Diary game : Some of my day's activities

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago (edited)

How is everyone After a long time I am back with you with a new post. Today's post is about some of my day's activities. I will share with you today's busy day and enjoying the beautiful time.You will like this post.


After a long time, a new post appeared with you again. The main reason for not doing it for so long is because of my baby. Wake up in the morning. Freshen up and have some breakfast in the morning and do all my baby chores. Spend some time with the baby. Mom was cooking in the morning. I go to help my mother in cooking. There are various tasks including cooking spices, I do all those tasks to cook. I finish cooking and eat in the morning. Now the month of Ramadan is going on, I fast every year but this time I did not fast because of the baby. At some point it will become very difficult to fast. That is why not fasting.


A lot of time is spent with the baby throughout the day. I felt a little tired so I slept a little. Wake up and take a bath and perform Zuhr prayer. I finish my Adai and spend some time with Baby again. After that, since many people are fasting at home, they also have to cook in the afternoon. Mom and I both started cooking. I cut this vegetable into small pieces. This is a gourd vegetable. Orange vegetables are very tasty to eat but a bit bitter is very tasty to eat. It is also a very nutritious vegetable.


Keep the vegetables raw because the time is less in the month of Ramadan. Some other things have to be cooked before the evening for the preparation of Iftar. First prepare everything for making eggplant chops. Everyone in the family likes eggplant chops very much during the month of Ramadan. That's why basically making eggplant jab is not done every day but every 1-2 days. The taste of Eta is also very delicious and it is prepared in a home-made way. That is why there is not so much damage.


In Ramadan, chickpeas are cooked in every family. In the afternoon, chula bhavas is done in all families. Then I started cooking chickpeas, my mother was cooking with me. It takes some time to cook but its taste is incomparable. The test was also fun. I learned to cook chickpeas from my mother. After doing this all others start cooking. Cooks from late afternoon till evening. It's good to cook with mom.


After cooking, when all the family breaks the fast, the mudri is applied. During Ramadan, the family is very happy in the evening. These beautiful moments of Ramadan make people's lives much more joyful. Due to this bliss people can live life very easily. After finishing cooking, I pray Maghrib. After prayer, I eat dinner. And some time work that needs to be done every day. He fell asleep after finishing these tasks.


You will like this very busy diary of mine. If you like you can share your comments. Ending today's post by wishing everyone good luck.

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Thank you everyone, reading my post.

Best regards @rafiya


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