House wife VS working class.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)

Hello and warm greetings to everyone in @steem4nigeria community and to the entire steemit world. My name is @newtonb and I'm writing here this time to take part in a contest entitled "House wife Vs Working Class" organized and published by @okere-blessing. I want to appreciate the organizer for the Interesting topic because it enables others to give their ideas on what they prefer. Working class or house wife. Without wasting much time I will like to go straight by answering the following guiding questions provided by the organizer.

Who is a house wife?

SourcePhoto by Andrea Piacquadio

To me, I think that A house wife can be defined as any woman who doesn't have any formal job. Whose main priority is to manage the affairs of the home alone. She doesn't have any other external business or work related affairs outside her home.

Most times When we here about House wife's, what comes to our minds is house chores such as cooking, laundry, cleaning caregiving just to name a few.

Who is a working class wife?

SourcePhoto by Karolina Grabowska

To me, A working class wife can be seen as any married woman who aside having marriage responsilities also has external work related affairs.

Would you prefer your wife /sister to be a house wife or a working class. (If yes give your reasons,if No give reasons).

I would prefer my wife/sister to be a working class wife. This is because there are a good number of reasons for me to say that.

  • First of all the woman will have the privilege to do the work she wants to do. She will have freedom to express herself.
  • She will be able to make good used of what she learned in school. Maybe she is someone who has gone to school. Therefore giving her the opportunity to work will help her achieve her own dreams as well.
  • I know that most working class women don't have time for their families. But the truth is that if she wants to create time for her family she can always do so and balance up the equation.
  • It's important to note that this is the 21st century and a woman is not supposed to be grounded at home. She can also have a job, and that can be an advantage to her husband because she won't eventually become a liability but an asset to the husband.
  • She can be able to also make financial contributions and also support her husband when he's in difficulties.
  • She can take very good care of herself even without disturbing her husband for every basic things she can afford. We all agree that men love women who look good. Therefore if she is working she will be able to look extremely good for her man.
Are there risks of being a house wife or working class.

Well i will say yes there are risks of being either a house wife or a working class woman.

Let me start by giving some of the risks of being a house wife.

The following are some points that i think can be a risk for being a house wife.

SourcePhoto by SHVETS production

  • As a house wife, you are already very limited to many opportunities to realize your own dreams.
  • You become a liability as a house wife become you dont contribute anything financially to the growth of the family.
  • A house wife will depend on the husband for everything, every basic need. Therefore she may not look very good sometimes. But this depends on the husband too.
  • A house wife can easily keep bad companies, because it's said that an idle person is the devils workshop. That's why most housewives end up becoming gossipers because they have nothing else doing. Note that I said most not all. There are still very good and decent housewives please.

Now let me talk about some Risks of being a working class woman.

SourcePhoto by Maria Helena Mazuroski

  • Most working Class women may not have adequate time for their husbands and children. Not all, in some cases please.
  • Some working Class women cannot even make food for their families because of very busy schedules so they end up paying another woman to take care of their husbands and children. And this is risky.
  • I have seen so many marriages crumble because of the fact that another woman came in between the couple. All In the name of house help, or house maid.
Mention some benefits of been a house wife or been a working class.

Benefits of being a house wife.

SourcePhoto by Monstera

  • A house wife will have enough time to take care of her own husband and children. This will prevent external people from getting their attention.
  • A house wife can be able to manage her home well, because she can hvae Time to clean and tidy her home up properly.

Benefits of being a working class

SourcePhoto by Karolina Grabowska

  • A working class woman will be able to achieve her own dreams.
  • she will not be a liability but an asset to the husband.
  • She will be able to make financial contributions to support the husband.
  • She can also defend and protect her children in the society.
Which of them create more impacts in a home.

Well this is a very interesting yet difficult question. Nevertheless I will say that wether a woman is a working class or house wife, all of them can be able to create impact in their homes. It all depends on them at the end of the day.

Because being a working class woman doesn't garantee that you will create impact In your home. It all depends on you as the woman. Likewise Being a house wife doesn't garantee that you will create impact as well. It all depends on what the woman has chosen to do.

But i will conclude by saying that, I prefer a working class woman, and to me I feel she will create more impact in her home if she is a woman of virtue and is also God fearing.

Author: @newtonb

I invite @rezvan @bongk @wintia23 @wirngo @graciella @estem @napito

Thank you for reading
 last year (edited)

I invite @bossj23 to my post

 last year 

Interesting write up!
I can't agree more that both women, whether house wife or working class wife, could have good impact in a home.

@bossj23, kindly review this post.

 last year 
Thank you, @newtonb for participating in the contest in the Steem4Nigeria community today. We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below.

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  • Reviews:
    This post actually made my day. I'm impressed by the points you listed out in this post, the clarity, you ability to highlight main points and those specifications you made of who your wife would be.[house wife or working class]. Looking forward to seeing your next post. There's an ongoing Contest I'll want you to participate in.

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