things people needs on daily basis.

Lastly,we have those working in NGO,s , when you have the skill needed mostly especially with international NGO’s having branches in my country workers they recruit have good standard of living and are well do in the society.Statistic shows that humanitarian workers are well paid to the standard of the organizations .

What do you which to learned and what do you want such a skill

Am a teacher by profession certified by the ministry of education in my country .Apart from this teaching skill acquired .I will love to acquired business skill either as sole proprietor or as a shareholder .My Dream is always to open my bussiness when I rise money .



This is because most workers are frustrated during retirement time because the my depended on one source of income .For this reason I don’t want to experience such situations.I will have another source of income and it will not be frustrating to me .Life is all about planing and executing your plans .

I have come to the end of my presentation will love to invites @anroja @wilmer1988 @josepha @crismenia and @crisevera to participates with their entries.

 9 months ago 

Waooo through your definition about skill, I now understand it fully.

I thought teaching is a profession and not a skill, lack of job has made so many people go into skills to earn a living. I thought is only Nigeria that is facing lack of job.

 9 months ago (edited)

Thanks supporting my post teaching is at the same a proffessional skill acquired .That most teachers always undergo training in school Inorder to acquire that skill that will make them worth competent to teach effectively. There fore teaching is a skill that we develop to practice ,experience and training.

 9 months ago 

Hola wirgo aquí en mi país actualmente los maestros están en protesta por el poco salario que ganan. Que bueno que en tu país es todo lo contrario es una muy bella profesión.claro que es bueno trabajar para nuestra jubilación tener nuestro propio negocio felicidades. Suerte en el concurso y en tus planes a largo plazo

 9 months ago 

Yes I’m there is a saying not planing is already the beginning of failure.I think all we desire should be put in plan.Thanks for engaging on my post

 9 months ago 

Truely, teaching is really a good skill and am glad you have obtained it with a good certificate in your country, teachers are really valueble because they imoact good knowledge into the minds of young ones.

Wishing you success in this contest.

 9 months ago 

Thank you for reading through my post and seeing it worth interesting

 9 months ago 


 9 months ago 

Having a profitable skill is good. Thank you for inviting me, and best of luck to you.

Teaching job is a very lucrative one, apart from that, being a teacher equals raising future generations. But then, after retirement, there is another life where pension won't be able to fund. It is so wise of you to have the zeal of being a sole proprietors after your public service year.

Do have a lovely day ahead.

 9 months ago 

Thank you friend for engaging my post you have said it all.

 9 months ago 

Tener diferentes habilidades nos abre las puertas a otros campos laborables amiga que siempre es bueno saber de todo un poco, que difícil situación amiga de conseguir empleo en su país y que por los dos lados cuesta tanto por la parte gubernamental como privada.

Uno de los empleos que valoran en su país ser profesor y mejor pagados.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 9 months ago 

Thank you for engaging in my post I appreciate 🙏

 9 months ago 

Hello my Cameroonian friend @wirngo. I really loved going through your publication. A teacher is one of the person I respect so much, impacting the knowledge into the kids or Learners. I'm glad to have experienced been a teacher once

....sometimes teaching becomes a skill than a profession....

Our current job doesn't guarantee good living after retirement as the case may be so one needs to have one or more skills at hand

Good luck with the challenge

 9 months ago 

Thank you for engaging in post , my country is really a tuff one.This make everyone to work hard for a means of survival

Skills are very important to us especially to the country in which we belong in. Without a skill one will be found begging on the streets to survive because you can't get a job

It's saddening to see how the government of Cameroon treat us citizens and deny us the right to good employment opportunities. Actually our saviour is our skills.

Business woman go fit you ooohhh sis.

Thanks for sharing with us and good luck in the contest

 9 months ago 

We are really in a mess country that everyone needs to fight him or herselve for survival.Thanks sis for the support

Talking about this country is something one can just sell it and share the money..... Hahahaaaah. As long as we breath let us keep on doing our best to survive


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