in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)


Over the world, diabetes has been one of the most leading causes of death amongst both elderly and children population.
So the more reason I feel like everyone has to hear and read this gospel.

It's pertinent before we begin, let's talk about what this medical condition is.

What is diabetes?

It is a medical condition in which the blood glucose levels are increased due to relative or absolute deficiency of insulin.
Another question on my readers mind, what insulin again??
It's simple, A hormone secreted in the pancreas which acts as a gatekeeper that allows entry of glucose into the cell.

Insulin prevents glucose from entering the blood, so when it is compromised, it becomes a problem.

Diabetes occurs if the pancreas is not able to secrete considerable amounts of insulin or if the function of the insulin is faulty such that it cannot perform its job well, due to some metabolic disorders.

From the above information, diabetes can be divided into two parts:

  • Type 1(insulin dependent diabetes)
  • Type II ( non insulin dependent diabetes)
    The first type i.e.
    insulin dependent diabetes. It can be treated only with insulin as the
    main drug. This is common in younger age groups of patients.

The second type is non-insulin dependent diabetes (Type II). This usually affects people above 40 years of age. This group can be managed with diet, exercises and oral medications. Some patients in this group may require insulin sometime later in life.

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to deleterious effects on
every part of the body if not looked after well at the right time. Even
if one may not, in actual sense suffer the consequences of the disease
today, it needs to be adequately treated. Complacency and neglect is
always dangerous.

Some major complications of uncontrolled diabetes can occur in the:
Heart and brain

Some foot care tips for diabetic patients include:

  • Wear proper sized footwear.

  • Inspect your feet daily for blisters, injury and discoloration on foot.

  • Wash and scrub the foot gently. Moisten with cream after proper drying.

  • Never walk barefooted indoors or outdoors.

  • Wear cotton socks. Cut nails straight across.


Management of diabetes can be discussed under the following steps:

Oral medication
Insulin injection

This means that many diseases and symptoms are managed by proper diet. Even hundreds of medicines may not work or show effect unless certain rules regarding diet are adhered to.

Depending on your ideal body weight and calorie requirement
diet can be tailor-made for you. The design of the plan can easily be
made by keeping in mind your likes and dislikes. You can have variety
of food in “Exchange Food Plan”. Your doctor and dietician can be
consulted for this innovation. Diet control does not mean weight
reduction. Some diabetics need to gain weight. This can be done under
your doctor’s guidance.


  • Do not add too much oil as a cooking medium.

  • Do not add sugar or jaggery in vegetable preparations.

  • Eat a lot of pure vegetables, cucumber, cabbage, onion and the likes.

  • Plain lemon juice with water.

  • Avoid alcohol and other beverages and fried food.


Exercise is an important aspect of diabetes management. How
exactly does exercise help in diabetes control?

  1. It improves glucose control by peripheral utilization of glucose by

  2. It improves blood circulation

  3. Tones up your heart, lungs and other muscles

  4. It helps you to keep healthy

  5. It is fun and enjoyable

  6. It helps to reduce weight

  7. It increases physical stamina

Moderate indoor exercise is highly recommended.

Oral medication:

Diet and exercise need to be continued as a part of treatment
of diabetes. Basically, oral medication is of following major types:

sulfonylurea (available commercially as daonil, Glynase, euglucon and
diamicron) and biguanides (marketed as Glycophage, Walaphage). These have different modes of action. The doctor will decide the suitable type and dose of medicine. You may need one or more tablets if the control of your blood glucose is not possible by following a healthy eating plan or by being active. These tablets lower blood glucose, in different ways.



For example, sulfonylurea lowers blood glucose by helping the pancreas make more insulin. Sulfonylureas have to be taken half an hour before food. Whereas, biguanides reduce blood glucose by decreasing the liver’s production of glucose. It also causes the muscle to use glucose more efficiently. The two other new types of medicines like Acarbose and Insulin sensitizers work in other ways. Acarbose reduces absorption of glucose from the intestine. It has to be taken just before the first bite of lunch and dinner. These medicines have specific indications. It is again important to remind you at this stage that no two patients are similar

Hence do not compare your doses or type of tablet with other patients. Do not take tablets prescribed to some other patient when you run out of stock or while away from home. Always carry sufficient quantities of your medicine with you.

Insulin therapy:

Insulin therapy is administered to patients with type 1 diabetes, in this case the patient cannot produce sufficient amounts of insulin in the pancreas.

Meet and consult with your physician for your appropriate insulin therapy as well proper guidelines on self administration of insulin using appropriate devices at the appropriate injection site.

Diabetes is just a word not a death sentence. So yes, you can successfully manage your condition and achieve improved quality of your life.

 2 years ago 

This is such a great information. It can be very useful to all.

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to Interview you and thanks for sharing your knowladge with us in the blog.

Good Content!

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Thank you for having me on the steemtv interview show. It was a great privilege.

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