in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago


Hello dear Nigerians, it's great to be posting here once again, I have completed my last series on my story, I really hope that you all enjoyed the story it was quite a thrill to finally see it end.

Recently I took my English examinations and I was asked to write a story ending with the title of this post, it was to be quite interesting.

There were many options but I being a story guru decided, to take up the story writing, so I'll love to share the story here with you all so please enjoy.

"At last we arrived safely"

It was going to come up again, what?, My school always had a custom of going on school trips, it was a way of bringing the students closer to each other, and the teachers bonded more with the students, having been in the school for quite s while now, I had always loved attending the school trip, the highest number of days we had stayed on a school trip was 5 days.

We all waited with baited breath at the assembly ground as they were going to announce the place we would be heading to.

The teacher gave us a hint, he said that we were going t be very much closer to nature, while we as students were still arguing amongst ourselves as to were we were going to, until the teacher announced that were going to a very popular camping site around town, it was going to be very interesting, this was actually for the senior school students as a result of the various biology practicals that we would perform during those 5 days we would be staying there.

So in Monday after the large payments had been made we, decided to head out, the first delay of the day, a student who just loved coming late, made us to leave about an hour and 30 minute late, we were all annoyed but soon we headed out.

We were all happy and couldn't wait to arrive at that place, we all gisted as to the much fun that we would have, but a student soon complained of s runny stomach, the school nurse administered some drugs to him, but he got worse, now we had to wait for his mother to come and carry him, we waited for quite a while and soon he csme and carried him home.

Everyone soon complained of hunger pangs because we hadn't eaten in the morning so we were asked to eat and we stopped the bus again so that those with physical cash could buy something that they would eat.

Soon everyone was done and we were heading out once again to continue the journey, and bad news again, while we were hale and hearty, the car stopped alone the way suddenly. It wasn't s thing to be proud of when we were told that the car had broken down, we were all tired, but luckily, the driver was quite a mechanic so he got out his tool and got to work.

Ask students we began to wander of, while I and my friends where looking at a butterfly (we were practically In the middle of nowhere) we heard a shrill and long scream.
We ran to the direction of the shout, it was a terrible sight Elena had been bitten by a snake, the biology teacher and school nurse quickly got to work and luckily the girl was saved.

Soon the driver was done and we headed out, we had wasted so much time, and the troublesome driver decided to take a shorter route.

Obviously that was a bad idea because we were raided by armed robbers, they took all electronics and told us to lie down flat, it was scary they were waiting for a particular bus to convey all the females out and best up all the males.

The police was the only thing that saved us, apart from that it would've s different story right now, they cautioned the driver, and we set out to the camping site, it was already late when we got to the bunkers but I'm glad that "AT LAST WE ARRIVED SAFELY"

Hope you enjoyed it.

See ya.


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