FRAUD & SCAMMING: what the Bible says about it || 10% to Steem4Nigeria ||club100

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to everyone. Today was the Lord’s day and I believe that you all attended church. I pray that all your wishes come to manifest soon, amen.


The high rate of fraud and illegal means of making money have increased in Nigeria rapidly than ever expected. In fact, if the rate is measured in chart, a very long term bullish trend that reaches over 100% will be seen and the youth which are regarded as the leaders of the nation are even the ring leader.

However, let read Bible verses that condemn this cruel act.
NOTE: I am using New World Translation Of The Holy Scripture for this post.

JEREMIAH 17:10-11:

  • verse 10: I, Jehovah, I am searching the heart, examining the innermost thoughts to give each one according to the fruit of his works.
  • verse 11: Like a partridge that gathers what it has not laid, so is the one who acquires riches dishonestly. They will leave him in midlife and in the end he will prove senseless.

Verse 10 of this chapter talks about the God’s reward for legit hustling. Verse 11 of this chapter really states the reward of indulging in such act. Today, we see & hear about people that indulged in such act become mad, involve in fatal accidents, serving a jail term etc.

PROVERBS 6 vs 30 - 31, 10 vs 2 - 4, 13 vs 11, 16 vs 8 and 20 vs 17:

  • 6 vs 30 - 31: People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry. Yet, when found, he will repay sevenfold; he will give up all the valuable of his house.

  • 10 vs 2 - 3: The treasure gained by wickedness will be of no benefit, but is what rescues from death. Jehovah will not cause the righteous one to go hungry, but he will deny the wicked what they crave.

  • Chapter 13 vs 11: Wealth quickly gained will dwindle, but the wealth of the one who gather it little by little will increase.

  • Chapter 16 vs 8: Better is a little with righteousness than a large income without justice

  • Chapter 20 vs 17: Bread gained by deceit taste good to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.

Whenever we hear about Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) confiscate a fraudsters' wealth, this action is supported in verse 31.

Chapter 10 vs 2 tells us about the irrelevancy of such wealth and verse 3 assures us that Jehovah will give us a solution when we work.

Chapter 13 vs 11 encourages us to grow our wealth in a legit way rather than rushing into a bad way for a quick turnover.

Chapter 16 vs 8 tells us that we should accept and be contented with what we have rather than going the extra mile in the wrong direction.

Chapter 20 vs 17 tells us that even if we may enjoy the taste right now, the aftermath will become unbearable.

1 TIMOTHY 6 vs 9 - 10:

  • But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptations and a snare and many senseless and harmless desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.

This bible chapter is the most popular chapter. I grew up to see stickers of verse 10 pasted on our door. It is proper to be determinant to accomplish riches but over determination can lead to step towards the wrong path as stated in verse 9.

EPHESIANS 4 vs 28:

  • Let the one who steals steal no more; rather, let him do hard work with his hands, so that he may have something to share to someone in need.

This chapter preaches about repentance and dwelling in the right path.

MICAH 2 vs 1 - 3:

  • Woe to those who scheme what is harmful, who work out evil on their beds! When morning light comes they carry it out, because it is in the power of their hands.

  • 2: They desire fields and seize them; also houses, and they take them; they defraud a man of his house, a man of his inheritance.

This Bible chapter tells about Jehovah’s anger towards those that are involved in such act.

Brothers and sisters, this chapters and verses are perfect proves that we have no little privilege to accumulate what does not belong to us.


About me


Thank you for reading my post. Good luck to everyone this week.
Special thanks to;
@benton3 @reminiscence01 @fredquantum @whitestallion @xcool24


These are definitely words of wisdom coming from the most special book in the universe.

However, note that we do not support plagiarism in this community. Next time try to scrutinize your post very well to be free from plagiarism.

Put them them in your own words


Thank you very much sir
Please, what is the name of this software?
I want to know it so that I can edit my post and use it for other post again

Thank you sir
I’ve learn today

Your welcome

Sir, I've edit it
Thank you

12%... Doesn't this happen if you quote psalms? They are (should be) written the same everywhere. And the author marked them as psalm - so we have to be sure, she did not write them herself... ;-)

Of course, I am very happy that your community is also looking for plagiarism. And I know that this is hard work that some people are happy to do without.

Best regards,


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