Contest!Love and Money

in Steem4Nigeria20 days ago (edited)


Sourced from pixabay and edited in BG app

Obviously, love and money to me is inseparable in a loving relationship. It's like salt and pepper or bread and tea. We need both to maintain a balance loving relationship. The only thing is, money shouldn't be prioritised as the pivot for love rather than upholding love as the bedrock of long lasting relationship. Money is the spice that triggers happiness, confidence, financial security, caring and sense of belonging in the heart of lovers especially women. No woman would love a man with no money forever no matter how born-again she is, it's a thing that’s naturally attributed to their nature. There must be at least a certain level of money to make earn meets.

Have you ever been served a breakfast, I mean (heartbreak) or do you know anyone who has had a heartbreak. Share with us.


Oh! No I have never attached my emotion to a man that much that would warrant that. I read signs and figure out red-flags on time. Once you are weighed and not fit for my personality, I simply walk away. I know he isn't my tribe and there's no point hanging on what isnt worth it.

I have had friends around me who were victims of this self-styled emotional trauma of heartbreak and I always help and supporting them out by talking some sense into them, made them realise their worth to forget about unworthy persons in their life. Because to me this whole heart break thing is emotional attachment, obsession, putting all of your living on human beings suck, once they aren't there you enrapture into an overwhelmingly ocean of destructive emotions leading to depression. It's not worth it. That wasn't really for you anyway.

Does genuine love without money exist? Explain


I honestly doubt this flow or perhaps if it does exist at all, it's in a fairy tale particularly on the woman's point of view. No woman including born-again loves a man without money, if she may endure at the beginning of the relationship, with time if money doesn't show, the dark cloudy weather already gathered up the sky, would unleash it anger and drop down heavy rain with hailstones.

What I mean here is you won't be able as a man to pacify the anger, insult, verbal and emotional abuse, in most cases cheating of this wonderful creature called woman when you have no money at all. There's no genuine love without money for a longer time for a woman. All women love their men to have money at least to an extent to cater for their needs and that of their children.

you were given the opportunity to choose between money and love, which would you prefer? State your reasons

This is easy but difficult choice for me as a woman to make. Well I just have to make a choice. I honestly would choose both on certain percentage in which money would take the highest point. Not because I really like money or money should be my priority in a loving relationship.

The fact is without money love cannot be sustainable. Money can trigger the emotion of love if it wasn't there but love cannot trigger the needs of money. Love is intangible while money is tangible. There are built up of very negative emotion of anger, regret, lost of self esteem, financial insecurity, abuses when there's no money in marital relationship.
Although both entities do fade away, women can still pretend to love when there's money than they love when money vanishes away.


It is true that money answers to all things, in your own understanding, can money answer to love?

Well I may not really believe in this adage because there's always no one way approach pertaining to things of life. Nothing is constant in life except the the creator himself. Therefore, money may not answer all things. There are many things in life no matter how much money you own you may never get them. In other words, if you get money you may get the best of whatever you heart desires but you may not get all things.

Finally, as faith without works is death so is love without money. Money and love are inseparable, the former is the means to which the latter is expressed and received. Without money at all, true love cannot last, terrible untold things happen later because there is no money. No woman loves a man with no money at all to show. Money is indeed a neccessity for love to explore and endure. This doesn't mean money should be prioritised for love. Both are needful for a balance of emotional and mental health, peaceful and sustainable home.

I invite @okere-blessing, @sahmie, @ngoenyi to join in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 19 days ago (edited)

A very big thank you to the team of @steem4nigeria community for your booming vote support, my appreciation is profound. Thanks for doing a good job for the community to keep succeeding. God bless you all


Thank you very much my dear @okere-blessing your kind support is received with open arms, may the Lord remember your kind heart to always help and support others and break bounds for you, that you rise and acquire your desired position in all endeavours. Amen

 19 days ago 

Kiss. Keep steeming see you at the top.

Thank you very much able @bossj23 for your reviews and kind words. And a big congratulations to you on your achievement as REP, may your light keep shining.

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