Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W2- "Self Motivation"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigeria11 months ago

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Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well because of the infinite mercy of God. Once again, I come to you to participate in this amazing topic of the second week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through today's challenge, I will share with you about Self Motivation.

What do you think causes people to lose their motivation in life?

A little motivation helps people move with a new zeal. But we lose motivation in life due to many reasons. People lose motivation in life especially when they get frustrated and impatient with everything, can't set any goals, can't keep feeling strong enough to face the situation and don't value themselves.

Our life is like a race and we are all running towards a certain goal. However, many finish the race despite not being the first and many stop the race in the middle thinking that they cannot be the first. People who stop midway by presuming that they don't think they are worthy, don't want to put up with anything in the end, and they don't really understand what they want. That's why I think people lose motivation in life.

Have you been discouraged or depressed before? How did you handle it

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I have faced many obstacles in my life and I have gone through many situations when I felt inferior to myself. Especially when everyone around me was against me and I was in no condition to share with anyone. Yes, I was very discouraged, thinking that I might have to spend the coming days in a worse state, I was almost depressed.

But no matter what, I did not lose heart, I had immense faith in God and I trusted in my heart that good days would come after bad days. I came into the world alone, I must go alone. At that time I realized the religious aspect more deeply and focused on the 5-time prayer which helped me calm my mind and gain patience. I add nutritious foods to my diet and try to fix my sleep cycle and spent time with my love ones. I struggled to get through the whole time but in the end I found myself a new stronger person.

Is self-motivation a good practice? Explain

Yes I think self motivation is very useful it leads us to take action on a goal. It helps us to stick to our goals and move forward. When we motivate ourselves by saying that if you want to do something good in life then you need to study well, if you want to be healthy then you need to do regular physical exercise. Thus self motivation helps us to meet our targets so it is a good practice.

On Steemit what keeps you motivated

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Steemit is a medium of learning platform for me. Since coming here I have learned many new things and gained experiences that I had no idea about before. And I know that being on this platform I can learn more things in the future which keeps me always motivated.

I've seen lots of good things. Moreover, one of the sides of Steemit is that when I see someone in need of help, everyone tries to support and give charity to them. This one thing makes me love Steemit even more, respects the people here, and keeps me motivated.

I would like to invite my friends @enamul17 @mdkamran99 @solaymann to participate in this content. Contest Link: SEC-S12-W2: “Self Motivation

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

Hola apreciado amigo @ripon0630.
Felíz día, paso por acá para leer tus ideas acerca de la motivación y estás en lo cierto cuando comentas que la motivación es parte de nuestra vidas y además también cuando señalas que,

Personas que se detienen a mitad de camino presumiendo que no se creen dignos, al final no quieren aguantar nada y no entienden realmente lo que quieren.

Esas personas no están con mente positiva y no creen ni en su propia entereza para conseguir, lograr sus metas. No se valoran.

Pero como dice un dicho popularcada cabeza es un mundo.bueno sino cambia su pensamiento siempre fracasará.

Gracias por compartir su bloggs.

Te deseo tengas una feliz mañana.


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;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 11 months ago 

That's right, friends, we will lose our enthusiasm for life when we face a million problems and impossible conditions. But if we are able to face it well, then that is the greatest blessing and the most satisfying success.
Good luck friends, good luck.

Problems are inextricably linked to our lives. Instead of running away from problems, we should be trying to solve them. When we overcome obstacles and move forward, we become our own inspiration. Thanks for visiting ,Friend .

 11 months ago 

You're welcome friends ☺☺

Saludos amigo.

La motivación es sumamente importante en nuestras vidas, es esa fuerza que nos impulsa a alcanzar grandes metas en la vida sin embargo son muchas las situaciones que pueden hacer que una persona pierda motivación.

Debemos Automotivarnos siempre porque lamentablemente no siempre recibiremos motivación de parte de los demás. En Steemit hay muchas razones para estar motivados siempre y este desafío es una de ellas.

Éxitos amigo

You are right ,Friend .We have to motivate ourselves because we may not always get motivation from others . Thanks for your feedback .

Bonding time with love ones help one overcome stress and negative pressure. It's a good thing you realised yourself and focused on what will make you a better person especially sticking to God almighty and the family. These are very important to keep us going

People lose motivation in life especially when they get frustrated and impatient with everything

Frustration seems to be a disease eating up our souls especially young people in many society. They become so impatient with many things hence engage in activities which are dangerous. We should never let frustration or impatience get the best of us.

Good luck my friend

 11 months ago 

I am very inspiring to hear about your unwavering faith, resilience, and the positive changes you've made in your life. Your journey highlights the importance of faith, self-care, and the support of loved ones during challenging times.

Always be happy.

 11 months ago 

@ripon0630 sir, You have written a fantastic article on the concept of Self-motivation. You are right sir Sometimes we are in frustrated and impatient for different unexpected activities. wish you all the best sir.

 11 months ago 

Yes, It feels miserable when people in life tend to disagree with opinions instead of understanding ours point of view. These tough times we need to handle it by taking it light and not so serious. By time, everything falls in their place.
Loved reading your post 💙💙
My best wishes for this contest dear💫💫

Our life is like a race. Some fall on the way. Some make it to the finish line.

The analogy you gave there perfectly describes life as it is and give a vivid image of what people face. Success in contest

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