Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week31 : Keeping Friendship after Marriage.

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

This is another interesting topic after the marathon SEC season in the community. Welcome to my blog ladies and gentlemen of this great community. I hope to make my entry using the stated guidelines.


How do you see continuing friendship after Marriage.

This is a dicey question that needs to be handled gently. Friendship is worthy of keeps and should be adored. But the problem is that we always misconstrue that word called friendship as a relationship.

Friendship is worth continuing even after marriage. But in this case, we have to know that the healthy ones have to be retained and those that would complicate our new status should be dropped.

I have friends that I still retain up till now. My getting married did not stop my friendship with them given the fact that they were all healthy for keeps. It only becomes a problem when there are filters of intimacy with these people.

Do you encourage calling besties and treating your friends so dearly after Marriage

There are limits to what we can tolerate and it is much safer when we are comfortable with those friends before marriage. If they were not threats before marriage and I got in, it certainly shouldn't be a threat thereafter.

My spouse already has someone he calls one of those pet names and it hasn't anything to worry me. The name has been there even before my arrival and I was good with it then, so it isn't a big deal.

However, it can be a source of worry where such friendship had previously been exposed to intimacy either perceived or reality.


What experience have you or someone encountered positively or Negatively that should encourage or discourage such friendship?

I can barely speak for myself and my family on this matter. It is all about Trust and Openness in communication. Being sincere with our actions is the key. We do not need to say one thing and do another. Calling pet names isn't a problem when it has been a long-lasting friendship known before the new status.

What we have to be careful about are those who pretend names are called but wear sheep's clothing in wolf action. What works for me may not work for others. It worked for me that O doesn't have issues with that but this may not be the same for others.

What is your personal opinion or view on continuing friendship after Marriage.

My view on it is simply personal and not a personal opinion. There are cases of misplaced priorities when issues of this are done. I have straight and stress-free concerns on this where friends that we did keep were purely on healthy grounds.

This should be a concern in situations where trust and sincerity are the watchwords. We do not need to struggle to keep friendship in any circumstance except when we've been compromised.

I will like to invite my friends to participate; @xkool24 and @hisgeneral.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

I always love your choice of words. Healthy friends are worth keeping hence the need to do away with those who may seem as threats to our marriage relationship with our spouses.

Talking about "bestie" it may be a title like you rightly mentioned but when it's with the opposite gender, please I won't attend to that.

I was someone's bestie o, (confession).😂 But when he eventually got married as he asked me to marry him but I didn't want to due to reasons known to me. Immediately he got married, I advised myself especially as the wife was briefed about "this bestie." I jejely withdrew myself from him until I also got married a year after.

You see besties, I don't want them near my husband, I don't love them because nollyhood movies have taught me lessons.

Nice entry though.

 5 months ago 

Hahaha, still laughing out loud on your comments.

You see besties, I don't want them near my husband, I don't love them because nollyhood movies have taught me lessons.

 5 months ago 

Yes oooo 😄

 4 months ago 

Hello @chilaw ,hope your day is going well and your post about continuing friendships after marriage makes sense. It's important to keep the good friendships and let go of the ones that might cause trouble in marriage. Trust and honesty are key.

Yes It's okay to have close friends but we need to be careful not to let it affect our marriage. Your personal experience shows that it's possible to balance friendships and marriage well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.,wish you success🤗🌸🌺.

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