"Growing up in a Rural or Urban Area"

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago

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Dear Steem4Nigeria community and audience, welcome to my blog basically the third week of steemit engagement challenge season 15, I'm proud to participate in this challenge by presenting my humble entry.


If we walk around in every state or country around our universe, we'll probably find urban or rural areas, these are places some of us here were born and raised up and some of these places are people places of residents, today these two places is a topic which steem4Nigeria organize as their steemit challenge, it's interesting topic indeed.

Differentiate between urban and rural areas stating three major features


Before getting to differentiate between urban and rural areas, let's first understand what urban and rural areas are, then we go for differentiation.

In my little sense of humor, urban areas are a characteristic of the city area where job opportunities are bestowed, individuals move from village to settle and solve financial problems in urban area.

When talking of rural areas, it is the characteristic of some certain villages found in a particular area, we can describe rural areas as suburban because it contains the lower population of people and it mostly separate residential from business.

From the above knowledge we can slidely differentiate urban from rural areas with less stress, let's differentiate.


Urban areas are open for business, commercials are more flexible and reliable in urban areas due to the high density or population of people while, rural areas are open for agriculture due to large and prepared farmland, farmers find it easy and comfortable to grow plants in rural areas.

House rents are more costly in urban areas due to the high populated density of people, numbers of residents are higher than the numbers of the availability of houses While, house rents are low and easy to constitute because people are scarce and most people are house owners.

Urban lives are private due to threat from robbery and the introduction of American lives are based practice in urban while, rural lives are private but are lesser than urban because robbery are scarce and American lives aren't much concerned.

Which area did you grow up and why?


Honestly it's gonna be a long story but I'll cut it short, i grew up in an urban area specifically Abuja where commercials are traded, due to strict relationship I and my female parents move to rural area basically Uyo where Agriculture are well practiced, currently the rural area I move to back then is now urban area.

I grew up in an urban area because my biological parents were residents of the particular area and I later moved to a rural area because my parents biological compounds are bestowed there.

If you were told to go to the area you didn't grow up from, will you?

Honestly it depends on my want and need, I'll permanently move to an area I didn't grow up from, let's classify my want and need.

My want are things I crave for and I can't live without having them, them are:

.Job opportunity
.Good security

My needs are just the things I require for and they aren't really compulsory, them are:

.Excessive time with friends
.Love and affection

These are things that can move me to the area which I didn't grow up in, my want sections are essential and are greatly important in human growth, my need sections aren't compulsory and are not really important, I can build them myself when my wants are all in place.

What things are there in the area you grew up from that aren't in the other?

1706479393228~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

Okay.. remember I said I grew up in an urban area but later moved to a rural area which is now an urban area due to development, we have some features in my area which are scarce in other places, stream where people go to swim and have fun can be found in my area.

Having a stream in a particular environment brings in a cold breeze atmosphere, during the olden days when my parents were still teenagers like me, streams were their sources of water and the water was enriched in medicine.


Both urban and rural areas are people's choices of residents and both have their positive and negative impact on people living around, both may seem challenging to reside but we can make the best of each place we find ourselves, wherever we find ourselves let's embrace with a positive mindset and we'll surely make the best.

I officially invite @bossj23 @patjewell and @goodybest to participate in this contest.

To everyone reading and supporting this post, I wish you all the best of life ❤️🫂.

My dear you really have a point. Life is all about choice. The only difference is that they are much job opportunities in the urban areas than that of the rural area.

 6 months ago 

Oh yes!.. you just get it, there's more job opportunity in urban area than rural areas, that doesn't means that the rural areas doesn't good in anything, for instance agriculture are base in rural areas and we do see people from urban area coming down to rural to buy food stuff.

You see now? we actually make the best out of where we find ourselves when we have positive mindset.
I'm happy to have your reply In my post..🤗

Yeah I agree with you. Rural is good in agriculture most of our food is from there.

Even the business men that dells with foodstuffs most of their incomes come from the rural areas.

 6 months ago 


You are welcome

 6 months ago 


Dear @kidi40,,

I really like the discussion you presented about urban and rural. You brought out many characteristics of urban and rural. You were born in a village but lived with your family in Abuja, later due to problems the family returned with the female guardians and later moved back to the city. .You want to look at two places to realize the jinn because in one place there are many benefits including job, better life and in the other there is love and care and pleasant environment. You have a lot of fun with your acquaintances in the village. From which Neete has highlighted a beautiful bathing moment.

I wish you all the best in this competition.

 6 months ago 

Actually I was born in a small town in Abuja call Gwagwa, I later move to village due to strict relationship, currently the village which is the capital of Akwa ibom state, it is now a big city where all trades takes places.

Yeah before I move to a place I didn't grew, those things must be considered although the need sections aren't compulsory but the want section is really important, in my city there's stream in some places where i sometimes do go to bath and have fun, you must have carefully read my post before you could point out these important points, I've nothing to say than thank you, it means a lot.. ☺️☺️🤗

Many thanks to you too for reading my comment so nicely and presenting your opinion.

 6 months ago 

My pleasure...😊😊


This publication has been supported through the Steemcurator06 account for containing good quality content.

Curated by: @karianaporras

 6 months ago 

Thanks for the support, much appreciated..👍🏽

 6 months ago 

Un arroyo en la zona rural marca la diferencia ante la zona urbana, porque seguro que esta muy limpio y fresco en cambio en la zona urbana hay mucha contaminación y si el arroyo estuviera allá no sería apto para disfrutarlo como lo están haciendo ustedes en esa foto

 6 months ago 

Yes you're right, it Is difficult to find a clean stream in urban area but in rural area it's very easy, this very stream has been here in many years even before I was born, I always enjoy especially when I'm with friends, thanks for commenting..🤗🤗

Saludos amigo.

Es correcto! Ambas zonas tanto la rural como la urbana son muy buenas para vivir sin embargo Es decisión de cada persona y también depende de donde nace Que decida vivir en cada área.

Es cierto que cada zona tiene su particularidad y cada uno ofrece diferentes maneras de vivir la vida, está en nosotros adaptarnos a cada una de estas zonas y decidir dónde vivir.

Gran trabajo, éxitos con tu entrada

 6 months ago 

Well spoken sir, it's up to us to adapt and make the best of where we live, you hit the jackpot sir..🤗🤗

 6 months ago 

Both the rural and urban areas have their advantages and disadvantages. While urban area offer job opportunities for it residents rural area is good for healthy living.

Note our needs supersedes our want, they are the necessity of life, things we can't do without example food, shelter and education while want are those things we can do without them, they are luxury and wants are insatiable!

 6 months ago 

Yeah anything that has advantages must come with disadvantages, both the urban and rural areas have the good and bad side.

Talking of our need and want well I'll say it depends on people choice, I believe that want are things we can't live without but it okay, all are important in our life.
Good to have your reply in my post, I dearly appreciate.

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You said you are brought up in urban life. You think urban areas rich with job opportunities, health facilities, education, infact all the life needs are fulfill there.In rural areas we have lower population, less facilities of life. Still village life is too much peaceful and full of pleasure.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

 6 months ago 

Yes you got it right, thanks for your valuable comment, much appreciated..☺️

 6 months ago 

So nice explained brother. When I read the first question answer. I really understand it properly. First you explained what are rural and urban ares mean. The you shared your opinion. Good job brother! Keep it up. Thanks.

 6 months ago 

Thank you bro, most appreciated..🤗

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