Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 32: What I wasn't taught in school

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

education-3670453_1280.jpg Schools

I wasn't taught in school

I am happy to be here, this topic caught my attention. And we seem to agree with the idea that school na scarm. It is common to hear people say that education is the key but the padlock has been changed.

Are you of the opinion that school can teach you everything or you've got a contrary opinion?

No school can not teach anybody everything, school can only point to the direction. I studied Computer Science in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. Even as a computer science student I did not know computing. Na business center I take Learn the real thing.
The school was just the theory with a teacher running the talk and chalk method. E been no easy Ooh!. When the real world was working with Python, we had Quick BESIC and our most advanced lesson was in C++.

What was that situation you found yourself that your years of learning in school could not fix?

classroom-2093744_1280.jpg our school has fails us

When I needed a job, I found out that what I got from school was of no use in the labour market. The work needed knowledge of visual studio at that time, they needed visual studio, python, java and JavaScript.
Feeling under qualified for the job, I turned to looking for a job in a business center where computer services are rendered.
My school knowledge once again failed me. I did not have the typing speed and skill for type setting, I could not function as a graphic designer.
I had no teaching skills.

How did you end up fixing the issue?
At the end I had to learn this things from a business center. I learn how to fill forms, scarn documents for uploading. Na there I learn how to download files on the internet and how to print out.
As time went, I got a better typing speed and could provide services in a business center.

In your opinion, how should learning in school be viewed and handled.

Next time you are asked to go out for industrial training, you should make the right choice. Don't look for a place that can pay you. Go for a place that can train you.
Our school curriculum is behind time, if you are in school, swallow your pride and attach yourself to a good business center were you can get the skills needed to work.

math-1547018_1280.jpgwe use old curriculum

If you are doing engineering, look for a real mechanic workshop or a building company.

Lectures should work with real people who practice in the field, bring them to the class let the student learn from them. Arrangements should be made for students to spend time in the real workshops.

Our schools have failed us. But if we adjust the way we teach and learn, we can get the best out of school.

I am inviting @ruthjoe, @udyliciouz and @gentlesun to participate in this exercise.

About me


It's true that school can't teach us everything, that's why one needs to think outside the box.

 5 months ago 

Your insights shed light on the shortcomings of traditional schooling and emphasize the importance of acquiring practical skills. Your experience highlights the need for educational reform, advocating for real-world training opportunities to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and job market demands. Thank you for sharing.

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