"Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 17: No Money, No Love."

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago
Hello steemit family how are you all doing I hope you all are doing well, is my pleasure to participate in this interesting contest and I really want your good time in going through my post

5ShzsKnKF7vppGeV6VN3m3GSDcLoRruAhMmifZtFSDkYScP9Tayr2YDZSL5nUi67t22Qba2pQobtzkw6GWeM1zPdsxiio2i9iLwL5PgfvUiFyJsQmhrjyUbUuxrZffWxX41GuPSZPANiKsf8swJhcK8r.jpeg image taken from the contest

Is there any relationship between the two concepts (Love & Money) in a relationship

No in sense that love is an emotion or feelings that one have for another person.
While money is a material thing which is use in the purchase of goods and services, if there is love in a relationship between both partners money will not be a problem, also money can buy others things like phone, land, car house and others but it can't buy love, happiness or joy,
But I relationship money really matters a lot for the both partner and money make love last or exist.

Can true love exist or thrive for a long time without money?

well from the above question my answer is NO because no true love can last without money, love Excel when man have money.

do you subscribe to the school of thought.

in this case I can say that true love can't exist without money, and I can also advise a man before getting to a relationship with a woman he need to have money for things to be going well In the relationship, in this modern age girls are not ready to be in relationship with guys that does not have money so for you to be a guy seeing your girlfriend going to another man just because of money you should know how you will feel and that will give you the ginger to make money as much as you can before going to a relationship.

share an experience for or against the statement

sharing an experience for the statement "No money No love" there was these relationship between a guy named Daniel and his girlfriend by name precious,
Daniel Love his girlfriend so much that he sold some of his property to have money to give his girlfriend precious,
precious did not really love Daniel because he was broke you (didn't have money), she always compare him to others rich guys who are taking good care of their girlfriend. a week later Daniel went in search of job and suddenly he was employed as a driver in a palace.
meanwhile his girlfriend was not interested in him again she left him because she didn't love him she meet another guy who was rich and they fell in love. this show that in precious past relationship there was no money and no love Daniel also loss is relationship with the same issue.

I invite here @bossj23, @emma and @fortwis09
To participate in this exciting contest

thank you for taking time to read my post


Source the contest picture correctly, online materials are sourced with hyperlinks


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

It is the fact, true love can't exist without money, any man wishing to get married should spend time making money first so poverty won't dawn on him.

 10 months ago 

I love your point of view, because things happening now shows that as human without money and fame you can't be recognize,
I'll rather spend time hustling for money and wait for love as that God will provide at the right time. So as human there's absolutely no need rushing for love when you're still young instead of looking for money

Yes boss that is necessary for us to know

 10 months ago 

I can't agree with less on this entry, because love and love are two different entity that can exist independently without the other. Money is just like an oil use in lubricating love.

Not that both of them are poisonous while going together but true love can stand the test of time with money thanks. You can as well check out and comments on my entry too 👇👇


One love 💙🌹✌️

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