Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W2- "Self Motivation"

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago

Being motivated is a necessity to get where you want

Most times in life we just need motivation to get to wherever we want to and the type of motivation we need most is self-motivation. The reason we are delaying to go to such places is because of money or fear. You might have the money to go as well but the negative things you are hearing from people about that place, is making you discouraged. I thank @steem4nigeria for creating this contest.


What do you think causes people to lose their motivation in life?

So many people lose their motivation in life and I was once in this situation, by nice nobody would have known me in steemit because I planned to kill myself more than twice 2 years ago, depression was all over me. I was wishing I could just die, my parents never acted as if they cared about my pending death but I knew they weren't happy inside them.

After evaluating life as a whole, I thought of the sweet things of life and began to motivate myself, I never wanted to waste my talents. People lose their motivation because of so many things like;

  • Lack of parental guidance.
  • Lack of finance.
  • Depression
  • Bad friends

Have you been discouraged or depressed before? How did you handle it

I have been depressed before, I was not really happy with things happening around me as I was just regarded as nothing in school. I saw myself seeing life as nothing as I just sad all the time. There's was a time I closed from school and my classmates were going out to play football and I badly wanted to join them as I was a lover of football. My parents have always warned me not to branch anywhere after school and I snubbed them and trekked home straight. I arrived home feeling sad, food wasn't there for me and I went to my room feeling sad.


The main thing that made me depressed was Finance, my parents are middle class and I was taken to a school with rich man's children and I knew I was opportuned to go to such school. I couldn't buy want I wanted as I was saving money to buy my first Android phone so that I can join steemit. I managed to overcome all this and motivated myself, saying that I will make it. I endured all the challenges and became a happy soul.

Is self-motivation a good practice? Explain

Self motivation is a very good practice because it has enabled us to get alot of things we have always wanted even after getting discouragements. We really need self-motivation in other to succeed in life, waiting for people's motivation is a big waste of time. I did received motivations from people but I refused to listen to them. My talents were the things that motivated me stand strong in life and never commit suicide.

On Steemit what keeps you motivated


Alot of things keeps me motivated over here in steemit, the environment here is cool and friendly, to me I feel that politics is being played here but I don't really care, all I care is achieving my goals here. Most times I use to see lots of steemians getting good votes after staying for some time without getting support, this makes me to be very patient. My reputation recently entered 68 and I have a target of it being 71 before next year January.

Another thing that makes me motivated in steemit is my poor background, the only thing my parents provide for me is shelter and food, bit even clothing as I manage the old clothes I have. I now have to data for myself and also transport myself to anywhere am going. Am 99% money minded that's why am always consistent in steemit and writing is my passion and talent that's why I mostly succeed and win contests here. Thanks for reading friends.

I invite @shiftitamanna, @ubongudofot, @josepha, @patjewell,and @heriadi to participate in this contest.


All Images legally belongs to me!



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @waterjoe

Is self-motivation a good practice? Explain
Self-motivation is a very good practice because it has allowed us to achieve many things we have always wanted, even after suffering discouragements. We really need to be self-motivated to succeed in life....

Self-motivation will always be necessary to achieve the big dreams we set for ourselves. Motivation generates the inner strength that allows you to move towards what you want to achieve.

In short, self-motivation is a good practice that generates a lifestyle that produces well-being and health.

Happy and blessed day. Success

Thanks so much for the comment sir.

Success and advancement is the result of personal motivation.


Self-motivation is one of the most important things in our lives. If we are negative, it influences everything: our dreams, our loved ones, our work, and the list goes on.
Self-talk, as I call it, should happen at least once a day, so don't stop motivating yourself.
I'm glad you found Steemit!

Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

Kindly take note that this is the second post I am supporting you on this week.
Unfortunately, to make it fair to other Steemians I cannot support more than two posts in a week.

Thank you for the encouragement and wonderful comment, I also appreciate your supports for me this week.


It's good to know about you that you motivated yourself and did self motivation.
Best of luck for the contest.

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