in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago


Hello friends, great to be with you all this week. Dressing and grooming is very important in our lives. The way we dress and look, affects our self confidence. It makes us bold and courageous as we speak to someone or when we face an audience. Your dressing defines whom you are.

Let us now delve into this contest of dressing hosted by @okere-blessing and see what more we can get from it.


What's your opinion on the saying, "You're addressed the way you dress"

Like I said earlier dressing tells a lot about a person. Just like we quickly identify mad people because of how haggard they look, or the mechanics due to their coverall, likewise, others form an opinion about you from the way you dress.

A person who dresses well, clean and smart is always addressed respectfully by other people. It serves as the first point of introduction to other.

So for a certainty, we are addressed the way we dress. The saying is very correct.


What's your take on dressing moderately?

Dressing moderately is very important. Just like I said earlier, we are addressed based on our mode of dressing.

A person who is modest in dressing is appreciated by responsible persons. It speaks for the person and opens doors of success to him. When we go for an interview, we all dress modestly, clean, devoid of any indecent dressing that may prompt indecent acts and failure during the interview.

A decent dressing should cover sensitive parts of our bodies. This goes especially for the ladies, even though, the men are still involved.


What would you say about Trend and Indecent dress outfits?

Trends are good if they are modest. I have no problem with it. The only thing is that, those that go after trends in fashion should have the money to be changing their wardrobe every now and then. For some 4 decades that I have lived, I have found out that the best thing is to look for outfits that suits you irrespective of what is trending.

Personally, I am a no-no for indecent dressing. I believe that every one should dress decently.


Have you had the opportunity to advise someone on their mode of dressing? What reaction did you get?

I have had so many opportunities to counsel someone about their indecent dressing. On one occasion, I noticed a young girl indecent form of dressing. It must have felt good on her and she was enjoying the attention that got her.
Well, I did not want to spoil her day, so I left her alone that day and sought for other opportunities to advise her.

The day came and from a normal friendly discussion, I reminded her that during our days, you hardly see a woman's cleavage, thighs, not to speak of her underwear. But these days, it has become a show to every passers-by, people see them without paying or asking for it. So what else do you pride in as a girl then?

After tactfully explaining why it is good to dress decently, she remembered the day she wore that dress and cited it as an example of indecent dressing.

The approach really worked, she adjusted her thinking, saw the truth and decided not to put on such types of dress again.

What is your definition of a modest dress. Is this only applicable to ladies?

Every culture has its acceptable mode of dressing both for men and for women. Each one is to find out the modest outfit obtainable in their area and wear that.

Also, in my location, people imitate western way of dressing a lot. Some of these styles are worn on stages, red carpets, movies, song videos and young ones thinks it is a modest outfit. But definitely they are not.

However, tight fitting and revealing cloths for men and women is not acceptable by me.


Are all fashion agreeable to you?

Not all fashion is agreeable to me. Only those that are modest and presentable, that are appreciated by me.

I invite @benson6, @pelon53 and @adylinah to join in this contest.


You're really smart there dude. Had it been you approached her that same day you saw her wearing indecent dress, maybe she wouldn't have given you listening ears. It's always good to create a good time and advise people regarding their dressing sense. I've learnt a lot there.

Yeah. That approach worked really well at that instance. Thanks for enjoying my article.

You're welcome friend. People learn a lot from people's actions. Seriously if i was the one maybe I would've approached her that same minutes which is not proper.


Understanding the impact of decent dressing and choosing modest attire is a commendable decision that respects cultural values and personal dignity.

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