Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 45: Marriage and it's Environs.

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago (edited)

Warmest greetings from my own part of the world. Hope you all are doing good, I am good too!

Today's contest topic is "Marriage and it's Environs.". so sharing my views on this particular topic with everyone here is really a great pleasure.

What do you think makes a marriage successful?



Marriage is simply seen as the coming together of a man and a woman in order to establish their own family and bring up their own offspring (children).

Marriage is a union which usually exist between two adult (man and woman) who have agreed to live their both parents to cling to each other as husband and wife and to give birth and raise children of their own.

Therefore some of the things that make marriage successful are;

i. TRUST: Trust is one of the most paramount thing in marriage, it importance in marriage cannot be overemphasized. Any marriage that lacks trust tends not to be successful and those marriages do not usually last long. Therefore for any marriage to be successful, both parties i.e the husband and wife need to trust each other regardless!! I in person cannot make the mistake of getting married to someone who I do not trust, cause that is the first signal to a fail marriage.

ii. UNDERSTANDING: In every marriage, there is always up and down. What will make it stay strong and successful is understanding.
The wife need to understand her husband (his likes and dislikes) the husband in the other hand needs to understand his wife (Her likes and dislikes) knowing and understanding your partner well will enable you to avoid things that will bring issues to the marriage therefore making the marriage successful.

iii. SUPPORT: Being supportive to each other in marriage makes the marriage more successful. When you give your maximum support to your partner, you will see that your marriage will go well, it will even be more peaceful, cause your shoulder will always be there for your partner to lean on.

iv. LOVE: When you genuinely love and care for your partner, it will make the marriage successful because your partner will always feel safe and secure.

How can couples improve communication in their marriage?



The way in which couples can improve their communication in marriage is to constantly give listening ears to each other.

Out of their busy schedules, couples should make out time to talk and discuss sensitive issues in their marriage.

Communication only takes place when the both parties have carefully listened to each other and understand each other.

Without understanding, communication cannot take place. Therefore, understanding and making time for each other will greatly improve communication in marriage.

Discuss the importance of trust in a marriage.



This thing call TRUST is very very important in every marriage just as LOVE has importance in marriage.

You need trust in marriage because that is what will keep the marriage going. When you trust your partner, you won't listen to any side talks or gossip that might be coming from outside (family, friends, neighbors, etc), just to break your family or to tear your family apart.

Trust is also important in every marriage because it enhance healthy living and it will keep you both united and also make your bond more stronger, thereby making it difficult for you both to be teared apart.

How do couples navigate conflicts in a healthy way?



The way in which couples can navigate conflicts in a healthy way is by admitting their mistakes first, instead of arguing over an issue, it better you admit your wrong.

After admitting your mistakes, you both should apologize to each other in love and in a respectful way. Being able to say "SORRY" will help couples navigate conflicts in a healthy way.

And lastly, having a forgiven mind, when couples are always ready to forgive each other it will also help them to navigate conflicts in a healthy way.

Do you consider distance between spouses and cultural differences a problem in marriage? Why?



No, not all....

I do not consider distance between spouses and cultural difference a problem in marriage because,

Before spouses agreed to get married to each other and start the journey of marriage, I believe that they must have talked about their cultural differences and have understand that they can live together before they got married.

Also, talking about distance, during courtship they both parties are already aware of their job and they must have talked on how to adjust and where to live and how to live in order to avoid problems that may likely arise during the marriage.

So I see no reason why this two things can cause problems in marriages.

I invite @ruthjoe, @xkool24, @blessedbee @sahmie to participate in this contest, I will love to read from your entries.


Kind regards🤍🤍

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