Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W1- "Finance and Me"

in Steem4Nigeria11 months ago
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How do you view finance?

Finance is the system of creating, circulating, and managing money, so the center of finance is money. Hence, money is finance and finance is money.

Man and finance have come a long way in the journey of life. Starting from the clothes we put on, the food we eat, the house we live in transportation, etc... we need finance to get them done, and they can't be done without this finance.

Every man is equal, yeah,, but the difference between Mr. Peter and Mr. Paul is their financial capability. It is said that answers to all things, and when you have money, you have power, so I also think that finance is power too.

In today's life, money answers to all things. Tell me what you can't get done with finance? Nothing, virtually everything except life can be financially gotten.

Do you have all you need or are you facing financial difficulties? What are you not able to accomplish due to finance? Mention 3 of them


In life, no man has all they need. God himself designed it to be so. Having all you need means that your journey of life has been fulfilled and you can go back to your real home. Of course, when you go to the market and finish buying all you need, the next thing is to get going.

I cannot say I have all I need because even the once I need has multiplied by now. Once a pressing need is been solved, another one pops up from nowhere that needs to be solved.

In the country where I find myself today, financial constraint is the order of the day. Imagine bank institutions going on strike, what else is left for the poor masses? Even the richest want more, so imagine the rich wanting more, what do you think will happen to the poor? No finance is ever enough for anyone.

Things I am not able to accomplish due to finance

Due to financial constraints, I have not been able to accomplish so many things on my bucket list.

My mother's health is meant to be placed on a diet since she is diabetic. She is supposed to be eating separate food from our normal meals, and take her vitamins accurately but all these require money to get it done. Just to buy her drugs in a month cost me #35000 and her testing strips cost #15000.

•Remitting my debt for the gadget I bought recently. I got a cell phone from Easy Buy and I am supposed to be paying out a certain amount every month till the money is complete but I pray they don't block my cell phone because I need it to continue my work online.

•Paying my house rent. We all know that without paying for an apartment, it does not belong to you. Mine is almost due for payment and I believe that God performed a miracle for me before time.

What can you do to be able to wisely manage what you have in the meantime?

I have already imposed certain measures to help me manage what I have at the moment. They are;

•Savings, I was not told to cultivate the saving habit, I told myself that it was time although I didn't start on time. I never knew that I could save even when I have loads of problems lined out. Savings have helped me to manage effectively.


•I no longer take a drop to my office because it is a place not too far from home. So I try my best to walk to work and walk home after work even when I feel very tired.

•I had to connect my house power source directly to the main source of light because I spent too much on the prepaid meter. This prepaid meter in this country is not worth it. Do you know I spend more than my income only for light? I had to devise a means.

•I have never stopped praying to my God to keep giving me daily wisdom not to spend too much any day.

•I now engage in some spiritual activities actively because it helps to manage well.

•Eating anyhow has stopped. Most times I eat breakfast and until I return home at night before I eat my dinner because buying snacks and junk cannot help me manage at all.

All these boil down to saving.

Who do you run to for help in times of financial need?

I ran to no one. I only keep pressing hard and believing in God that things will be beautiful some days.

Giving up cannot be the way out for me so I keep helping out at my salon to do whatever I can do to make sure I don't beg on the streets of Port Harcourt.

My business is the only place I run to because I strongly believe that once there is something in my hands for God to bless me with, the blessings of the lord must locate me.

Making sure I post regularly on my blog here is also something I fall back on when I need to solve problems. They say little drops make an ocean, yes. It can only take me time to be able to make out from here what I will fall back to for financial needs.

So my dear friends @dave-hanny @nancy0 @ruthjoe @pandora2010 please come and share with us your finance view.

Hello dear friend @ninapenda.
At this moment I can say that you are absolutely right, we never stop needing something.
You are also right when you say that before going out eat well to strengthen the body, since eating out is expensive and sometimes the bill is not paid.

I really liked your participation.
Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

 11 months ago 

Thank you my dear pandy. I appreciate your beautiful comment.

We try to fit into the economy by cutting down and saving up.

 11 months ago (edited)

This is how my mom says that we should save and not eat so much street food.

 11 months ago 

Hello pandy, was this a mistake reply? Because the username belongs to someone else, please check...

Sorry dear, I already fixed it 🤦🏻‍♀️😅

 11 months ago 

You are absolutely right my dear sister, we need to manage what we have and pray to God for abundant blessing. Money is necessity in this life in order to meet our basic needs.

 11 months ago 

I am glad you liked my point of view. I also agree with you.

Thanks for the comment

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