: Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 24: Giving and how it should e done

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago




Hello friends, it is time for another interesting contest in @steem4nigeria community. The topic this time is about Giving.

To many people around the world, they feel that this period is the only time to give and be appreciated. Well, we will find out about that as we engage properly in this contest.

The contest tips will be serving as a guide as we explore this topic.


What is your definition of "Giving"

This can be defined as the act of passing what we have to others freely without expecting anything in return.

Normally when giving, the one receiving should not be expecting that something be given to him in return. It is done wholeheartedly, when the recipient is not expecting anything of that sort.

The recipient may or may not be related to the giver.

Real giving springs from the heart, out of genuine concern for the wellbeing of the person receiving. So it is an unexpected gesture of kindness, compassion and generosity.

Giving is not just about money, it encompasses so many other forms of giving, like giving of your time, attention, presence, wisdom, advice, etc.


What should be the right motive behind giving?

The main reason for giving is that the Almighty requires that we do so. His word, The bible, even specifically mentioned it as a requirement for those living by His standards.

Many people have several reasons for giving. But giving should be driven out of love and
an individuals selflessness.

Most of us belongs to one social or religious group or the other, so giving binds the members together drawing them more closer to each other. It makes each member have a sense of belonging.

When we give, we derive more joy and happiness in our lives. If we are materially bouyant and no one is enjoying the riches with us, we will still be depressed. The joy of having money is when we see others being made happy and joyful by it.

Seeing others enjoying the fun the giving provides, gives you more purpose in life and makes you develop a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment.

Others also give to improve their public image, to be known as philanthropist, improving their public relations, some others to enjoy tax exemption from whichever money they claim was given out to charity.

Some people also give so that the person will give you back in return in the future or as a way of blackmailing the recipient in the future or even in the present. They use it to buy the recipients conscience and freedom of speech.

Some others give in return for favors done to them or to express their joy and happiness for a good thing that took place in their life.

For others too, it is their family's way of life to always give and help out those in need.


Do you believe in giving and publicizing the act. I.e sharing on social media

Publicizing giving is merely a show. Its intent is selfish and for the benefit of these individual doing the giving. It is not motivated by love and concern for the recipient but out of a desperate need to improve public image.

What other blessing does the person expect from the Almighty, since he has already received the praise from humans?

No wonder, the Holy Scriptures says:

But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your gifts of mercy may be in secret. Then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you

So I do not believe in publicizing giving in whatever form it takes.


Mention some of the ways you think the act of giving should not be done.

Giving should not be done by self proclamation or when we give, we go about telling people the good we have done for those people.

It should not also be done by publicizing it in any social media. Infact, our right hand should not see what the left hand is doing.

It should not be done as a show of piety to onlookers, to be praised by them.

It should not been done as a form of buying over someone's conscience and dignity.

Giving should not be lending in disguise. Asking the person to return the favour whether directly or indirectly.

I invite @benson6, @adylinah and @chiomzy810 .to join in this contest.


Quiet impressive the act of giving requires us not to expect in return and that is only way God rewards us bountifully. Mine will be dropping any moment soon and I wish you the very best in this contest.

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