in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago


Greetings all. I'm so excited to be a part of this ongoing Steemit engagement Challenge Season 5 week 3 and I will be sharing how my day went.

Morning Hours

Waking up each day to me is a miracle and it's something to be thankful for because some didn't have the opportunity to wake up. Today I woke up around 5:20am. I spent some time in the presence of my creator worshipping. I sang from the Igbo hymn (Abu)

Abu 11- Chuk’Ony’Okike (God, who made the earth)

I love this song because it gives me confidence that God is the maker of the earth and among all of His creations, He cares for me.
After that I turned on the radio to listen to the morning programs, news and commercials while preparing to go out. My programs for the day includes attending a burial ceremony at Eziudo village in Mbaise and an evening meeting at the office.

The food I Ate

For breakfast, I had Okpa (bambara nut/ jugo bean) with pap. The Okpa was bought by a friend on his way back from Enugu. I love eating Okpa Enugu because it's usually tastier than others. Also ọkpa is highly nutritious and rich in carbohydrates, protein, iron, fiber, fats etc. It is a healthy meal.

The Weather Condition of the day

Stepping out I took the picture of the morning's weather.
From the weather report in the news, it was forecasted that there will be heavy thunderstorm in the morning with temperature of 30°Celsius 100% chance of rain
While in the night, it will be cloudy with 23°celsius and 24% chance of rain. The sky already looked gloomy and may like it will release the rains anytime soon.
Location by Google Map

Early Morning Traffic In My City

Enroute the office, traffic was a bit tight. Due to the Monday sit at home, traffic on Tuesdays are usually heavy and tight because people are in a rush to go to work, business, market or school runs.

About My Work

My work entails prospecting, marketing and sales of radio airtime (advert packages). I also write scripts for advertisement etc. These and more are what I do.
I got to the office, attended to a client over the phone, that done I went to see my superior to inform her that I was set to join the others in attending the burial ceremony.
The deceased, Chukwuemeka, a young man of 30's, was the first son and had concluded plans on traveling to the UK for his masters degree until death came knocking.
The deceased family are living in the same building where my office is located so each apartment were to send at least one person and I was the one to go. We were to leave around 9:00am so we get there on time but some people didn't turn up in time so the delay made us to leave around 10:45am. We plied through Owerrinta to Ngor Okpuala, passed Ezinihitte, then entered Aboh Mbaise. The journey was safe, smooth and rough at some point because some parts of the road were bad and water logged especially as we entered Ezinihitte.
On getting there, the church service was already in progress so we joined in.

Eziudo Village Roundabout.


Afternoon Hours

I spent the early part of the afternoon at the burial venue. It was a solemn service as it involved a young man in his prime youth. The choir rendered soul touching songs.
People tuned out enmasse to commiserate with the family of the deceased. Ministers from different denominations were also there to commiserate with one of their own, as the parents of the deceased were Ministers at Christian Pentecostal Mission Int'l, Aba.
After the service, his remains were taken to his father's compound for internment.
Everyone were teary, it was indeed a great loss for the family and the church.


At the graveside.

When he was finally committed to mother earth, I and my office neighbors went to pay our condolences to the family.
After that we got on our way back to Aba. We plied same road back and it was the same experience but time spent was shorter.

What I Purchased

The only things I bought on the way were Bottled water ₦200 (2 steem) and fried ukwa (African breadfruit) ₦500 (5 Steem).

Evening Hour

We got back around 3:35pm. I went to see my my superior to give report on the journey after that we left for the meeting at the station.
The meeting lasted a long time as it bothered on discussions concerning our forthcoming 10th year anniversary.
Meeting over, I headed home, had my bath, ate dinner and retired for the night.

The Funniest And The Most Annoying Thing I Met or Experienced

I would rather say the exciting thing was seeing my General Marketing manager around. When I saw, I was so excited and rushed into her arms because she hasn't visited for months and I have missed her.
The most annoying thing was the attitude of my neighbors at not keeping to the agreed time of departure which made us to leave and arrive there late. Also the poor state of some of the roads we plied were discouraging.

My Overall Feeling At The End of The Day

Judging by the stress of the journey and the long hours spent at the meeting, I came home exhausted but grateful that the day went well.
Although I still feel shock that Chukwuemeka is no more. It's indeed a great loss and a reminder to me that one day, I will return to my creator.


Thank you for stopping by to read my post.
I invite @okere-blessing @maslam001 @sureway044 to join this contest.


That was kind of total shocked seen such premature death taken out a young man of that nature. Here only thing should be Whiled getting seen a day one should be grateful to the Maker and Sustainer of life in His terms. So sorry over such painful demised of the deceased. As per your day despite slight stressful day in all you did had fun as your day did went very well as planned.

 2 years ago 

Where have you been?

Happy Sunday , am still around Uyo my State.

It was really shocking because he wasn't sick at the time of his death although it was later diagnosed of a slight heart failure.

Here only thing should be Whiled getting seen a day one should be grateful to the Maker and Sustainer of life in His terms

Exactly, we all should strive to live at peace with our maker at all times cos no one knows the dsy he or she will depart this earth.
Thanks for engaging and your kind words.
Hope to read your post too.

 2 years ago 

Wow . ThankGod for journey mercies, going on roads now is very dangerous but am happy to hear it was safe. Rip to the dead. Babe how are you am happy to have you here.

ThankGod for journey mercies, going on roads now is very dangerous but am happy to hear it was safe

You are quite right, the insecurity on road travels are increasing by the day and traveling is becoming dangerous but thanks to the Almighty God for His protection always.

Rip to the dead.


Babe how are you am happy to have you here.

I'm very well, dear. Glad to hear from you too. Trust you are doing great.

 2 years ago 

Al parecer fue un día caluroso amig@ y tu trabajo es muy interesante. Éxitos en el concurso!

The day was very good and yes, my work is usually interesting cos I gat to meet and discuss with lots of people on a daily. Thanks for your kind words.
Goodluck too.

 2 years ago 

It is always good to start our day with a nice song because songs are a tool that makes us feel happy. Looking at the Moi-moi and Akamu that you took makes me feel tasty for such a short time. Please extend my condolences to the family of the deseased.

You have written well about how your day went. Best of luck to you.

It is always good to start our day with a nice song because songs are a tool that makes us feel happy

You are right. I love singing, Infact I sing more than I pray cos I see songs as prayers too. Also we usually say "He who sings well prays twice"

Looking at the Moi-moi and Akamu that you took makes me feel tasty for such a short time.

The food isn't moi moi but Ọkpa (bambara bean), a special delicacy peculiar to Enugu people.

Please extend my condolences to the family of the deseased.

Thanks for condoling the family.

You have written well about how your day went. Best of luck to you.

Thanks for your best wishes, I appreciate. Cheers.

 2 years ago 

The food isn't moi moi but Ọkpa (bambara bean), a special delicacy peculiar to Enugu people.

Really, but ever since I came to Igbo land be I haven't tasted it for once. Thanks for updating me about it.

 2 years ago 

May the soul of all the faithful rest in perfect soul, RIP to the soul, and I wish the the family get over it soon because it's always the will of God for the soul .

Thank you very much for sharing, please you can check my own entry here

wishing you success

Thanks for your condolences.

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